Laying The Groundwork

Prosperity – What is it?


Today we’re changing it up a little bit and looking at what does prosperity mean, specifically, what does it mean to you personally. The dictionary definition is pretty broad, it’s as follows:

  1. A successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune.
  2. Prosperous circumstances, characterized by financial success or good fortune.

What we’re looking for here are specifics. What exactly does it mean for you personally. What would it take for you to “feel” and/or “be” prosperous? And yes, once again, let’s write that list down. Firm it up. Give it texture and life with lots of details and specifics.

Tomorrow we’re going to take a closer look at our lists and our prosperity visions, so don’t be shy about writing everything down that says “prosperity” to you. And don’t stop there, go ahead and write down everything you really want.

Is it a stack of money? A guaranteed income? A new house, nice clothes, state of the art electronics, a new car? Is it vacation time? A job you love? Financial stability? Safety and comfort? Health? Happiness? Fame? Fortune? A fulfilling career? Travel opportunities? Excitement? Adventure? All of the above? Something completely different?

Something Good


Today we are going to work on a new list. I’m calling it the “Something Good About Me” list. Let’s take some time today to write a nice long list of everything we can think of about ourselves that we perceive to be good. All of our positive qualities, our talents, our strengths.

Don’t be tempted to skimp on this list. Make it as long and as detailed as you possibly can. Include sentences that begin with the following:

  • I have …
  • I can …
  • I do …
  • I am …
  • I know …
  • I understand …
  •  I make …

Imagine That!


Today lets imagine what our lives would be like, how different we would be, how different our situations and circumstances would be if that most uncomfortable “I am …” statement was, in fact NOT TRUE.

Take a few minutes to just sit with it… and if you can’t visualize it, if you can’t “feel” the difference, try substituting a better or different word for the one that triggers those negative feelings. The substitution should be something that directly addresses the original statement.

Here are some examples:

  • Change “I am ugly” into “I am unusual and interesting” or “I am beautiful.”
  • “I am incompetent” could become “I am a DIY guru” or “I am an expert.”
  • “I am fat” could be changed into “I am strong and fit” or “I love my curvy new body.”

Think about how you would act, how you would walk. Who would you talk to? What would you do? Would you wear different clothes? Look for a different job? Would you hold your head high? Would you smile a lot?  Imagine all the ways your life would be changed.

Keep working with the phrase until you come up with something that puts a smile on your face, and feels really good to think or say.  You’re looking for an image or a phrase that would feel like freedom and happiness IF you could say it about yourself and KNOW it to be true.

Don’t worry too much if you don’t believe it could ever be true. All we’re trying to accomplish here is to have a look at how it would feel if that negative “I am…” statement from yesterday did not apply to you at all. Focus in on that feel good feeling, and enjoy it.

Writing It Down


Today we are going to revisit yesterday’s list of “I am…” statements. I hope you wrote them down, and if you didn’t take some time right now to revisit yesterday’s post and make a list of at least 5 statements.

As you look over the I am statements from yesterday, take a little bit of time to read each one and think about how does it make you feel to say that?

  • Good? Bad? Happy? Sad? Embarrassed? Ashamed?
  • Maybe it just feels true… and neither good nor bad.

Today, I want us to take a look at the statement that we like the least. The one that makes us feel the worst when we think it. It might even be something that you wouldn’t even be comfortable saying out loud. Take that statement and write it in big bold letters on a new page of your notebook.

  • Are you avoiding it?
  • Hiding from it?
  • Fighting with it?
  • Overwhelmed by it?
  • At a loss as to what to do about it?
  • All of the above?
  • None of the above?
  • Something else is going on with it?

While you are contemplating this statement about yourself, make a circle around it. Any kind of a circle, a big fat circle, a raggedy jaggedy circle, a complicated spiral, a simple bubble… doesn’t matter. Just make a circle around your statement.

Once your circle is complete, on the OUTSIDE of that circle, write, draw, or doodle whatever it is that you’d like to do to it. Maybe you want to decorate it… maybe you want to poke holes in it… maybe you want to yell at it… drop bombs on it…  You’ll know when you’re done.

Now, underneath what you’ve just done, write (and finish) the following sentences.

