
Reclaim Your Energetic Belongings

I thought this was interesting. It’s a Ritual of Energetic Retrieval for reclaiming all the stray energies that were left behind in past places of residence. I didn’t transcribe it, so we’ll have to watch it to see what his ritual is, and how it works. If you prefer to watch the video on YouTube, here’s a direct link: Reclaim Your Energetic Belongings

Audio Only

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here’s an audio only version:


How Can I Recharge My Depleted Motivation?

From Life Hacker, we have this nice little article about how to recharge when your motivation battery is depleted.

Dear Lifehacker,

Lately I’ve been completely unmotivated to do anything. Getting things done at work is a challenge, and it’s even worse at home. My apartment is becoming a mess, I never cook anymore, and I’ve been unable to keep up a healthy diet. I don’t feel depressed or all that unhappy—just very unmotivated. Is there anything I can do to recharge?

Dangerously Demotivated

Dear DD,

A lack of motivation is a difficult problem because there are likely many factors contributing to it, but the simplest way to get your motivation back is to do something you want to do. The problem with that is when you’re low on the necessary energy and willpower needed to start a particular task, your motivation is generally re-routed to indulge in something effortless like food or entertainment. Overindulgence, as you’ve likely noticed, only serves to make the problem worse. So what do you do? First, we need to pinpoint what’s causing your lack of motivation and then we need to find ways you can trick yourself into getting it back.

Social Rejection Can Kill Your Motivation

Motivation can be depleted by a number of sources. A recent post by David McRaney, author of the human behavior blog and book You Are Not So Smart, discusses many of them. One study asked a group of students to meet each other and then write down who they’d like to work with on a piece of paper. The researchers conducting the study ignored their choices and told some that they were chosen and others that nobody wanted them. Unsurprisingly, the rejected were unhappy, but here’s how it changed their behavior and why:

The researchers in the “no one chose you” study proposed that since self-regulation is required to be prosocial, you expect some sort of reward for regulating your behavior. People in the unwanted group felt the sting of ostracism, and that reframed their self-regulation as being wasteful. It was as if they thought, “Why play by the rules if no one cares?” It poked a hole in their willpower fuel tanks, and when they sat in front of the cookies they couldn’t control their impulses as well as the others. Other studies show when you feel ostracized and unwanted, you can’t solve puzzles as well, you become less likely to cooperate, less motivated to work, more likely to drink and smoke and do other self-destructive things. Rejection obliterates self-control, and thus it seems it’s one of the many avenues toward a state of ego depletion.

When you get rejected, you lose your desire to try because it seems as though nobody would care either way. It’s unlikely this is the case, as one instance of rejection from one or a few people doesn’t encompass the opinion of every person in every situation, but it feels that way and so that’s how you react.

Neglecting Your Physical Needs Makes It Hard to Do Anything

Getting rejected in even a simple way is not the only way to destroy your motivation to do much of anything. Similar effects are possible when you’re not eating:

A study published in 2010 conducted by Jonathan Leval, Shai Danziger, and Liora Avniam-Pesso of of Columbia and Ben-Guron Universities looked at 1,112 judicial ruling over the course of 10 months concerning prisoner paroles. They found that right after breakfast and lunch, your chances of getting paroled were at their highest. On average, the judges granted parole to around 60 percent of prisoners right after the judge had eaten a meal. The rate of approval crept down after that. Right before a meal, the judges granted parole to about 20 percent of those appearing before them. The less glucose in judges’ bodies, the less willing they were to make the active choice of setting a person free and accepting the consequences and the more likely they were to go with the passive choice to put the fate of the prisoner off until a future date.

When leading a busy life, it can be very easy to skip breakfast and/or have a late lunch, then find ourselves in a position where it’s difficult to get much done because we’re lacking the necessary glucose to help us think properly. Even after you finally eat, you can end up with a headache from neglecting to do so for much of the day, which doesn’t really motivate you to do much other than lie down. Neglecting our physical needs can deplete our motivation to do much, so it’s important to keep track of that neglect so it can be corrected. One way you can do that is fill out this daily personal inventory form and see if there are any common trends in your days. If there are, recharging your motivation may be as simple as eating breakfast and getting enough water.

