
I Demand And I Am

I found this wonderful litany in Book One of the I Am Decrees. I edited it a little bit to make it feel more powerful to me, and then I recited it out loud and with feeling. I would suggest making sure that each of the demands resonate with you, change them or add your own, and then… WOW!  Here it is:


I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Power of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame of a Thousand Suns in It’s threefold action, physically manifest now, here and forever, with full power, now and forever, for all Eternity.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM

  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Power
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Purity
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Illumination
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Strength
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Manifestation
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Protection 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Wisdom 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Perfection
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Victory
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Love
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Music
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Freedom
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Healing
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Action
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Precipitation 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Substance
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Heart 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Mind 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Truth
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Revelation
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Compassion 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Joy
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Peace
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Harmony 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Magick
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Silence
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.

Physically manifest now, here and forever, with full power, for all Eternity.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM

Breath of God


Breath of God inside each cell
I AM the violet flame
Pulsing out the cosmic time
I AM the violet flame
Energizing mind and heart
I AM the violet flame
Sustaining God’s creation now
I AM the violet flame
With all love, With all love, With all love

Shimmering in a crystal cave
I AM the violet flame
Searching out all hidden pain
I AM the violet flame
Consuming cause and core of fear
I AM the violet flame
Revealing now the inner name
I AM the violet flame
With all peace, With all peace, With all peace

Flashing like a lightning bolt
I AM the violet flame
Stretching through the galaxies
I AM the violet flame
Connecting soul and Spirit now
I AM the violet flame
Raising you to cosmic heights
I AM the violet flame
With all power, With all power, With all power.

From Deep Trance Now

Transform Anything


Here is a nice little article from Healing and Love about the Violet Flame and how to use it in specific and difficult situations:

The violet flame is available to every person and you invoke it through your I AM Presence.  Each of you has an I am Presence, your soul.

This is who you are, your God spark.  You must ask before you can receive. Once you invoke it, the violet flame will do whatever you invoke it to do. It will help you with relationships, money issues, pain, suffering, hurt feelings, anything.

All of this can be transmuted into the light and released. This is how powerful the violet flame is and it is there for you to take advantage of. The violet flame can transform anything that you want to heal, anything that you want better in your life. It is that powerful and it is now available to you. Please take advantage of it and invoke it in your life.

Ask it to transmute everything into the light. It does work. The violet flame will help you in your life. It will help heal you by releasing the pain and suffering that you may be holding on to.  It will help you to forgive and allow you to move forward in your life. To invoke the violet flame in this way, say the following:

Thorough my I AM Presence, I now invoke the violet flame. I ask it to flow now through my crown chakra into my heart and into every cell of my mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and physical body. I ask it now to transmute into the light every thought, deed, word, or act that I have ever made or done in this lifetime and past lifetimes with respect to_______________.

In the underlined area, just state what the situation refers to. Maybe you had a fight with your spouse, then state it there. Maybe you have been hurt by someone and can’t forgive them, then state this.  It does not matter what it is!  There are no sins, just karma.  It is the intention that matters.  Whatever situation that is bothering you or hindering you in any way, including poverty consciousness, just state it in the invocation.  And once you do this, have faith and trust that it is working, because it is.

Do not have any expectations about the outcome and do not worry about it, just like you do not worry that the sun will come out tomorrow.  Mother / Father God has given to us this gift of the violet flame which will allow you to literally in an instant transmute all of your transgressions from this lifetime and all past lifetimes by invoking the violet flame by your heart warm intention. Give it a try to let it work for you.

See how much better and lighter and happier you will be. Since I started using the violet flame, I have never been happier as I am now in my entire life. It does work. Take it from me.  Invoke it and cleanse and purify and transmute your troubled transgressions into the light.

Once you do this, your light will shine brighter and you will allow others to see your beautiful shining Light.  Remember that YOU are loved, YOU are powerful and YOU are the LIGHT!!!  And nobody and nothing can turn off YOUR light!  So shine on my friends…

Getting Things Done


Yesterday I had a great experience with the Violet Flame. I woke up in the morning with a lot to do, but no desire whatsoever to do any of it. When I did my 15 minute meditation, I found myself making up a new decree. It went like this:

I AM a being of Violet Fire
I am the power the Gods desire.
I can and I will do what is required.
I will and I can do what is desired.
I AM, I AM the Violet Flame.
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM

Then, when my meditation time was complete. I got up and ran errands and did everything I needed to do. It felt so easy and so without effort or angst. If anyone else makes one up, I’d love to see it.

