Invoking Archangels of the Four Winds

Here we have an invocation to the archangels of the four winds. It’s most effective if you go outside and say the words out loud and with enthusiasm and conviction.

While facing NORTH, and envisioning a healing serene blue color filling your body call upon Raphael:

“Raphael, Archangel of healing and light. Enfold me [or person’s name] in your wings of peace and harmony. Help to heal my [or person’s name] physical body of all negative energy and illness. I am grateful for your loving and caring touch. Blessings.”

While facing EAST, and envisioning the vibrant color of yellow call upon Uriel:

“Uriel, Archangel of Enlightenment. Guide me on this path that is my life. Let my INNER SELF awaken to a higher understanding. Teach me to be a better person so that I may help my brothers and sisters on their journeys. I am grateful for your wisdom and knowledge. Blessings”

While facing SOUTH, and envisioning the vivid color of green, picture Nature in all of its splendid glory, call upon Gabriel:

“Gabriel, Archangel of Creativity and Faith. Show me your inner wisdom, that which I can withstand to help Mother Earth heal and to protect all of her children. To receive the gifts of mountain peaks that touch the heavens, oceans of deep, and skies so blue. For this I am truly grateful. Blessings.”

While facing WEST, and envisioning the bold color of red, call upon Michael:

“Michael, Archangel of balance and light I call upon you for strength in this my [or person’s name] time of need. Walk beside me [name] and help to guide on the path of LIGHT and battle with me [name] against those that would harm me [name]. I am grateful to you for enfolding me [name] in your wings of love and protection. Blessings”

Note: These simple invocations to the Archangels of the four winds were written to not only ask for guidance when needed but to express my gratitude. You can change the wording to what is comfortable for YOU. Incense and candles can also be added to the invocation to help to attract the attention of the angels and to strengthen the energies of the invocation itself.

Art: Crystal Beams by Kirk Reinert

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