Making Too Many Decisions Exhausts Your Brain

One of the fastest ways to get you lying on the couch with a tub of ice cream, however, is to put you in a situation where you have to make several big decisions. John Tierny, in an article for the New York Times, discusses the problem:

Decision fatigue helps explain why ordinarily sensible people get angry at colleagues and families, splurge on clothes, buy junk food at the supermarket and can’t resist the dealer’s offer to rustproof their new car. No matter how rational and high-minded you try to be, you can’t make decision after decision without paying a biological price. It’s different from ordinary physical fatigue – you’re not consciously aware of being tired – but you’re low on mental energy. The more choices you make throughout the day, the harder each one becomes for your brain, and eventually it looks for shortcuts.

This doesn’t just come down to large decisions at work. If you have to make a number of small decisions you can slowly cause the same fatigue. If you don’t manage the number of choices you make each day, whether small or large, you’ll find yourself repeatedly indulging.

How to Regain Your Motivation

Regaining your motivation involves a combination of ccombatingthe sources of its depletion and tricking yourself into taking the first step. In the case of social rejection, you’re going to feel bad and not want to do much at all, but you need to confront the problem. Perhaps there’s something you’re doing that’s causing the rejection, or perhaps you’re just interacting with unpleasant people. Talk to the person (or people) who rejected you and find out why. Look at ways you can correct the problem if you’re the cause, or try to work through it with the other person if they are. If it can’t be solved, consider ways you can remove yourself from the situation because constant unwarranted social rejection isn’t healthy for anybody.

If you’re simply not taking care of your body, the solution to that problem is pretty obvious. As previously mentioned, you first have to pinpoint the issue and you can do that easily with a daily personal inventory. Figure out what you’re neglecting in your physical needs and make it your number one priority to change that.

When it comes to decision making, it can often be difficult to manage every choice you’ll have to make because you don’t always know when you’ll have to make them. One way to get around this problem is to create a to do list of decisions rather than tasks so you’ll know what needs to be decided and when. Split them up, make sure you don’t have to much to decide in one day, and leave room for unknown decisions you may encounter as the day goes on. Don’t forget to include small things like grocery shopping, as you can get stressed out all the same when you’re trying to figure out what should and shouldn’t end up in your refrigerator.

Finally, figure out something you really want to do. This may be on the boring side and mean you want to clean your apartment, or something more exciting like make a game. Whatever it may be, take a very tiny first step that only requires about five minutes of your time. On the next day, take a slightly smaller step. Work your way up by accomplishing just a little bit more each time. When you start to see your accomplishments and how little effort they take, you’ll have an easier time making progress. After all, just getting started is everything

Hopefully these tips will help you regain your motivation. If you combat the causes and take it slow, you should be back to form in no time.


It’s Rocket Science

Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Anyone else experiencing this? When it comes to things I don’t want to do, I find that the harder I try to push myself, the stronger my resistance is. When I’m feeling pushed by life… or people… the same thing happens. My inner mule comes out, and I push back. I thought this was me being stubborn, now I find out that its simple rocket science!

Here’s a simplified explanation from Live Science:

Forces always occur in pairs; when one body pushes against another, the second body pushes back just as hard. For example, when you push a cart, the cart pushes back against you; when you pull on a rope, the rope pulls back against you; and when gravity pulls you down against the ground, the ground pushes up against your feet. The simplified version of this phenomenon has been expressed as, “You cannot touch without being touched.”

One might ask, “If the two forces are equal and opposite, why do they not cancel each other out?” Actually, in some cases they do. Consider a book resting on a table. The weight of the book pushes down on the table, while the table pushes up on the book with an equal and opposite force. In this case, the forces cancel each other because the book does not accelerate. The reason for this is that both forces are acting on the same body, while Newton’s Third Law describes two different bodies acting on each other.

