A Prosperity Prayer

I was wondering what to post today, and so I put the words prosperity and prayer into my search bar to see what I could find, and I came up with “The Prosperity Prayer”. Interestingly, it covers every single subject that I was mulling over as I considered what to write about today. The short form of the prayer is first, followed by the author, Lynn Robinson’s longer explanation of the various components.

Here’s the prayer:

prayingThe Prosperity Prayer
by Lynn Robinson

Dear God –
I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love.
I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties and fears about money, and replace them with faith.
I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life.
I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide.
I release all negative thoughts about money, and know that prosperity is my true state.
I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.
I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.
And finally, I ask you to help me understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work I love.
Please help me use my skills and knowledge to be of service in the world.
Thank you, God.

And here is her commentary:

Dear God

  • God is a loaded word for many people. I believe that God is part of us, flows through us and animates the world surrounding us. We are hard-wired to receive God’s wisdom. I see God as Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Love. Some people substitute the word God and use “Universe,” “Lord,” or “Mother Father God”. It doesn’t matter what word you use for this prayer to work. Do you even have to believe in God? The answer is no. Simply know that your words are heard and expect an answer.

I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love.

  • When we surrender our worries and concerns to God, we surrender to a Higher Power that has our best interests at heart. Surrender is a difficult concept for many of us to grasp. At first, it sounds as if I might be suggesting you simply “give up” in defeat. I’m not.
  • The Wisdom that controls the universe knows how to make the sun rise in the morning and set at night. This Wisdom has created the human body and all its intricacies that function day in and day out in miraculous ways. It has created the eyes that read this page, the ears that hear the sounds around you, the sensation of touch as your hands fall on the page.
  • Author and minister Marianne Williamson suggests that surrender is when “We learn to trust that the power that holds galaxies together can handle the circumstance of our relatively little lives.” The Universe knows what it’s doing! Can you say the same about your struggles with your financial life?
  • If the issue of surrender is one that causes you a great deal of concern, I’d like to suggest an experiment – simply try it for a month. Read the Prosperity Prayer three times a day for thirty days and choose to “surrender your concerns” to God for that period of time. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The prayers of your heart will always be heard.

I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties and fears about money and replace them with faith.

  • Many of us labor under the illusion that if we worry enough about money, we’ll ward off debt. Nothing could be further from the truth. Worry, anxiety and fear create more worry, anxiety and fear. They don’t create more money. For a thirty-day period I’d like to suggest you go on a worry diet. That’s right. Stop worrying.To live a truly prosperous life, you need to choose to let go of fear. It is a choice. Until you experience peace around the subject of money you will never be truly prosperous no matter how much money you have.
  • Here are some anti-worry techniques that work: Say the Prosperity Prayer three times a day for thirty days. Many researchers have found that it takes a thirty-day period for any habit or new thought to become effective and produce results.
  • If you find you simply can’t ditch the worry habit, try limiting your worry to a five-minute period during a specific time of the day. Find a phrase that you find comforting such as, “God is handling this now.” Or “I am choosing to have faith about money.” Or “I am now open and receptive to new avenues of income.” Say it often.
  • Take action where necessary. Asking God to release your fears and replace them with faith does not absolve you from taking steps to untangle a difficult financial situation. What do you feel guided to do? Act on it.
  • Listen for guidance. Prayer is talking to God. Meditating and listening within are the ways you receive answers. Ask for help from God for ways that you can begin to let go of fear and begin to prosper.
  • Confront your fear. Norman Vincent Peale wrote, “When you are afraid, do the thing you are afraid of and soon you will lose your fear of it.” What’s the worst thing that can happen to you regarding your concerns about money? What can you do to prevent worry from becoming reality? Do it.

I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life.

  • Here’s a secret I’ve discovered in working with clients: there is tremendous power in the images they hold in their minds. Those images (and the emotions they produce) begin to create the reality they experience in their lives. When you think about the topic of money, what pictures pop into your mind? Your maxed out credit cards? Being a bag lady on the street? Not being able to pay the rent or mortgage? Continuing to struggle in a job you hate? Maybe you imagine the prospect of being poor the rest of your life?
  • If any of the above sound familiar, I’d like you to resolve to change these pictures in your mind. I’m asking you to accept much of this prayer philosophy on faith, but trust me when I tell you that those visualizations of your current state of poverty have a negative effect on your financial and emotional health.
  • Close your eyes for a moment and bring to mind an image of what it would look and feel like to have the prosperity you desire. Spend a few moments visualizing this perfect outcome. What would you be feeling if you got what you wanted? As you visualize this image, feel those emotions. Add some words to your imagery. Use whatever works for you. “This is great.” “I feel terrific!” Imagine your friends and family celebrating with you. Do whatever you can to make this image real and vivid.
  • Ask God, “Is there anything I could do right now that would allow this prosperity flow into my life?” Await a response. Open your eyes when you feel ready. Jot down any brief ideas, thoughts and impressions you may have had.
  • Don’t take action simply on what you think makes sense. Act only on impulses that feel like fun, make you excited, or seem enjoyable to you. As you begin to change these images in your mind, the Universe will bring together the circumstances and synchronicities to enable you to have the prosperity you deserve. That’s the trust part! Don’t try to figure it out. Simply allow it to happen.