  • I am … AND …
  • I am … BUT …
  • I am … BECAUSE …
  • I am … and that’s OK because …
  • I am … and that’s NOT OK because …
  • I am NOT … when …

The intention here is to begin to think about our deeper motivations, to begin to pay attention to ourselves, to take a look behind the scenes and really get clear about our perceived faults and flaws. Sometimes a fault or flaw is also a survival mechanism. Sometimes our “shit” gets us what we want, it might be attention, or comfort, or a way to control our environment or the people around us. Sometimes we use cruel words to force ourselves into action.

If this exercise gives you an insight into yourself, your behavior, your patterns… or anything else in your life. I’d love to hear about it.

You Are …

Hello and welcome to the Laying the Groundwork Project.
I thought we’d start by introducing ourselves..
to ourselves.

spoken word

As we discovered in the Violet Flame Project“Every spoken sentence beginning with ‘I Am’ is a powerful spell exhaled into action.”

For our first exercise, you’ll need to have a pen and paper ready. I’m going to have you finish a sentence with the very first word that pops into your mind. Don’t worry, you won’t have to share that word with anyone except for yourself.

So… are you ready? Finish the following sentence with the first word that pops into your mind:

I am …..

Now, how many other things can you think of to finish that sentence with? Make a list. Write them down. Write as many as you can think of. It’s important to actually write them down because we’ll be revisiting our lists tomorrow. As the day goes by, pay attention if you find yourself saying or thinking “I am…”

Jumping In


If you are interested in jumping into the upcoming project, Laying The Groundwork, you are on the right page. All that’s needed is a short comment about what it is that you’d like to accomplish with this 30 day experimental exercise, what you’re interested in working on, and what your expectations are.

When our project is complete, we’ll use these comments to determine whether or not the project was successful. It will also help me to know what direction to take us as we navigate the next 30 days.

All that is necessary for the project itself is a spiral notebook, a pen, and a willingness to be clear and honest with yourself about yourself. I’d love it if you’d share your ideas, experiences, questions, conundrums, and insights as we go along.

I will be posting something new every day, and each post will be shared on our Facebook page. If you’d like to be notified via email, you can do that through the Feed Burner form in the sidebar. My hope is that we will have a lively dialogue and lots of new insights and revelations.

The project begins on Feb 15. See you soon!

Laying The Groundwork


This spectacular garden didn’t just pop out of the ground, awesome and amazing and ready to be enjoyed. It was planned and plotted out in advance. The location, climate, soil, budget, and purpose were analyzed and research was done.

My first garden was a spectacular success and an equally spectacular failure because I planned nothing in advance. And while some of my plants did really well, many others died, and by the time August rolled around, the weeds were chin high and I waved the white flag of defeat. And now, as I’m writing this, I realize that this could be a story about my life, because when I look around, I see the chin high weeds. and I wonder when I waved my own white flag and agreed to be defeated.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, it occurred to me that we just spent 30 days saying with complete confidence and absolute certainty that “I AM a being of Violet Fire.” And I don’t know about you, but if that was all that I was, if I am only that, my life would be way different that it is… there would be no white flags, no chin high weeds, no petty irritations, no deep regrets.

So I wanted to do a project to help us to define who we really are, what it is that we really want, what do we have to work with, what are our strengths, our weaknesses,  the challenges and obstacles, and I’m hoping that in the process of this self exploration, each of us will begin to create a plan for our lives that actually works. A plan that works because it’s based on the reality of who we really are, and what we really want.

I’ve decided to call it, Laying The Groundwork. And over the next 30 days, I thought it would be interesting to explore some of the following questions:

  • Who are we really?
  • What are our raw materials?
  • What does prosperity actually look like?
  • What are our strengths?
  • When and why do we choose not to use them?
  • What are our weaknesses?
  • How do they serve us?
  • Our fatal flaws?
  • Our greatest assets?
  • How and when do we create roadblocks to our success?
  • And why?

I would really love it if you would join me on this journey. We will begin on February 15th. All that is required is a notebook, a pen, and a commitment to participate. And of course, if you’d like to follow along without a commitment, that’s fine too.


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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