If one object is much, much more massive than the other, particularly in the case of the first object being anchored to the Earth, virtually all of the acceleration is imparted to the second object, and the acceleration of the first object can be safely ignored. For instance, if you were to plant your feet and throw a baseball to the west, you would not have to consider that you actually caused the rotation of the Earth to speed up slightly while the ball was in the air. However, if you were standing on roller skates, and you threw a bowling ball forward, you would start moving backward at a noticeable speed.

Consider a horse and a cart. The horse pulls on the cart, and the cart pulls back on the horse. The two forces are equal and opposite, so why does the cart move at all? The reason is that the horse is also exerting a force on the ground, which is external to the horse–cart system, and the ground exerts a force back on the horse–cart system causing it to accelerate.

How, then, can a rocket move through space if there is nothing for it to push against? When the fuel is ignited in the rocket nozzle, the gas expands rapidly in all directions. Some of it goes backwards and has no effect on the rocket; however, some if it goes forward and crashes into the back of the rocket exerting a force that causes the rocket to accelerate in the forward direction. This is why Newton’s Third Law is considered to be the fundamental principle of rocket science.

Another explanation:

What did Newton mean when he said action? He meant — at any instant — force, or, over time, a change in momentum. So if you punch your enemy in the face … your fist exerts a force on his face, and his face exerts an equal and opposite force on your fist.

And, if you use a small gunpowder explosion to change the momentum of a bullet, the equal and opposite reaction is the equal and opposite change in momentum of you holding the gun, known commonly as recoil.

It pays to be aware of this.

But this also means you can’t exert a net force on yourself, and you can’t change your own momentum without also changing something else’s momentum by an equal and opposite amount!

9 Quick Tricks for Overcoming Inertia

Inertia is a scientific fact. As a matter of fact, it’s Newton’s First Law.

  • Objects at rest stay at rest.
  • Objects in motion stay in motion.

Newton’s first law of motion states that “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

Objects tend to “keep on doing what they’re doing.” In fact, it is the natural tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion. This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is described as inertia.

  • Inertia: the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion.

You can beat inertia by simply making yourself take action in a different direction.  Get moving. DO SOMETHING – do anything that will pull you out of your current most comfortable state.

  • Watching TV? Turn the television off and go outside.
  • Trolling Facebook? Log out and take a shower.

Whatever activity or inactivity you seem to be stuck in, knock yourself out of that flow and into a new one. Don’t just think about it. Take a deep breath and actually DO it.

And, just in case you need to put it off DOING something for just a few more minutes, we have here, from  Always Well Within, a mix of methods to rouse yourself out of inertia and inaction. Read through them. According to the author, one of them almost always works. Be skillful by choosing one that fits your particular circumstances and mood.

  1. Just get started. Do anything to get the energy and inspiration moving. Start anywhere: in the beginning, middle or end.
  2. Remove distractions. Knowing you are prone to inertia, don’t let distractions lure you away from your goal.
  3. Have a preset plan for your project. Then follow it no matter what.
  4. Do the fun parts to get out of your funk. I know it sounds like cheating, but it really gets the juices flowing again.
  5. Remember your purpose and rekindle your belief in your work.
  6. Allow yourself to do a mindless task for a short but set amount of time. Then get on with your work in progress.
  7. Taking a nap always refreshes me and makes me more enthusiastic to get back on track.
  8. Go for a walk and get some fresh air. The luxury of space and increased oxygen to your brain can easily refresh your view.
  9. Take a day off and thoroughly enjoy your self. We all have lulls in our motivation. It’s OK for you to have one too.

The brain needs downtime to replenish itself. Inertia may be a sign that you are not taking enough mental breaks during the day, which are crucial to increase productivity and boost attention. Inertia might also indicate it’s time to check in with yourself to see if this is the right project for you.

No More Excuses!

Get moving, get doing, get started!

The Violet Consuming Flame


Visualize the Violet Consuming Flame passing through the physical body. Stand there a few moments, feeling as deeply as you can Its Rushing Presence through the flesh and around you, for a radius of three feet in every direction.