I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide. Abundance is our natural state.

  • We disallow this state through our fear and worry. We cut ourselves off from its flow. The Bible says in Luke 12:32, “It is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” You may not be currently experiencing abundance in your wallet or checkbook but I assure you, it is there for the asking.
  • When you begin to worry that there isn’t enough to go around or that God only doles out a limited supply of material to a deserving few, look around you. Take a deep breath and let in all of the abundance. Breathe the air (no limitations on that, right?). Look at your immediate environment. What do you see? Depending on the season and where you live, you’ll see leaves on the trees, snow on the ground, sand on the beach, grass on the lawns. Do you think God planned this amazing world and forgot to include the means for you to accomplish your purpose in life and live your dreams?
  • Each day as you say your Prosperity Prayer, spend a few moments to really take in the beauty and plenty in our world.

I release all negative thoughts about money, and know that prosperity is my true state.

  • Your inner thoughts – what you say to yourself – make a big difference in your ability or inability to attract material wealth. When you consistently focus on negative thoughts you can count on attracting negativity into your life.
  • The next time a severe attack of “poverty consciousness” befalls you, counter it as lovingly as possible. Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Take a deep breath and imagine you are filled with and surrounded by God’s love. Bring to mind the financial concern that is upsetting you and ask simply, “Is there another way of viewing this situation that will make me feel better?” Open your heart and your mind and await the answer.
  • Often the mere fact that you’ve asked the question will bring about the shift in consciousness that you need. If you’re faced with a difficult financial situation, affirm your ability to handle whatever comes your way and turn the problem over to God.
  • You might want to keep a stack of inspirational books, cards, audio-tapes or affirmations close at hand in order to help shift your focus. These are especially helpful for those of you who wake up in the middle of the night worrying about money. All the positive intentions in the world seem to fly out the window in those vulnerable hours before dawn.

I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.

  • There are two quotes that I absolutely love that relate to the issue of gratitude. The first is from Meister Eckhart, “If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice.” The second quote is from the famous writer, Anonymous, who said, “If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have that money can’t buy.”
  • What is in your life right now that you feel grateful for? The word abundance does not just mean financial prosperity. You are probably rich beyond measure in many areas of your life. Perhaps you are:

Rich in friends.
Overflowing with good will about your family.
Blessed with fantastic health.
Wealthy in positive life experience.
Affluent in knowledge and skill.
Prosperous with the nature surrounding your home.

  • When you begin to focus on appreciation, your intuition will constantly provide you with information about how to attain financial abundance. It will give you nudges, hints, impulses, feelings, hunches and dreams, to move you in the right direction. But in order to receive this Divine input, you must have a channel that’s open to accepting its messages.
  • I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.It’s been said that, “God helps those who help themselves.” This is especially true in the area of finances. In my work with clients, I’ve seen a clear correlation between how well they manage their money and their ability to attract more. Here’s my advice — begin to learn about balancing your checkbook, debt consolidation (if appropriate), investment options, stocks, mutual funds, financial planners and the like.
  • It might seem like a ridiculous assignment when you have negative dollars in your bank account or massive credit card debt, but do it anyway. There are three main reasons for this:
  • You begin to attract what you focus on. By looking at ways to manage your money, you are focusing your attention on prosperity, not the lack of it.
  • You will need to have this knowledge in order to wisely invest the money you bring in through the Prosperity Prayer. Remember that annoying adage, “The rich get richer, the poor get poorer?” Part of the reason for this is that the wealthy know how to manage their money well.
  • Acting as if you are wealthy is a powerful tool for attracting what you desire. Learning about money management can be a bit overwhelming at first. You don’t need to be an expert. Start with small things such as reading a beginner’s book on finances or pick up any one of the monthly money magazines that attract you and seem easy to understand. If you’re online, there are many helpful sites to visit. The learning curve may feel a bit steep so at first just read the material to get familiar with the terminology.
  • Don’t skip this step because it “isn’t spiritual.” We live in a material and practical world and it helps to know the rules of the road.

