Gypsy Magick

Making Miracles Happen

Happy Thanksgiving!

This beautiful painting is by Armand Cabrera.

Here is some interesting “gypsy” type information about turkeys, I found it in Animal Speak , by Ted Andrews.

The turkey is sometimes called the Earth Eagle. It has a long history of association with spirituality and the honoring of the Earth Mother. It is a symbol of all the blessings that the Earth contains, along with the ability to use those blessings to their greatest advantage. The turkey can live to be twelve years old. Twelve is a significant number in that the earth revolves around the sun in twelve months, reflecting a tie between the turkey and the honoring life cycle of the Earth.

And now for our spell for today:

Gypsy Wagon and Sky

Gypsies are famous for their “happy go lucky” attitude. Here is a small but significant “affirmation” or “charm” to do each morning. Begin your day by saying out loud and with conviction:

“A miracle is going to happen today.”

This attracts good fortune and has a magnetic and cumulative effect. Within a short space of time, you will receive a fantastic telephone call, or letter, or you will meet with someone who will change your life for the better.

Borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore

Increase your money

ea0cab2b803683fe73b683b2fdc0e45aHere is a simple charm to Increase Money and Decrease Money Problems:

On the night of the crescent moon, place a coin on a windowsill with the head facing up. This encourages money to increase.

Leave it there until the moon is full, then flip the coin so the tails side is facing up. This encourages money problems to diminish.

Then, keeping in harmony with the moon phases, finish the spell by removing the coin on a new or full moon.

Hints and tips:

Any coin can be used for this charm. Wash the coin first in warm soapy water, and then rinse with fresh cold water. To increase the effectiveness of this spell, use a silver dollar, or a coin that has significance to you – such as a quarter from the state in which you live, or a coin minted the same year you were born, etc.

Borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore

Meet With Success

s251218603788300272_p1_i1_w735This is a “commanding” spell and will place you on the threshold of success. It may also be used to increase your personal power before an important meeting.

Have in your mind a clear idea of what it is that you want to succeed with. Light a blue candle in front of a mirror. Sit at the mirror and stare into your own eyes in search of your soul. Ask for a circle of gold light to be placed around you for protection and a circle of blue light to be placed around you for healing.

Repeat your Christian name (or names) twenty-one times. Then speak your wish and repeat it twenty-one times. Blow out the candle and await success.

Borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore

Some interesting information about gypsy names:

  • Each gypsy had three names:
    The first was a secret name whispered into the baby’s ear shortly after birth and again when the child reached puberty but never spoken aloud at any other time and never told to anyone else.
  • The second was a gypsy name:
    This name was used between gypsies only.
  • The third was a local name:
    This name was usually chosen to reflect the general names being given to non-gypsies in the country where the gypsy resided. This was the name the gypsy was to use publicly,with a gadje (non-gypsy), or for on official documents.

Bringing Money Home

Our first spell:

When the moon is new, sprinkle a $1, $10, $20 or $50 bill with cinnamon and then secretly place it underneath the front doormat inside your home.

It will be charged with positive energy every time someone walks over it. The greater the value of the bill, the larger your returns could be. The money should only be removed when the moon is full; otherwise you will attract unexpected expense to your door.

Borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore
gypsy-house-1Here is a cute little Gypsy “house” called a Vardo. For the majority of Gypsies, their vardo, or wagon, was their most prized possession.

They believe that the body is a vehicle for the spirit on earth, and the vardo is the vehicle for the body on earth.

When someone died, their Vardo and most of their possessions were burned because their “vehicle for the body” was no longer needed.

Getting The Magick Started

9e1d73be041cd545213f9a16a095ca98Hi guys.

I thought today would be a good day to sign in, say “hello”, and post your goals and/or expectations for the Gypsy Magic project. We have several new people joining us, isn’t that great?

Much of our first two weeks of Gypsy Magic are coming from The Good Spell Book: Love Charms, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery by Gillian Kemp.

Here are some words of advice for novice spell casters:
  • By aligning your energies with the lunar cycle, and tapping into the natural tides and currents of life, you will increase the effectiveness and power of your spells.
  • Because the moon turns the tide and our bodies are mainly composed of water, we wax and wane with the moon.
  • Generally, psychic energy is highest when the moon is waxing (becoming full) and weakest when it is waning (diminishing).
  • To attract something into your life, work when the moon is waxing.
  • For banishing spells and to remove negativity and bad situations, work when the moon is waning.
  • The most important ingredient of any spell is love.
  • Thought and prayer are very powerful, and what makes the magic work is faith.
  • Any spell you cast should come from the heart, and you should direct your thoughts like an arrow toward a magnet.
  • Spells work in spirits’ time. What is sent out mentally leaves an etheric trace, which adds power to the spell when repeated or reworded.
  • Both words and thoughts are a powerful vibratory force. You must believe that what you wish for will come true, and you must not be afraid that it won’t.