I made this one into an image because sometimes that makes it easier to remember. Here it is:


El Morya’s I Am Affirmations


El Morya’s I AM affirmations help purify and energize the three major aspects of our practical spirituality—heart, head and hand—for a greater mind-heart-body connection.


We begin with the heart because the heart is the hub of life, physically and spiritually. The heart is the place where we commune with God. It is the center from which we send out our love to nourish mankind.

With the “Heart” mantra, we call forth the transmutative power of the violet flame to dissolve negative feelings and karma that block the flow of energy through our heart. This mantra helps us develop the qualities of the heart. It helps us become more open, more sensitive and more compassionate to the plight of so many who need our love and our prayers.

Visualize the violet flame within your heart as a pulsating violet light that softens your heart, transforming anger into compassion, bitterness into sweetness, anxiety into peace.

Violet fire, thou love divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you.


Our head, or crown chakra, is the chalice where we receive the creative thoughts of God and our Higher Self. The “Head” mantra clears the physical and spiritual faculties of the mind so that we can think and communicate more clearly. It helps us strengthen our intuitive faculties, including our third eye chakra, and develop a keener perception of spiritual dimensions.

See the violet flame leaping up from your heart and penetrating into your head to clear your mind of all mental blocks, negative images and limiting concepts about yourself or others. See your mind becoming filled with the brilliant light of God.

I AM light, thou Christ in me,
Set my mind forever free;
Violet fire, forever shine
Deep within this mind of mine. God who gives my daily bread,
With violet fire fill my head
Till thy radiance heavenlike
Makes my mind a mind of light.


Our hands represent how we put our spirituality into practice. The hand symbolizes the power of God to make things happen—through our profession, our service to life, the big and small things we do for others every day. Through our hand we can transfer tremendous energy and healing. In the “Hand” mantra we affirm that when we work hand-in-hand with God, nothing will be impossible.

Visualize the violet flame dissolving the cause, effect, record and memory of those things you had a “hand” in that you wish you hadn’t done.

I AM the hand of God in action,
Gaining victory every day;
My pure soul’s great satisfaction
Is to walk the Middle Way.

Found at: Summit Lighthouse

Money In The Mail

At work the other day, a friend of mine told me about how one day she just decided that it would be OK for money to come to her without her having to work really hard for it. And so she just started telling herself, “I get money in the mail all the time.”

They way she said it was just cheerful and upbeat, with the same sincerity and same tone as she might have said, “I go to the movies every Saturday.” Now here’s the interesting thing, she started to get cash in the mail almost right away, and money from unexpected places too.

My Million Dollar Affirmation

This is what I am doing, and it feels really good to me, so I thought I’d share it:

I downloaded the wallpaper from Steve Pavlina’s website so that I would have it right there to look at and so I wouldn’t forget what it was.

When I sit down at my desk in the morning, I look at the affirmation, and think about how cool it would be to have a million dollars. And if it was as easy as just saying this one thing every day, that would be great.

Then I am breathe in and saying (not out loud) “In an easy and relaxed manner“… and I consciously relax as I think about the concept of easy and relaxed…

I breathe out and repeat mentally “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha” (one of the Ganesh mantras)… I chose this mantra because it is for new beginnings and for success; and also because it felt good in my mind when I read it…. and I say to myself “with Ganesh as my ally and partner, this can be easy and relaxed”…

Then I inhale “in a healthy and positive way“.. and as I do, I think how good it would be to feel 100% healthy and happy…

As I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha“.. I think about Ganesh clearing out all the clutter, crud, and crap, and how good that will feel when it’s done…

Then I breathe in and say “in it’s own perfect time“.. and I think about how I can just let it all happen naturally without putting a lot of pressure into the when and the how because life is a journey not a destination, and I can stop and smell the roses along the way, and I don’t have to be in a rush for everything to be right now.

Which is almost like a huge sigh of relief as I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha” and think about Ganesh as the supporter of the world and how he is like going out in front of me clearing the way, and taking care of me, how that feels pretty safe and good..

And I breathe in “I intend one million dollars to come into my life” … and I think about money winging its way to me.. about money in the mail, money in my hands, money in my checking account, money piling up around softly burning candles, money coming through the front door, money slipping in through open windows, money drifting out of the clear blue sky… and I remember that I like money, and that money is my friend

As I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha” it’s easy to think of Ganesh and his bowl of sweet fruit and modaka balls, and how life can be so sweet… and that feels really good because I don’t often entertain the notion of life as sweet.