See all excess substance, appearances, and records of age, strain, distress, and limitations; impurity, discord, or struggle disappear, just like smoke or a shadow! See that substance pass off, and you stand forth blazing and Self-luminous like your Higher Mental Body, dazzling in Its Sparkling Qualities.

Visualize the Violet Consuming Flame in and around individuals and conditions; and whenever you think of the Earth, visualize It a Violet Sun in space, and the humanity of Earth as Ascended Beings who are already Ascended and Free.

Hold the picture of everyone walking in the Violet Consuming Flame, just as if you walked in water which was Violet Flame instead of water, up to just below the Heart. As you hold the picture of everyone moving in the Violet Consuming Flame, you will find It shutting off most of your disturbed feelings and discordant activities of others, who perhaps are doing something wrong.

This will keep you from absorbing the mistakes and the pictures of imperfection which come through criticism, condemnation, and blame, and the discussing of the faults of others. People have no concept of what they photograph into their own bodies and into their worlds by discussing the mistakes and failures of others.

Try to govern that; and demand the picture of that which you want, and see the Violet Flame covering over what you do not want.

How The Violet Flame Effects Change

I just read an article about how the Violet Flame works, written by Patricia Cota-Robles. I would really love it if these informational essays were written in a more ordinary way, sometimes the terms and phrases used put me off a little bit, cause some eye rolling, and invoke my inner skeptic. So I thought I would try to translate it into terms and phrases that I understand, that fit in with my personal view of the world, and how things work. It was an interesting exercise, and I’m sharing it here. You will find the original article excerpt at the bottom of the post.

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How The Violet Flame Works:

When we invoke the Violet Flame, we give permission for this specific flow of energy to enter our lives. It flows into our conscious minds and infuses our bodies with it’s own unique energy. At this point, this energy can be directed by our intention and our declarations.

Here’s an example. If we are interested in changing our lives by removing the limitations we may have placed on ourselves through our own belief systems, behavior patterns, conditioning, or karma. If we would like to be in the flow of money, prosperity, happiness, … whatever it might be. We can simply ask that the Violet Flame accomplish that goal for us. We do this with our I AM Decrees.

When the Decree is said either internally or outwardly, with certainty, and with feeling, it creates a vibration. Much like ripples on a pond, or the wind stirring leaves on the trees into action. This vibration moves out from you and into the wider world and as it does so, things begin to change. Why? Because everything is at it’s core, a vibration, and this stronger vibration of the Violet Flame working hand in hand with your own certainty, brings dissonance into resonance. Changes the energy field.

Sometimes our core beliefs, the belief systems of those around us, past lives, present experiences, etc etc. make it really difficult to accept anything other than the status quo. It becomes very very difficult to see the good in a bad situation, to see prosperity when your finances say differently, to take advantage of opportunities when you don’t hear them knocking at your door. Think of a tree in the dead of winter, bare of leaves,  and yet it is full of life, and if we didn’t already know this, we would assume the worst.

When we use the Violet Flame energy, it acts as a catalyst for change. The higher vibration of the energy of the Violet Flame livens things up, gets that old stagnant negativity moving again. Just as when Spring comes and the trees become green, the flowers bloom, everything seems to come alive again.

The Violet Flame can transmute anything we want to heal or transform in our individual lives or on the planet. It can transmute and change anything. All we have to do is invoke the Violet Flame into action through our I AM Presence.

When invoking the Violet Flame, we can work on specific issues in our lives, tackle global problems, or create an invocation that covers the gamut of problems manifesting on Earth. In that case, we can use the invocation as a mantra and be an instrument of the Violet Flame any time and any place. For example, a simple invocation might be:

“I AM my Beloved I AM Presence, invoking the full power of the Violet Flame to transmute cause, core, effect, record, and memory every thought, feeling, word, action, or belief Humanity and I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that reflects anything less than the infinite perfection of God’s Divine Love.”