Trinka Five
Gypsy Magic
Comes Alive

Our Fortune


And so to get us all into the mood I found this way cool gypsy fortune telling site. Here is our “fortune” for today. It is so fun, and surprisingly appropriate, especially in light of our most recent project:

Zola says:

“I see your fortune today in this card…”



Abracadabra’s Meaning:

The most powerful of all talismans the Abracadabra indicates a recovery from a negative medical or spiritual situation. It says, “I create as I speak.”

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Make a Simple Mojo Bag


Many of the formulas offered here are intended to be placed in mojo or medicine bags. What follows is a very simple tutorial on how to make a simple drawstring bag using a handkerchief, a ribbon, and a needle and thread.

Note: You can also use a square of fabric the size of a handkerchief.

  1. Lay a handkerchief out flat and put a ribbon across the middle of it with the ends hanging over a little bit.
    • The longer the ribbon is, the easier it will be to tie it together when you are done.
    • Also remember that you may want to tie decorations to the ends of the ribbon… so be generous.
  2. Fold the handkerchief in half with the ribbon on the inside and in the crease.
  3. Fold the handkerchief again.
    • The handkerchief is now folded in quarters.
    • The ribbon is at the top and both ends of the ribbon are on the same side.
  4. Sew up the open sides of the handkerchief.
    • Stop sewing right before you get to the ribbon.
    • Tie a good knot.
  5. Then turn the whole thing inside out.
  6. Pull the ribbons tight and Voila!

You just made a drawstring pouch and it only took about 5 minutes. Cool huh? Now all that’s left is to decorate the outside (optional) and fill up the inside.

Here’s a visual tutorial:

drawstring bag

Borrowed from: Magickal Apothecary

Making Your Own Colored Candles


To make a colored candle, use a white tea light candle. These are the really small candles you can find in packages of 6 to 12 at the dollar store. They sit in little aluminum containers.

Take the candle out of the container, and carve the sides of it into the shape of a 4 petaled flower, or 4 leaf clover. Hollow out a small space on the top of each petal. Put the candle back into the aluminum container.

Being very careful not to burn yourself, or start a fire, hold a crayon of the appropriate color over the little hollowed out space and heat the end of the crayon so that it drips colored wax into that little hollowed out place. One or two drops is fine for each petal. The color will blend and melt as the candle burns.

You can also put small pieces of crayon in a metal spoon, and hold the spoon over a candle flame to heat and melt the crayon wax, and then pour the melted wax into the places you hollowed out of the tea light.

It’s better to use the cheapest crayons you can find – crayola crayons do not seem to work as well. Also, try not to play with the melted wax once you have your candle lit. If any extra wax goes up on the wick, the candle flame will get really small and could burn out.

Borrowed from: Magickal Ingredients

Gathering Our Supplies


Here is a list of the supplies we will need for this project. A complete list of essential oils can be found at the bottom of the post, along with instructions for home made colored candles, and an easy to make draw string pouch.