And finally, I ask you to help me to understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work I love. Please help me use my skills to be of service in the world.

  • You have a purpose in life. It is the thing about which you are excited, the thing you’d love to do if only you had a few million dollars and didn’t have to worry about money. When you are enthusiastic about something in your life, God is giving you a clue about the direction to follow. The root of the word “enthusiasm” is from the Greek, “entheos.” It literally means, “God within.”
  • Begin to trust the passion that you feel. When you listen to the whispers of your soul and take small steps forward, your life purpose begins to take shape and manifest clearly. It takes courage, trust, and strength to begin to live the life you were meant to live. You have access to the gift of divine guidance to help you begin to fulfill your destiny.
  • Each time you pray for help and you act on the guidance you receive, you align your mind with the mind of God. You tap into a stream of love and intelligence that will direct you to the prosperity that will help you fulfill your destiny.

Thank you, God. I know you are there to help me and I am grateful.


6 Responses to A Prosperity Prayer

  •  OK OK, I know…

    this post got a little out of hand… it’s a little long.. well maybe a lot long.. and so I’m sorry.

    Tomorrow I promise to put up something really really short to make up for it.

  • I think it was a great poem. One of those things that I would love to figure out a way to just insert it into my brain like software and just automatically have my attitude change.

    I had a bit of prosperity hit me today. I have direct deposit for my paychecks and when I went to see how much it was, I was astounded; it was JUST the right amount MORE to pay the bills that needed paying! I knew that I had FINALLY gotten a little bitty raise and that it would be retroactive a month or so but I figured whatever amount it was would be eaten up in taxes, and it wasn’t!

    My daughter, Shari, is still in the hospital. She may get to go home today or may wait until tomorrow. She went through the surgery great and although there were some complications with “abnormal anatomy”, all is well. Thanks for any and all prayers and Shari thanks you, too.

  • Yes it is a lovely poem with lovely thoughts but, I personally am sick of it always being our fault if prayer doesn’t work. The attitude that if you receive an answer to prayer, it is all “Thank you God” but if you don’t receive an answer it is because my/our thoughts, our thinking, our fault. How can a person, a human being not worry or have negative thoughts when you can not pay your bills, when your shelter is unsafe/unstable, when your world is a constant reminder of the absence of money in our lives? In the prayers at Silent Unity they keep telling me to look past the appearance of lack and limitation knowing that my needs are met. It is funny then when I look around and only see reinforcement for the idea of lack. I am not saying that a positive attitude doesn’t work or help. I am just saying that it is much easier to have this positive outlook when your basic needs are met. When you are not worrying over the question bills or food? When you are not fearful of your car breaking down on the way to where you need to go and then will you get home. When you are not facing a chronic or even short term physical situation. Seriously wouldn’t it be nice if we could only claim those things in our lives that turned out well and place the responsibility elsewhere when they didn’t?

  • i know i haven’t posted in a couple days, but i am still here, still following along and still praying.
    i think about the responsibility we have for our own situations, and equate it to my daughters’ room. two little girls, three and seven…..you cannot IMAGINE the mess they can make that room into. i took away all the toys and put them in boxes they have to ask permission to get down, and they managed to come up with all new ways to make a mess. And even though it was made quite easily with their own hands….when it comes to cleaning it up, it is too overwhelming. even for me. and i do it, because they are my children, and it is my world they live in and i get tired of looking at it. if they took responsibility and not only cleaned up the mess, but kept it cleaned up…they might feel better when they went in there. they might not trip over things when they have to go to the bathroom at night and hurt themselves. but it’s just too much for them to do by themselves. it’s an impossibility. trust me. even threatened with death…when it gets like that, it’s just too much for them to handle alone. I think sometimes our lives can get like that. if we actually took responsibility for every mess in our lives, even if it seems like the mess just happened around us…what kinds of answers would we come up with for why we would create such hard situations in our lives? i don’t know. i have these kinds of thoughts all the time. we ask god to clean up our mess…we beg like petulant children and say we will never do it again. then we do it again. i don’t know what all this means, but i definitely see a parallel, and if i was god….would i be tired and cranky and want a glass of wine at night and like please just two minutes of quiet PLEASE? i really do believe that somehow, on some level, we have created everything in our reality. i’m not sure why. i think we have the ability, on some level, to fix anything we want to fix, also. i haven’t figured the ‘how’ part out though. is the answer prayer? maybe. maybe not…but it is a way to say out loud the things that are lacking and the needs you have to be met…and a way to say out loud what you are thankful for and what you like about your life. i think that in itself can change the way you think about your life.

