Interior Decorating

Family area – an overview

Day Twenty-One:
Moving into the Family area of our homes

Working to balance and enhance this area of your home can assist in the following ways:

  • You may feel more secure in all areas of your life
  • Improve your sex life
  • Build a stronger foundation that allows you to meet life’s challenges with more confidence and less stress
  • Improve family relationships and bring harmony into family matters
  • Start being treated like one of the family by non-blood relatives
  • Enhance your business and increase your income
  • Get a promotion
  • Create a situation where you always have the money to pay the bills
  • Find balance with your emotional stability
  • Improve your physical and mental health
  • Make better choices in life

If you are unsure of where the family area is, see these posts:

Enliven your Skills with Color

Feng Shui activity for today: Add a color

  • Blue is the color for this area. Anything blue will do. Hang your blue jeans in a corner.
  • Black symbolizes water and is appropriate here.
  • Wood is the element for this area. Green symbolizes wood, so use green plants, dollar bills, green clothes, green paint.

This cool picture is a National Geographic wallpaper of the day. You can visit their website and get all kinds of cool wallpapers, or you can go here and get this image for your computer desktop.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the skills and knowledge area is, see these posts:


Add substance to Skills and Knowledge

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a symbol to the Skills and Knowledge area.

Books are the perfect enhancement for this area. Use bookends that symbolize a skill you would like to master.

Light will energize this area. Lamps with light bulbs, lanterns, candles work here, hence the sayings “Shed some light on the subject” and “Gain enlightenment.”

If you kitchen is in this area, create the intention that all your food becomes “food for thought.”

Symbols that remind you of wisdom belong here – a lamp of knowledge, the scales of justice, a judge’s gavel, a chess game, a straight-A report card, intelligent dolphins will work.

Symbols of mentors or wise people – a statue of Solomon from the Bible, the three Wise Men, Merlin the magician, Yoda, Einstein, or Gandhi can be depicted here.

Metal works here – as in “Sharp as a tack” and “Razor-sharp mind.”

Water invites wisdom your way. Place wood here with the intention that it attract wisdom. Place your meditation items here, or an altar of thanksgiving. This is the area for your hobbies and crafts.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the skills and knowledge area is, see these posts:

Skills and Knowledge area – an overview

Bringing balance into the Skills and Knowledge area of our homes will help to:

  • Make better grades
  • Make better decisions
  • Be more creative
  • Be a better businessperson
  • Attract opportunities, situations, and people to help in all areas of your life
  • Tap into your inner wisdom more often
  • Find the inner strength and will to begin a seemingly ominous or overwhelming task
  • Have better relationships

If you are unsure of where the skills and knowledge area is, see these posts:

Get your career moving

Feng Shui activity for today:

  • Add a symbol (to your career area)

Water is the element for this area. An aquarium, a fountain, or a vase of good clean water will do. Symbolic water works too – a snowy scene in a picture, a watercolor painting, starfish, or seashells work great here.

The shape of water is free-form and undulating, so any shape will work, except for square shapes (which symbolize earth, and we don’t want earth damming up our free-flowing water.)

Mirrors equal water (and they let you see how fabulous you look dressed for your new career!) Place the mirror at a level where you can look yourself in the eye and see your entire head, so you will get ahead in business.

Glass is another water element –

  • Vases
  • Aquariums
  • Fish bowls
  • Stemware

Metal of any kind works here, as well as round items –

  • Coins
  • Bells
  • Plant pots
  • Light fixtures

Hang symbols here of the Life Path you want to be on. If you want to be in the music industry, pipe music into this area, or place instruments or CDs here. If you want to be a stockbroker, a picture of Wall Street or a copy of the Wall Street Journal should be here. While you are adding symbols of your life path, be sure to remove pictures of things you would never want to do in your life.

Two activities to help the energy in your Career area:

Place some uncooked rice in a bowl. Take all the miscellaneous change you accumulate each day and place it in the bowl. Do this for thirty days. After thirty days is up, count up all the change, and give 10% to your favorite charity or a homeless person.