By memorizing a simple affirmation like this, we can say it frequently throughout the day. Then we will be a constant force of the Violet Flame wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Occasionally, people invoke the Violet Flame without seeing the results in the outer world as quickly as they would like to see them. This gives them the erroneous impression that the Violet Flame is not working. That is never the case!

It is important to remember that when giving the decrees, you must feel the truth of it. Do not use a Decree that doesn’t “feel” right. Only use decrees that resonate completely, decrees that give you a feeling of strength and truth when you say them. You don’t have to believe with your mind, but it is important to feel the energy in your body.

The Violet Flame is a gift of Divine Light that works scientifically to the letter each and every time it is invoked by the I AM Presence. The moment you reach a critical mass of the Violet Flame in your Life there will be an unstoppable shift and whatever you are invoking will manifest in your life. The Key is to “Keep on keeping on!” The Violet Flame is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based miscreations of your past.

Remember, you have the ability to transmute hundreds of lifetimes worth of negativity “in the twinkling of an eye.” Know that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and YOU are that Light.

Patricia Cota-Robles on The Violet Flame:

97b1f43ae73a9f32e17b4bf1c98f7cfeWhen we invoke the Violet Flame through our I AM Presence, we give permission for this Sacred Fire to enter our lives. The Violet Flame then flows through our Silver Cord into our Crown Chakra, then it descends into the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in our heart. When the Violet Fire enters our Heart Flame, it is stamped with our unique, individual electronic Light pattern. After that is accomplished, it awaits direction from our I AM Presence.

For example, if we are interested in transmuting the obsolete patterns of poverty consciousness that we developed over many lifetimes through our belief in lack and limitation, we simply ask the Violet Flame to accomplish that goal. This can be done through a simple invocation. For example:

“I AM my Beloved I AM Presence, invoking the full power of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame to transmute cause, core, effect, record, and memory every thought, feeling, word, action, or belief I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that reflects poverty consciousness or lack and limitation of any kind.”

With that invocation, the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame immediately goes into action. It blazes forth from our Heart Flame, stamped with our own electronic Light pattern. It travels through the atmosphere of Earth and expands out into the Universe. On its journey, it seeks out and magnetizes to itself every electron of energy vibrating with a frequency of poverty, lack, or limitation that is stamped with the same electronic Light pattern.

No matter how dense the frequency of poverty is that cloaks the energy we misqualified during our many lifetimes, there is still a core of purity in every electron that contains its original Divine Potential. This means that within every electron manifesting as poverty there is still, pulsating within its core, the Divine Potential of God’s Infinite Abundance. Within every electron manifesting as hatred there is still the Divine Potential of God’s Infinite Love. Within every electron of war there is still the Divine Potential of Eternal Peace. Within every electron of disease there is still the Divine Potential of Vibrant Health.

Once the Violet Flame engulfs the misqualified energy that is stamped with our electronic Light pattern, it penetrates into the core of purity in each electron and activates the Divine Potential that is encoded there. As the Divine Potential of God’s Infinite Abundance is activated within every electron of our poverty consciousness, the atomic and subatomic particles and waves within the electrons begin to spin more rapidly on their axis. The centrifugal force of this acceleration casts the dark frequencies of poverty, lack, and limitation into the Violet Flame. The Violet Fire instantly consumes the frequencies of poverty and transmutes them back into the frequency of God’s Infinite Abundance.

The Violet Flame can transmute anything we want to heal or transform in our individual lives or on the planet. It can transmute back into Light anything that is not reflecting the love, harmony, and balance of Heaven on Earth. All we have to do is invoke the Violet Flame into action through our I AM Presence.

When invoking the Violet Flame, we can work on specific issues in our lives, tackle global problems, or create an invocation that covers the gamut of problems manifesting on Earth. In that case, we can use the invocation as a mantra and be an instrument of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame any time and any place. For example, a simple invocation might be:

“I AM my Beloved I AM Presence, invoking the full power of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame to transmute cause, core, effect, record, and memory every thought, feeling, word, action, or belief Humanity and I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that reflects anything less than the infinite perfection of God’s Divine Love.”

