Daily Archives: October 20, 2006

Getting It Right

So I paid no attention to the time zones when I set up the blog. And since I posted in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, the post showed a “time stamp” of Wednesday.. Hence the confusion. So I figured out how to fix it, and the time showing with each post will from now on be correct. I am really sorry for that, and I can see how it could really throw you off, especially if you had missed a day or two.

Cindy posted some great comments and brought up something for discussion, you can find it in the Thursday/Wednesday post otherwise known as Day Five. 🙂

And then this morning, I ran into a huge traffic jam on my way home from work and it took me an extra hour to get home. The traffic was at a dead stop for at least 7 or 8 miles of highway. It was very interesting because the longer I sat there, the more anxious I became. I was worrying about my dogs waiting to be let out to go potty, I was worrying about the blog post being late, and then I started worrying that maybe I was in the “slow” lane and I couldn’t decide if I should try to change lanes or not, and then (40 minutes later) as we began to inch along I started worrying that my car wasn’t running properly, and what if I had a flat tire, and what if my brakes were going out.. It was just plain silly.

I finally made it home, and my tire was fine, my brakes are fine, my car was running fine, and my dogs were fine. But I had a head ache and a stiff neck from all the worrying. And it occurred to me that this is a pattern for me. If things are moving too slow I begin to worry about all kinds of stuff.. Ridiculous stuff usually.. And I get all stressed out. But when things are moving along at a good clip, I am happy and exhilarated.. And feeling good.

So that was interesting, and something to think about. It reminded me of a quote I found a while back, here it is:

Anything worth doing is worth doing slow.
-Mae West


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  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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October 2006
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