Write down the things you think you want out of life, or the things you think you need to begin a career, on pieces of paper – one item per paper. Fold up the papers and place them in a bowl, and stir them with a big spoon or your hand each day for nine days. All of your intentions and requests that once did not have any chi behind them will now be enlivened and start to work for you because you are stirring them up.


If you are unsure of where career area is, see these posts:

Your career in black and white

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a color

Water is the element for this area, and black is the feng shui symbol for water. Put your black briefcase here, or that Men in Black poster.

White symbolizes the metal that creates water. Anything white will attract good vibes for your life path. Books have black-and-white pages, so find a book about your career path and place it here.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life


If you are unsure of where the prosperity area is, see these posts:

Color and Containers for Helpful People

Feng Shui activity for today:

Add a color and three containers to your Helpful People and Travel area. Silver, gray and metal work here, so aluminum foil is fine.

You can set up three silver containers for three different tasks of attracting helpful people:

  1. One small silver box with a lid (real silver, silver-plated, or even a paper box painted silver)
  2. One silver envelope large enough to hold documents (can even be made of aluminum foil)
  3. One larger container, like a large vase, paper grocery bag, purse, or box (spray-paint it silver if you like, or cover it with silver fabric, sequins, or beads.)

The small silver box is used for events that need help now (3 days to 3 weeks). Those little jewelry boxes with red velvet inside work great, as the red is an activating color. This box can hold up to three requests at any one time.

The silver envelope is used for things that last months (scripts, contracts, invitations). Remove the item when you’ve been adequately helped.

The large container is for things that stay around for a LONG time (your doctor, your business clients, your family). You can place the name of everyone you meet in this container if you wish. Because this container is for the long term, I would recommend that you invest time and/or money to make it beautiful.


On paper, write the names of people or projects you need help with,for example:

  • “The insurance adjuster is helpful to me”
  • “I attract only the perfect health care practitioners for me.”
  • “I have plenty of good help with my remodeling project.”

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the helpful people and travel area is, see these posts:

Attracting Helpful People

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a symbol to the Helpful People and Travel Area

Place a picture or symbol of any helpful person that is meaningful to you: Mother Teresa, Jesus, the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King Jr, the Virgin Mary, angels, Deepak Chopra, pastors, teachers, creditors, realtors. You can place their business cards, books, tapes in this area. Who do you want to help you?

  • When you place a bell here, your request will be heard.
  • Water is a symbol of spirit – certainly a good help!
  • Helping hands, even a simple outline of a hand on paper, will work here if it has the right intention behind it.
  • Symbols of favorite places, whatever makes your heart sing when you think of being there, belongs here.

From: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the helpful people and travel area is, see these posts:

Helpful People and Travel – Overview

Life is not about doing it all by yourself, every day, every time. By allowing others to help us, we give them the opportunity to stretch and grow by helping us. Being in the flow of life means we give, and we allow others the chance to give to us. Be gracious in accepting help
Finding balance in the Helpful People and Travel area of your home can help make the following improvements in your life:

  • You will find yourself being treated more fairly and honestly.
  • You’ll find yourself at the right place at the right time more consistently.
  • The right people will become more available and willing to help you or teach you.
  • Things will run more smoothly.
  • Traveling will become less stressful and chaotic, and more fun.
  • Your intuition or divine guidance will become more easily accessible.
  • You will get more done because you won’t be doing it all yourself.
  • Feelings like “If I don’t do it, it won’t get done” or “It’s always up to me” will disappear.

If you are unsure of where the helpful people and travel area is, see these posts:

Removing Hazards to Creativity

Today we are removing hazardous elements in the creativity and children area of the home.

Fire is not good for this area. If you have a fireplace in this area, you can cure it by placing a large mirror over the fireplace, or a large picture of water. Carved ducks and fish can bring in the water element also. Candles are not good for this area.

Red is not good here. Red keeps your creativity fired up all the time and can eventually burn you out.

Triangular and pointy objects also represent fire and do not belong here.

If anything is literally blocked in this area, such as doors, drawers, furniture, walkways – unblock it immediately so the energy can flow freely to all areas.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the creativity and children area is, see these posts:

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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