Well it’s been a while!

Hi guys, I know it’s been quite a while since I last posted here on the Prosperity Project, and I think I’m finally ready to start a new project. This time around I want to do 60 days worth of simple and easy.

I found this in my folder of saved stuff from way back in 2007. It is the demo version of Silvia Hartmann’s 60 Second Wealth Creators which I downloaded from Dragon Rising.  Here is the intro:

Welcome To Silvia’s 60 Second Wealth Creators!


You have now at your fingertips a course like no other – this WILL make you work smarter, harder, more focused, more creatively and it will exercise your mind as well. The exercises in this book will reduce stress, help you stay on track with your daily tasks, give you new ideas and just sometimes, they will even make you smile!

There are 365 different exercises, all of which can be done in one minute or less, which will help you stay on track to create your own personal wealth in its widest definition. This is one exercise a day, and if you keep to that programme, you have here a custom made prosperity course in which YOUR mind, YOUR body, YOUR heart and YOUR business is what we are talking about, and what we are dealing with at all times.

To get the best from this book, I encourage you to read through each exercise, one a day, and simply have a go. Not every exercise will suit everyone, of course, but it is true that in attempting these exercises, especially the ones which may feel a little unusual at first, we really do expand our minds, flex our capabilities and get smarter as we go along. You will find that after a short time, many of the “mental moves” will become much easier to do. Your “vision” will improve; your clarity and your focus, and many things besides.

The second important strand to this course are the stress releasing aspects of many of the techniques. All exercises have a focus on true wealth, but they are also designed to calm us down and help us think more logically, more reasonably and more clearly.

This is very important, especially for long term wealth and security, and much more so than most people will ever realize.

The third aspect of these exercises is to develop your strength of mind and a flexible, responsive attitude to the circumstances in which you find yourself. This is priceless and one of the main features that those who find true wealth and happiness in their lives have in common.

Every so often, you will find an exercise that will really set you alight. I suggest you make a note of those exercises and practice them more often.

Make these exercises a part of your life. Allow them to support you, to help you, to encourage you in moments of doubt. Keep them close by and use them to find YOUR own true wealth, in every way. I wish nothing more than that, for you.

And now, and as time waits for no man or woman, let’s get started right away with the first of our 365 daily 60 second exercises.

Enjoy yourself!

Dr Silvia Hartmann, Author, The 60 Second Wealth Creators
A FREE Download Provided by www.DragonRising.com

Interested in trying it out?

If you’d like to try it out, you can subscribe to The Prosperity Project, and do each exercise one day at a time as they get posted. I’m planning to get started bright and early tomorrow morning. I know this is short notice, but I’m feeling like there’s no time like the present.

Alternatively, you can download the demo at her website, or you can buy her book and get all 365 exercises. Either way, I’d be interested to know who wants to join in, and I am always interested to hear about your experiences and insights as together we explore this course.

3 Responses to Well it’s been a while!

  • Ready to start

  • I was right, we did do this project! Way back in 2008. How funny that I didn’t remember.

    Here are the comments from way back then:

    the gay bookworm said…
    I am so excited…..I am already two thirds of the way done with this project. I am already cool and smart so I just need the Rich and that is going to happen any second now…..maybe now……now……well okay Wednesday night around 10 pm I will be rich…or is it wealthy. O what the heck I’ll be cool, smart and rich I can call myself whatever I want. LOL

    8:25 PM
    Two Feathers said…

    You’re so funny! (and cool)

    You are really going to like this project. I just got through uploading all the posts for the entire 30 days. I’m really excited about it. It’s going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to get started. And I love that for the next 30 days this project is on “automatic” cruise control.

    10:09 PM
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