Day One:
  • A dollar bill
  • If you have a five, ten, twenty, or even a fifty that can be used too. Just be aware that the money must remain in place for a period of a little more than 2 weeks.
  • Cinnamon or Nutmeg
Day Two:
  • A mirror (your bathroom mirror will work just fine)
  • A blue candle
  • You can use any kind of candle. The only type of candle that will not work would be a small birthday candle because it would burn itself out too soon, and not give off enough light.
  • If you have trouble finding a blue candle you can make one pretty easily – see the “how to” at the bottom of this post.
Day Three:
  • A coin – a penny, dime, quarter, a silver dollar would be really cool … but any coin will work just fine
Day Four:
  • You already have what you need for today’s spell
Day Five:
  • Olive oil
  • Something gold. A gold Sacajawea dollar would be great. I think you can get them at the bank – they cost a dollar. An ear ring, or other piece of jewelry made of gold would work just fine too.
  • A small jar that the dollar or the jewelry will fit into
  • Cinnamon Oil- optional – you can also find this at a pharmacy
  • If you want to create a prosperity oil with essential oils, you will need the following:
    Marjoram, Lemon, and Eucalyptus
Day Six:
  • FEL50112_smA Spindle – the kind that can be found in the office supply area of a store. I found them at Office Max  – they had 2 colors, silver and black.
  • Prosperity oil (we made this the day before)
  • Powdered cinnamon
  • 3 one dollar bills
Days Seven thru Thirteen – Wealthy Week:
  • One candle in each of these colors: gold, white, pink, red, and blue
  • Two green candles
  • Great big candles will not be appropriate, but any other candle will be fine. You could even use a birthday candles (if you can find a gold one)
  • As I posted earlier, you could make one pretty easily- see the “how to” at the bottom of this post.
  • Loose change
  • Handkerchief (if your pile of loose change looks really small)
Day Fourteen:
  • Oak leaves, twigs, bits of bark, and/or acorn
  • Petals or seeds from a Sunflower
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Three whole cloves
  • Lucky stone – any small stone will do if you like it and decide to call it “lucky”
  • Small trinket or coin – again it is not important what exactly you choose, it could be an earring, ring, charm from a charm bracelet, or a coin – doesn’t matter
  • Small horse shoe charm, or the horse shoe symbol drawn on a small piece of paper
  • Prosperity oil or, if you wish to use essential oils, the following could be used: Cinnamon, Benzoin, Myrrh, Patchouli
  • Yellow, green, and orange thread (just enough to tie around the leaves and twigs)
  • A small drawstring bag – if you don’t have one, you can make your own using the EZ directions at the bottom of this post. It’s super easy, and cheap.
Day Fifteen:
  • A quartz crystal (if you don’t have one, they can often be found at Amazon or new age shops as well as hobby shops. Hobby Lobby used to have them, I am not sure if they still do.)
Day Sixteen:
  • Green Candle
  • Mint.. fresh or dried.. if you have mint tea, you can open a tea bag and use that
Day Seventeen:
  • Nine cloves of garlic
  • Thorns from a white rose bush
  • Three small jars
Day Eighteen:
  • Small paper cup
  • Water
Day Nineteen:
  • White candle (any size)
  • Dictionary
Day Twenty:
  • Dirt (potting soil is fine.. dirt from outside is fine too) If you decide to get a small bag of potting soil, save what’s left – as we will be using potting soil in another spell later on.
  • Sieve
  • Paper towel or bowl
  • Garlic Powder or Dragon’s Blood (powder, incense, or essential oil)
Day Twenty One:
  • An old shoe
  • Magic marker of any color
  • Someplace to have a fire in which you can burn the shoe
Day Twenty Two:
  • Lottery form (the kind where you pick the number)
  • One green candle for each number (5 candles if there are 5 numbers.. 6 if there are 6.. etc)
  • Powdered nutmeg
Day Twenty Three:
  • Green candle (any size will do)
Day Twenty Four:
  • Five White votive candles – you can use more if you want to
  • A plate that you often eat from
  • One Gold, silver, green, or white candle – this candle has a different purpose than the votives and can be any size.
Day Twenty Five:
  • One brown egg
  • A tablespoon of brown sugar
  • Brown marker or crayon
  • Potting soil and container
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Incense (any flavor will be fine)
  • Candle (brown, white, or red)
Day Twenty Six:
  • A roll of toilet paper
  • Marker or pen
Day Twenty Seven:
  • Envelope or box in which to place your bills as they come in (we won’t leave the bills there and not pay them.. LOL.. but we will have a place to put them until they get paid)
  • Black pen, marker, or pencil (just not colored)
  • Vinegar
Day Twenty-Eight:
  • Broom
  • Dust pan
  • Paper or plastic bag – grocery bag size will do – any kitchen garbage bag will also work just fine
  • Salt
  • Pink or gold candle (nothing big as this will be left to burn out naturally)
  • Rose incense – or any flavor of incense that you really like.
  • An item or object in your home that reminds you of bad luck, a bad time in your life, it could be a picture of a person or it could be something that is broken.. or you could draw a picture to represent the “bad luck” in your life. Whatever it is, just be aware that it will be destroyed in the course of the spell – so it needs to be something that you are ready to let go of.
Day Twenty Nine:
  • Silver spoon – it doesn’t have to be “real” silver
  • Sugar
Day Thirty:
  • Coins – however much spare change you happen to have – the more the merrier (and don’t worry, these will only be used this one time and then can be returned to wherever they came from)
  • Green candle
  • White piece of paper
  • Green pen or marker

Some of the spells for these days are out of order, and I can’t seem to find what spell the ingredients for Day Thirty go to. LOL. It seems to have disappeared. If you happen to wander on to it, leave a comment to let me know and I’ll link it.

Complete listing of essential oils:

Along with links to amazon (in case you are interested in buying them).

How to’s and Tutorials:

Just in case you want to save money and make these yourself.

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Gypsy Magic: Does it work?

appleby_fair crop

Does gypsy magic work? We are going to find out. Starting on Monday, Nov 20th, the Prosperity Project will be doing gypsy magic every day for 30 days. We would love it if you would join us on the journey.

Here’s how it works:

Every day (for 30 days) a new gypsy magic spell will be posted. If you want to participate, just visit this site each day, try the spell, and then comment on the results, the process, your insights and inspirations, or whatever else you wish to comment on.

An easy way to access the daily post is to subscribe to via email. There is a link in the right hand column. It’s easy, and free, and you won’t get spammed, I promise. All that will happen is that each new post will show up in your inbox – which I think is nice, and makes it easy to stay caught up with what’s going on.

If you find that you do not have the time to do a spell on the day it is posted, but you do want to try it, it is perfectly acceptable to postpone it. The only thing to be alert to is if the spell requires a waxing or waning moon, and I will be sure to note that on the daily post.

There will be a complete listing of supplies needed – and every attempt has been made to ensure that the supplies needed will be inexpensive and easy to find. Green candles are used more than any other thing. Luckily we are coming into the Christmas season, and so they should be easy to find. I will also post a way to “make” them using cheap white votive candles and crayons.

In tandem with this project, I will be creating a separate web page “Gypsy Magic Spells and Charms”  which has now been migrated to, and can be accessed here: Gypsy Magick and Lore. If you are interested in Gypsy Magic, but do not wish to participate in the project, you are welcome to visit that site as each spell that is posted on the Prosperity Project will be posted there as well.

I am really looking forward to this project. I think it will be a lot of fun.

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
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