  • I am not sure what I think about it, because on one level I agree with Daniel – I think it’s a cop out to say that if you don’t have prosperity, or if you aren’t healthy, or if everything in your life isn’t happy and grand, that it’s YOUR fault because YOU are not thinking properly.

    I was reading about the “placebo effect” in the national geographic. And it occured to me to wonder if that is what prayer actually is. The effect are real and measurable.. but they only work on some things.. not measuralbly effective on tumors and heart attacks.. which (if my life can be compared to a health issue..} I think I might say that I am in the midst of a rather large heart attack right now..

    And I really don’t like it when nature analogies are used. My weeping willow will probably die next year if we don’t get more rain. Is this nature’s bounty? My tree didn’t get enough of what she needed to even survive, much less flourish and grow.

    And how about all the little wild things, all the little wild families displaced by “progress” when developers go into a perfectly beautiful wild place and tear it all up and turn it into a housing development. Are they experiencing “God’s bountiful good”?

    Mother Nature can be quite dangerous and cruel. Most truly beautiful “things” are. I was reading in that same National Geographic about volcanic eruptions.. lava flow.. fire balls.. rivers of melted rock engulfing towns.. ash falling like rain.. etc.. it was very beautiful.. and dangerous

    At the same time I do agree that we do create our own reality on some level. I have seen it happen over and over again in my own life. I have “made” things happen, and “created” change simply by changing my thinking. And I have received things I have “asked” for when I just put it out there, and then totally let go of it.

    I agree with Michelle that if we continue to make huge impossible messes in our lives, we are ultimately responsible for cleaning them up – just as we were responsibile for making them.

    I don’t know who “God” is. I know who I WANT to think God is. It is comforting to me when someone says to me that God is good, and that God is all powerful, and that a good and all powerful God is an integral part of me.. that I am that.. it sounds nice and it feels good to think that.

    On the other hand, I have this sneaking suspicion that God is a lot like Mother Nature. A gentle summer breeze and a level 5 hurricane.. a sunny day at the beach and a tsumami.. beautiful, kind, and infinitely dangerous.

    I guess I believe in a great and terrible God.. “good” like the Sun.. We can count on the sun, it warms us, it heals us, we need it, we love it, we drink that sunshine in.. it “comes up” every single day even if we are really really “bad”. And it shines down on everyone. No matter who you are, the sun will shine on you. There is no possibility that on a sunny day the “good” people have sunshine and the “wicked” people walk around in the dark.

    And if you get too close – it will burn you to a crisp, the desert sun is absolutely relentless and cruel, look directly at it, and the sun will blind you, we need clouds to cover it up, we need our earth to spin so we can get away from it for a while every single day. And isn’t the ozone depletion a problem because it takes away our protection from the sun?

    Ok. Now I am rambling.

    So I guess what I am saying is that I just don’t know. I would like to think that I can change my thinking and have what I want. I would like to think that I have help cleaning up my messes. I would like to think that God is a benevolent being who exists purely to serve my needs. I would like to think all that .. but then I look around .. at my life.. at the lives of other people in other places.. and I just don’t.

    And if what this Lynn person says is true, then wouldn’t if follow that only right thinking and grateful people can manifest money? So, wouldn’t that mean that every well to do person in america must be grateful and good and etc..etc.. And maybe the word “good” isn’t the right word.. but you know what I mean. I think there are plenty of people in our world that have a lot of money because they are selfish and greedy and grasping and competitive and even sometimes dangerous..

    And being grateful for what you do have is – I think – always a good idea. On the other hand, to be in la la land and pretending that everything is just “peachy” when you are clearly suffering and just barely making it.. that to me is a lie. And as I said yesterday, I don’t think we can manifest anything by our “word” if our “words” cannot be trusted to always be true.

    Ok I’ll shut up now.

  • ” if we continue to make huge impossible messes in our lives, we are ultimately responsible for cleaning them up – just as we were responsibile for making them”

    It depends on so much about your perspective of what “messes” we make or are they just obstacles to add to life’s collective conciousness. Wouldn’t it be so nice to really believe that we are just in mortal shells and our vision and images don’t disappear with our shells! We sure might tolerate our shells knowing this!…
    We would just have another different perspective …
    just another image melded together with our ancestor’s images!
    Maybe, just maybe we will wake up feeling the warm sun on us again to toil away without any of this knowledge but happy in our new found innocence …only images stored away in our collective conciousness…

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