Yearly Archives: 2017

Holly – A Cure All Herb

Here we have an extensive collection of old folk remedies using holly leaves, branches, and bark – to cure everything from Brights Disease to Whooping Cough. As with all old remedies and cures, some actually work, others are ineffective and harmless, while some are downright dangerous. So, use common sense and know what you’re doing before trying any of these.

In General: I did notice that there was a fair amount of thrashing with holly branches to cure chilblains, arthritis, and rheumatism. A good holly thrashing was even said to induce a long life. Teas were routinely concocted from the leaves for fevers, colds, flu, and even measles. Some of these remedies use holly berries which is not recommended – see caution below.

CAUTION: The berries of the holly tree are poisonous to children. They are purgative and often cause nausea and vomiting.

Arthritis: Beat arthritis with a holly spray.

Bright’s Disease: To cure Bright’s disease, put into a half-gallon of apple brandy a handful of cherry bark, persimmon bark, red holly bark, and dogwood root, and drink the solution.

Broken bones: The bark of a holly, and also the leaves, are good in fomentations for broken bones.

Bronchitis: Holly leaves are used for chronic bronchitis. (I assume as a tea.)

Chilblains: A Derbyshire cure for chilblains is to thrash them with holly. Some sources recommend keeping your feet, or legs, crossed while doing so, and the chilblains will disappear. The “crossing” is pure superstition – an ages-old antidote to the menacings of the Evil One who has thus afflicted the sufferer. But there is a sound medical basis for the thrashing, since it must cause blood circulation in the affected part, and lack of proper circulation is the primary cause of chilblains.

Cold feet: Swishing sprigs of holly over chronic cold feet relieves these.

Colds: Medicine compound for colds. The following ingredients are compounded to make a cough syrup-mullen root, wild plum bark, wild cherry bark, holly bark, green pine needles, catnip, life everlasting leaves, sourwood bark. The compound is boiled for ten or fifteen minutes until it is reduced to a thickness described as “cooked until it strings.” It is next strained through a cloth to clear it. Sugar is added. The syrup is taken regularly until the cough is better.

Cold prevention: Holly leaves gathered St. Barthelemy’s day (August 24) and drunk in a potion will protect you against colds the coming winter.

Diarrhea: If one dries holly berries and beats them into powder, they bind the body.

Fever: The leaves of holly contain ilicine, ilexanthine, ilex acid and tannic acid. A decoction of the leaves and ilicine are said to be useful in the treatment of intermittent fever. Alternatively, in 16th century France, to cure a fever, one could simply rub oneself against the first holly encountered.

Flux (including the bloody flux): If one dries Hollyberries and beats them into powder, they stop fluxes.

Gout: Holly leaves are used for gout.

Health: He-holly (spiked leaves) tea made from leaves is good for boys; she-holly (smooth edged leaves) tea for girls.

Hernia (Ruptured): In Limpfield, if an infant were badly ruptured, he would be passed naked several times backwards and forwards through a slit made in the stem of a holly tree.

Influenza: Drink holly tea. Holly bark tea is also given for influenza.

Jaundice: Decoction of holly.

Joints: The bark of the holly tree, and also the leaves, are good in fomentations for such members as are out of joint.

Lithiasis: Holly leaves are used for lithiasis.

Longevity: At Hogmany a boy, whipped with a branch of holly, may be assured that he will live a year for every drop of blood he loses.

Measles: For measles, use holly leaf tea, as Holly leaf tea will cure measles.

Menstruation: If one dries holly berries and beats them into powder, they stop the terms (menstruation) in women.

Mouth Sores: Burn holly leaves and take the ashes left and put them on the little white sores that sometimes come in the mouth, and they will get well.

Phlegm: If one eats a dozen holly berries in the morning when they are ripe and not dried, they purge the body of gross and clammy phlegm.

Protection: Sprinkle an infusion made with Holly on newborn babies to protect them.

Rheumatism: Ground holly (leaves?) made into a tea will cure rheumatism. As will beating it with a holly spray.

Rickets: To cure a child of the rickets, pass it through a cleft holly bush.

Thrush: Give doses of honey mixed with ashes of burnt holly leaves for thrush. Alternatively, you could make a salve of the ashes of a limb of holly, berries and leaves, with honey, sulphur, borax, and alum. Use after nursing.

Tonic: Holly was used as medicine and tonic. In the Southern coastal region of the United States, the Indians imbibed enormous amounts of their famous ‘black drink’ which they brewed from the leaves of yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria). The drink was a violent emetic – the Indians often drank it for days so that they were scarcely able to walk. They then departed for home feeling certain that they had been fortified against disease for another year.

