Monthly Archives: April 2019

Your Object Of Desire

Pick something that you deeply desire.

Stay away from the usual “off the shelf” stuff and pick something personal that represents great wealth (in its widest sense) to you.

One person picked a great big refrigerator full with fresh fruit and luxury goods, another a big antique library case with precious, rare books; for me it has always been a silver Mercedes – whatever TURNS YOU ON.

Spend 60 seconds allowing yourself fully to think on this, to WANT IT ABSOLUTELY and don’t worry about “how” you’re going to get this – that’s not your problem for the next minute, all YOU have to do is to know it, and to WANT IT with all your heart.


Ancestors Cheering

At a Wealth Consciousness workshop, I found out that many people are worried that they will somehow displease their poor and hard working ancestors by becoming extremely rich and successful.

I had a sense that that was probably a misconception, so we did this following exercise to find out.

  • In a moment, close your eyes and go to a meeting place where you meet representatives of your ancestral lines.
  • Tell them that you want to be rich, powerful and successful and that you want to change the world through your works.
  • Then ask them for their support.

You will find that they want nothing more than for YOU to SUCCEED. You are their child, their living representative, and YOUR success is also THEIR SUCCESS.

Let them cheer you and know always that you have THEIR SUPPORT in what you do.


Wealth and Power With Jupiter

This is a fast but very powerful “instant meditation” to enjoy POWER, which is absolutely a part of wealth.

Today, you are Jupiter, and as you realize this, you begin to expand and grow.

Around your feet, lakes and then entire oceans pool, and you grow straight up and through the clouds, becoming absolutely HUGE.

When your head is above the clouds and brushing the stratosphere, you can FEEL the powerful and abundant, fiery energy of the entire Universe beginning to flow into you, to rush into you and when it fills you to overflowing, you raise your hands and lightning strikes!

And where your gaze rests, your lightning strikes, and it brings the spark of life to barren planes; it brings great fountains of water up from the earth; it cauterizes and clears away debris and toxic pollution; it raises great mountains and green islands from the sea.

This is your power. Enjoy.

Reshape the land to your perfection.

When you are done, dissolve and by all means, enjoy the fruit of these your labours through your senses and in any way you choose.


6 Reasons Why You Must Be Wealthy

In wealth creation, we often hear talk about wants and needs, and hopes and dreams of riches and of wealth, but today, we are going to use another driver instead.

Namely, we will find 6 reasons why you MUST become rich, and wealthy.

Failure is not an option, right?


So, take a minute now to find those six IMPORTANT reasons FOR YOU.

Ready, steady, GO!


60 Second Power Meditation

This is a WONDERFUL “power booster” prayer / spell / affirmation.

  • Take a deep breath.
  • Put your hands on the center of your chest (where your lion heart of energy resides).
  • Breathe deeply in and out, three times.

Now say out aloud, and in your best powerful resonant voice:

  • I am powerful.

Let the statement ring out, breathe in and out again, and say:

  • My heart beats strong.

Let the statement ring out, breathe in and out again, and say:

  • My mind is clear.

Let the statement ring out, breathe in and out again, and say:

  • I am ready for action.

Give a brief bow – and go straight into ACTION!


Prosperity Sunrise

In the olden days, the sun and gold and god and prosperity were all tied up together.

The sun is a powerful prosperity and wealth symbol, perhaps the most powerful of them all.

So in a moment, close your eyes and find yourself on a wide, sweeping plane, cool and dark it is still but there is a banding on the far horizon that tells you the sun is about to rise.

This is your prosperity sunrise.

Feel the power and radiance of the sun increasing as the sky fills with living light, as it gets brighter and brighter, and then the sun rises majestically over the horizon and floods the plane with light, bathes you in light, powerful energy, powerful charge and powerful wealth.

Accept this blessing with open arms.

Turn around on the spot and bathe in this blessing of wealth and power.

When you are filled to overflowing and beyond, return and continue your day …


Bonus Marketing For Motivation

You know how folk add “bonuses” to their original core product in order to get people to buy?

It’s a kind of an auction, where you stack up more and more until a threshold breach occurs and then the action takes place – the customer hits the “buy me now” button, the bribed official crumbles and looks the other way, the lady who has been wined, dined, gifted and complimented sighs, “Yes …”

Someone who knows about bonus marketing used this on me today. They kept on upping the offer until I finally said yes and got in the car to drive to their house!

In a moment, think of something you really don’t want to do (but it would be good if you did!) and then, make a list of bonuses you can use to motivate yourself to get up and do it – now!

“If you (phone the accountant, pay your taxes, fire that lazy employee, finally sort out your credit cards, etc etc), then I will (give you a weekend holiday, buy you a new car, let you spend the weekend in bed, allow you to write that novel, etc etc etc).”

This is a fun exercise, so … have a go!


“I like Money and Money Likes Me”

I’ve noticed that many people who aren’t as wealthy yet as they would like to be have a very ambivalent attitude towards money.

Imagine money was a person, and you’d be constantly thinking how evil they were or how they would lead to your downfall, how they might rob you of love and honesty and all of that, EVEN whilst you’re pretending to be nice and wanting to be their friend!


So today, let’s put aside all the old fairy tales, forget all of that nonsense and we’ll simply say:

I like money,
Money likes me,
That’s the way
It’s s’posed to be!

Three times is the trick, and if you can clap along and tap your feet, your whole body becomes involved in learning, and in remembering.


Wealth In Its WIDEST Sense …

At a MindMillion workshop, I was doing a demonstration with a participant, trying to get her to be excited about wealth – but it wasn’t happening.

She just stood there all grim and resistant – until I said, “Open yourself to wealth – in its widest metaphorical sense …”

Then she sighed happily, eyes closed and this soft big smile spread from her lips through her entire body and she nodded, “Yeaahhh …”

So today, I would ask you to spend one minute closing your eyes and considering what “wealth of what” would make you sigh with pleasure and smile all over.

  • A wealth of love?
  • A wealth of respect?
  • A wealth of service?
  • A wealth of sex?

Well you know what you like – right?

Wealth is a many splendoured thing … and your 60 seconds starts right NOW.


Wealth Dam Buster

You’ve heard it said that there are OCEANS of money all around us, right?


So imagine for a moment that you are right here, and there are these OCEANS of money all around you – and what is stopping this from flowing right to you, through you and out again in a harmonious and highly profitable cycle?

Where’s the wall, the blockage, the dam that is stopping all this abundance from coming to you?

When you have found this, just take your intention like a laser and make a few small holes so that a little of that tasty nourishment can reach you today.

That’s often better than a flat out flood wave to begin with ☺ – but by all means, make these breaches larger and larger until you have an exciting flow and you can FEEL this coming to you!

A great exercise this, and a great way to start the day!


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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Enter your question and receive the wisdom of the Occulatum. You may pose your question in any way that feels appropriate. The answer will come in the form of a small pop up. Try it - your life just might change for the better!

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April 2019
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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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