By memorizing a simple affirmation like this, we can say it frequently throughout the day. Then we will be a constant force of the Violet Flame wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Occasionally, people invoke the Violet Flame without seeing the results in the outer world as quickly as they would like to see them. This gives them the erroneous impression that the Violet Flame is not working. That is never the case!

The Violet Flame is a gift of Divine Light that works scientifically to the letter each and every time it is invoked by the I AM Presence. The moment you reach a critical mass of the Violet Flame in your Life there will be an unstoppable shift and whatever you are invoking will manifest in your life. The Key is to “Keep on keeping on!” The Violet Flame is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based miscreations of your past.

Remember, you have the ability to transmute hundreds of lifetimes worth of negativity “in the twinkling of an eye.” Know that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and YOU are that Light.

Why Does It Work?


“People do notice a spiritual and physical difference when they use the violet flame. But what actually happens when we repeat the words of a violet-flame decree?”

This is what I have been trying to figure out, and what follows is an explanation that I found at Marius Fine Art. I’m not sure what I think about the Ascended Masters, but the Violet Flame decrees definitely have an effect on me, so I’m keeping an open mind.

“I can give you two perspectives on this-the spiritual perspective as it has been revealed to me by the Ascended Masters and a scientific perspective based on recent developments in physics and medicine. Both explanations involve the concept of vibration.

In physics, vibration is the speed at which something moves back and forth, or oscillates. As I understand it, at a spiritual level vibration is also the rate of spin of the electrons as they move around the nucleus of the atom. As we will see, these definitions may not be far apart.

We each have four bodies that are envelopes of our soul:

  1. The physical body, which we can see and touch;
  2. The desire, or astral, body, which contains our emotions;
  3. The mental body, which is our conscious mind;
  4. The etheric, or memory, body, which contains the memories of all of our past lives.

The violet flame works on these four lower bodies by changing the rate of their vibration.

Saint Germain has given us the violet-flame decree:

“I AM a being of violet fire!
I AM the purity God desires!”

When you recite this and other violet-flame decrees, the violet flame permeates every cell and atom of your body, into your mind, your emotions, your subconscious and your memory.

What does the violet flame do when it permeates your atoms? The Masters have given the following explanation.

We all know that atoms are mostly empty space. If an atom were the size of a basketball, its nucleus would still be too small for our eyes to see. Yet 99.9 percent of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus, leaving the rest of that basketball as empty space, inhabited solely by electrons, which weigh very little. All that empty space between the nucleus and the edge of the atom is where discord and negative energy can become stuck.

At the cellular and molecular level, this substance appears as dust, soot, tar or even cement. The Masters have used the illustration of someone taking a pail of molten tar and pouring it over a barrel full of marbles. The space between the marbles gets gummed up by the tar running down, and soon the whole mass is welded together.

The Masters tell us that when our physical and spiritual bodies become clogged by negative energy and karma, it slows down the vibration of the electrons in our four lower bodies. We then begin to resonate more with negativity and less with the pure cosmic energy that comes from our God Presence, and eventually we can become ill. The more substance there is in our four lower bodies, the lower our rate of vibration and the more burdened we become. Spiritually, this is why people die.

If you have studied acupuncture and yoga, you know that optimum health comes when spiritual energy is flowing freely through our bodies. When karmic substance solidifies, it’s like the hardening of the arteries of our spiritual bodies. When we resonate with this negativity, we will gradually become it unless we do something to turn ourselves around.

The violet fire transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in your spiritual or physical being. This includes everything from kernels of self-hatred to physical viruses. When the violet flame goes to work, it passes through the clogged spaces between the electrons and the nuclei. It ejects these particles of dense substance from your body and dissolves them. This process transmutes the negative energy into positive energy and restores it to its native purity.


Enhancing The Flow of Chi

Today’s task is to take a leisurely walk through your home and try to visualize how the chi flows. Take a pencil and paper with you and make note of the changes you might want to make.