Tooth worms: If a worm eat the teeth, take holly rind over a year old and root of carline thistle, boil in hot water, hold in the mouth as hot as thou hottest may.

Ulcers: During the Civil War, the southern people are said to have used a tea made of the berries and bark of the yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), or holly, in the treatment of ulcers.

Whooping cough: Drink new milk out of a cup made of the wood of the variegated holly.

Disclaimer: Most of these cures are very old, passed down through generations from a time when proper medical care was nonexistent – so please use common sense – and if medical attention is needed by all means visit your physician.

Source: UCLA Folk Medicine Database

Rose Garden Dusting Powder


  • 1 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup dried ground pink rose petals
  • 1/4 cup ground dried lemon peel
  • 6 drops attar of roses
  • 4 drops geranium essential oil
  • 4 drops lime essential oil
  • 2 drops lemongrass essential oil

Mix dry ingredients in a nonreactive (glass is good) bowl. Drop in attar and essential oils, stirring with each addition. Pour into a dusting powder box. Apply with a powder duster.

If this type of packaging is unavailable, pour the mixture through a funnel into a shaker-topped powder bottle. Add a few grains of rise to stop ingredients from clumping.

To use, shake on body, bed, or inside shoes or drawers.

Found in: Four Seasons of Mojo

Mother’s Milk Tea

You can change this recipe as desired, if you do not have access to all these herbs. The best galactic herbs are nettle, alfalfa, blessed thistle, and red raspberry leaf. The other herbs add wonderful nutrition and are healing to the body. The herbs can be rather bland and grassy tasting on their own, so I added cinnamon (about 1-2 tsp for this quantity), which provided a delightful flavoring. You could try chamomile or lemon balm as an alternative.

  • 1/2 cup nettle leaf, dried
    – a vitamin factory, high in calcium, iron, potassium, etc
    – strengthens and tones entire system
  • 1/2 cup red raspberry leaf, dried
    – nourishing tonic for the reproductive system
    – high in calcium
  • 1/4 cup alfalfa leaf, dried
    – a superlative restorative tonic, rebuilding vitality and boosting milk supply
  • 1/4 cup dandelion leaf, dried
    -beneficial for all conditions due to the wonderful source of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and micro-nutrients
  • 1/4 cup fennel seed
    – Increase milk production and tone the digestive system, curtailing colic and indigestion
    – you could also substitute fennel with any of these seeds: anise, cumin, caraway, coriander or dill
  • 1/4 cup blessed thistle, dried
    – Stimulates the milk flow and helps restore vitality to weary mothers
  • ground cinnamon,
    – to flavor

Use about 1 tablespoon herbs per cup of boiling water. Allow to steep covered for 15 minutes before consuming. Best results if you consumed 3-5 cups per day. A teaspoon of honey tops it off for a refreshing tea beverage. I use my french press for this recipe with perfect results.

You can make as little or as much as you desire. I choose to make a larger batch at once and used 1/4 cup as my 1 part measurement, but you could cut the recipe in half as desired. This produced about 1 quart full of dried herbs. Combine herbs well and cover securely with a lid.

Store the herbs in a dark cupboard as light will cause nutrition loss.

Found at: Passionate Homemaking

Basil Water For Breastfeeding

Basil is believed to stimulate milk flow and an excellent source of carotene, niacin, thiamine and iron. It calms the nerves and initiates the let-down reflex. It aids digestion, reduces flatulence and increases appetite. You can also add basil leaves to your tea, milk, soups and cooked vegetables.


  • 7-8 fresh basil leaves
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • ½-1 tsp honey (optional)

In a pan add water and crushed/finely chopped basil leaves. Bring the mixture to boil. Simmer and let the leaves steep for about 5 minutes. Remove from the flame and sieve through a cup. Add honey to taste. Serve warm. Have 1-2 cups a day.

Found at: Dr Bar

Peppermint For Colds and Flu



If you have a dry cold, drink peppermint tea and it will almost immediately ease your symptoms. And if your friends are scared of catching it from you, or you wish to keep your family free from infection, tell them to rub a little peppermint oil under the nose and round the throat, and to take a small dose as well, it is an antiseptic and a strong preventative of disease.

From: Gypsy Cures for Coughs and Colds

















Romany Elderflower Cure for Colds


If you have access to an elderberry tree, its berries and flowers will quickly help to dispel your discomfort. Store elderflowers after drying them out in the sun, and you can make a healing beverage at any time by pouring boiling water over them and adding a little sugar. The Romanies claim that it puts paid to a head cold if taken immediately the first signs are noticed. This infusion is also soothing and will help to give a good night`s sleep. It will also calm the nerves.

From: Gypsy Cures for Coughs and Colds

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