Then, I breathe in .. “and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention“.. and I think about opening my heart to everyone and generosity and giving and sharing, and I try to feel my heart actually softening and opening and becoming tender..

And as I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha“… I give the whole thing to Ganesh.. like a present.. and say here it is.. I release it to you.. do whatever pleases you

I do this about three times.. whenever I sit down at the computer. Sometimes, I just breathe and say the mantra and the affirmation because visualizing all that stuff seems just too complicated, other times the visualizations are effortless and come naturally. I try to just go with the flow. Then I get busy and forget about it.

This lovely image, by the way, is the Goddess of Wealth.

How it works

This experiment is based on the intention-manifestation model of reality, where the goal is to generate $1 million of additional wealth for each person who chooses to participate.

If you wish to participate, all you need to do is to decide to put forth the following intention:

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention.

Spend time each day thinking about this intention. You can write it down, post it on a wall, recite it aloud, memorize it, visualize it happening, sing it, express it artistically, blog about it, discuss it with others, meditate on it, pray it, or otherwise put some positive thought energy behind it. Tell the universe to “make it so” in whatever way you feel is a good fit for your current belief system.

Your minimum level of participation is to consciously think about the intention above for just 60 seconds per day. Sometime each day remind yourself to pause, take a deep breath, review the intention, focus your creative conscious energy on it with the expectation that it will manifest, and then release it completely. Allow the universe to handle the details. You’re always free to do more, but commit yourself to at least 60 seconds each day for as long as you wish to continue the experiment. Treat it like an item on your daily to do list, or establish a regular time for it to make it a habit.

You don’t have to physically do anything until and unless you feel intuitively guided to do so. Allow the universe to handle the details, and don’t be concerned with how the money will manifest. Just focus on the intention while remaining detached from any particular outcome.

Stay on the lookout for synchronicities (i.e. unusual coincidences) and new opportunities that may come into your life as a result of this experiment, especially within the first 48 hours. And when a new opportunity comes to you as a result of this intention, take advantage of it if you feel drawn to action.

What Is The Million Dollar Experiment?

The Million Dollar Experiment was an intention-manifestation experiment that ran from Nov 2005 to Feb 2007.

The goal of the experiment was to attempt to use the power of intention to manifest $1 million for each person who chose to participate. It was 100% free with no costs of any kind.

The basic experiment was outlined in two blog posts on Steve Pavlina‘s website: Million Dollar Experiment and Million Dollar Experiment 2.0.


A total of 1730 people participated in the experiment publicly, although not everyone started at the same time. Those people reported manifesting a combined total of $1,247,929.17 in extra money.

The Intention

Each person who chose to participate agreed to consciously hold the following intention:

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention.


Participants were provided with the following instructions:

Consciously think about the intention above for just 60 seconds per day. Sometime each day remind yourself to pause, take a deep breath, review the intention, focus your creative conscious energy on it with the expectation that it will manifest, and then release it completely. Allow the universe to handle the details. You’re always free to do more, but commit yourself to at least 60 seconds each day for as long as you wish to continue the experiment. Treat it like an item on your daily to do list, or establish a regular time to make it a habit.

Spend time each day thinking about this intention. You can write it down, post it on a wall, recite it aloud, memorize it, visualize it happening, sing it, express it artistically, blog about it, discuss it with others, meditate on it, pray it, or otherwise put some positive thought energy behind it. Tell the universe to “make it so” in whatever way you feel is a good fit for your current belief system.

You don’t have to physically do anything until and unless you feel intuitively guided to do so. Allow the universe to handle the details, and don’t be concerned with how the money will manifest. Just focus on the intention while remaining detached from any particular outcome. Stay on the lookout for synchronicities (i.e. unusual coincidences) and new opportunities that may come into your life as a result of this experiment, especially within the first 48 hours. And when a new opportunity comes to you as a result of this intention, take advantage of it if you feel inspired to act.

Reasons to Join the Million Dollar Experiment

  • Help participate in a global thought experiment to experience the power of intention.
  • Focus your thoughts on the goal of attracting wealth in a way that serves the greater good.
  • Possibly become a millionaire yourself.
  • There’s no downside other than investing a fraction of your time each day in holding the intention.
  • If there is a superconscious effect to this experiment, you will be on the receiving end of other people’s positive intentions.
  • Even if the effect is purely subconscious in nature, you may become more attuned to financial opportunities in your life right now.
  • It’s 100% free.
  • What if it works?
Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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Abundance Chants & Raps
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  • I Am That I Am 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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