Wherever the chi flow in a room is disrupted, difficulties occur. Anyone who has ever walked down a windy street flanked by high buildings will know that the gusts are always worse at the corners of buildings where the wind whips up into a spiral.

Where there are edges, we should aim to soften them. Plants are one solution and fabrics are another. Wherever possible, make columns rounded. Square columns are not conducive to the free flow of chi because their four corners point knife-like into the room.

Having the edges of furniture pointing at us can make us feel uncomfortable, as can the edges of shelves and fireplaces. We can use plants to soften shelf edges near where we sit.

Corners of rooms are often dark, so it is a good idea to place something colorful there, like a vase of silk flowers for example. Alternatively, you can use something that moves, such as a lava lamp or a water feature. Putting plants in dark corners where stagnant chi accumulates will help the chi to move on. Spiky plants are particularly good provided they are away from chairs where they could direct “poison arrows” upwards toward the occupants.

Alcoves filled with shelves on either side of a fireplace help prevent a stagnant area there, provided they are not crammed full, and some gaps are left.

Does your home have an attic room with a sloping ceiling? Sleeping or working under a slope depresses personal chi and these areas do nothing to aid the regenerative process of sleep nor creative process during the day. Use such rooms as hobby, or play rooms, or for any activity of a temporary nature. Use mirrors and lights to create the illusion of lifting the slope.

Beams are not recommended in Feng Shui because they can be oppressive when positioned over a bed, stove, or desk, and suppress the chi of the people beneath them. Move the dining table, desk or bed if it sits directly under a beam. You can reduce the effect of beams by hanging small light colored objects from them, and/or painting them a light color. Do not hang large heavy objects below a beam or anything that collects dust.

Doors represent our freedom and our access to the outside world; they are also a barrier, acting as protection, supplying support and comfort. Doors which squeak, stick, have broken latches, or handles too close to the edge so we scrape our knuckles whenever we open them should all be repaired. Keep a wedge close to the doors that might slam irritatingly in the breeze.

Windows act as our eyes on the world. If our access or vision through them is impeded in any way, we may suffer problems as a consequence. Everyone should have a view of the sky through the seasons or they will lose their connection with the natural world. Stained glass panels in doors permit light and lift the energy in dark spaces. Adding an attractive stained-glass hanging can offer some privacy while creating a lively energy in the room.

From The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui by Gill Hale

Mastering The Concept of Chi

Many of the principles can be easily applied to the home. The most difficult concept in Feng Shui is learning about chi. The below illustration will allow you to visualize how energy moves and how it may become stagnant, stuck or move to quickly to benefit your home.

Think of chi as a bucket of water. Pour an imaginary bucket of water into your home from the front door. Where does the water go? Does it quickly go in a straight line out your back door or does it get stuck at the front door where all the shoes and jackets are kept. Keep pouring the imaginary water in different rooms to see where it travels. You should note how the chi moves and with what speed.

Taken from an article at where you can find more information and a number of interesting links.


A Healing Crystal

quartz-crystalA quartz crystal emits a frequency of energy, a vibration. Romanies are known for using crystal balls for clairvoyance, but they also use quartz rock crystal for healing.

If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light. Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site. Imagine a stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing the area in its pure rays.

Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.

You can also wrap your crystal with wire and wear it on a ribbon or chain and keep it close to your heart.


If you are interested in learning how to wire wrap crystals, instructions can be found at Witch Way, unfortunately they don’t have any pictures posted. A really cool tutorial with pictures can be found at Tower Crystals. Their tools and supplies look a little intimidating, but looking at their pictures and then reading the Witch Way tutorial might give you enough information to get the job done. Or, you can purchase a kit complete with a quartz crystal at Arkansas Crystal Works. And I also found an online class in wire wrapping at the Bead Man.


I double checked the above links and only one leads to an actual page. I’m sure, however, that a search on Google will bring up a bunch of stuff about how to wrap crystals.

Crystal Healing Spell borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore

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