Increase your money

ea0cab2b803683fe73b683b2fdc0e45aHere is a simple charm to Increase Money and Decrease Money Problems:

On the night of the crescent moon, place a coin on a windowsill with the head facing up. This encourages money to increase.

Leave it there until the moon is full, then flip the coin so the tails side is facing up. This encourages money problems to diminish.

Then, keeping in harmony with the moon phases, finish the spell by removing the coin on a new or full moon.

Hints and tips:

Any coin can be used for this charm. Wash the coin first in warm soapy water, and then rinse with fresh cold water. To increase the effectiveness of this spell, use a silver dollar, or a coin that has significance to you – such as a quarter from the state in which you live, or a coin minted the same year you were born, etc.

Borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore

7 Responses to Increase your money

  • Well last night’s spell was certainly interesting. I am finding that I have to clean everywhere I do a spell. So I cleaned the mirror (I used a small cosmetic mirror) and the little table I had the mirror and candle on, and then I had to find a “gypsy” type covering for the little table.. and by the time I had it all set up it looked like a “real” little “spell casting spot”. The candle light reflecting up on my face was VERY unflattering.. and so I tried to look past it into my “soul”.. and as I stared into my eyes I began to not even look like myself at all – but like some old gypsy woman instead.. so that was cool.

    I decided to ask for success with the gypsy spells, and success with the prosperity project as a whole, and for success with the gypsy magic spells and charms site.

    As I was saying my wish over and over, I kept almost blowing the candle out because I was concentrating so hard on saying the wish that I didn’t pay attention to how close I was to the candle.. (it was a very small little spell casting space), and I wondered if there was some significance in that, just as I wondered if there was significance in Cindy’s pets and the money under the rug situation.

    So that’s how it went for me. How did it go for you guys?

    Hi Shari, I hope you are having fun with this. As for goals, you don’t have to come up with anything really detailed. It is fine if you just track how much closer you are to your long term goals. And then at the end of the project you can tell us if you are a lot closer or a little closer or further from those goals.

    I will post again later when I do tonight’s little spell.

    Oh by the way.. I have had some extra prosperity already. I am boarding dogs over thanksgiving, and two of the dogs are going to stay for 2 maybe 3 extra days. So that’s great!

  • Last night’s spell was fun. I didn’t go for all the details like Shirley did, I basically just sat on the couch with a mirror and a candle. I nearly dropped the lit candle in my lap when I was saying my wish, that would have been a disaster! I, too, was concentrating so hard on my wish that I wasn’t paying attention to the candle.

    It’s interesting that Shirley saw an old gypsy woman when she looked into her eyes – I had sort of a simiilar revelation only the opposite – I looked into my eyes and into my soul and saw a little girl! I also briefly saw that the mirror-self was talking and moving her mouth even though my outer self wasn’t talking or moving my lips/mouth. I take this to mean that I need to listen to my “inner self” more closely and attentively (even though I guess it’s a young, more child-like” self. I didn’t ask Shari how she saw her inner self, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she saw someone older – I have always said she has a much older soul than I do!

    So far so good with the money under the rug! The rug has been “tampered with” but so far the money has remained intact underneath.

    I’m looking forward to tonight’s spell. Again, I have concerns that the crazy animals (especially that doggone Oscar) will swipe my coin and roll it under something or hide it in some way. Shirley, does this mean that my cats/dogs are running my life? What do you think this means? I’m sure many people would interpret it that I have too many animals and spend too much money on them! But I don’t think that’s it.

  • Shirley, I was looking at your companion site about gypsies and had a neat idea – do you have a bigger list of common gypsy names? I know we don’t know what the secret names were, but wouldn’t it be fun if we all adopted a “gypsy” name for ourselves? Let me know if you know of a list of first names we could choose from – like your list on the other site only maybe a bigger list? Just an idea….

  • Cindy.. My immediate thought about the animals was that they represent “monkey mind” (this is a hindu concept).. which is another way to label worries, fears, preconceived ideas, baggage from the past, and other stuff that runs around in our heads out of control… meddling and messing with our plans and intentions. What I think is cool, is that so far, you have been aware and proactive, using your skills and abilities to forstall any disruption in your “spell”.

    However, it’s YOUR experience, and only you can know what it means for you. So what do YOU think?

    As for the names.. great idea. I do have a list somewhere, I will find it and post it on the other site and then let every one know where to find it.

    Now, about today’s spell:
    I found the neatest thing to use. When I was at the thrift store, I found a green (prosperity color) butterfly coaster.. at least I thought it was a coaster, but when I brought it home, I discovered that the indentation for a mug or glass was too small.. and I realized that it must be a votive candle holder. For this spell, I had planned to use a silver dollar that I have had since I was 5 years old. And guess what!! It fits perfectly into the indentation for the votive candle. So I plan to have the butterfly facing inward with the coin heads up, and then on the full moon when I flip the coin, I will turn the butterfly to face outward.

    Nifty huh?

  • I just wanted to let you guys know that I am going to be posting each spell a day in advance over on the “gypsy magic spells and charms” site. So if you want to look ahead and see if tomorrow’s spell has been posted yet, you can hop on over. A link to it can be found in our “links” section.

    Also, I affiliated with the Gypsy Advice website, if anyone clicks on our link, goes to that site, and pays for a reading, we get 20%. She has a “magical item of the week” column which is cool, and I plugged it into the gypsy magic site. So if you go to Gypsy Magic Spells and Charms, you will find “The magical item of the Week” column in the left hand sidebar. The item this week is amythyst.

    Other news: We have 5 subscribers now. That’s way cool!

    Also, Cindy has suggested doing “pay it forward” next, and Melissa has suggested starting out the new year with “Feng Sui for Prosperity”.. so what we will do is take the days between the ending of this project and the beginning of the next one to do “random acts of kindness” and then start on “feng sui” on Jan 1.

    Later on we will do a full fledged “pay it forward” month long project, but I figured that we all get so busy during the holidays that doing small nice things for people at random would be a good way to be in the christmas spirit.

  • When I was looking in the mirror at my soul last night, at the end my reflection looked like she nodded in agreement and I felt a sense of relief.

    My friend Chresea feels like she has already had good luck with this gypsy magic project, and hopefully she will add a blog soon.

  • For tonight’s charm, I am using a $1 coin token from MGM Grand casino in Las Vegas. It’s special to me because 1) it’s from my first trip to Las Vegas, and 2) I married my husband in Vegas the following year. So I hope “any coin will work” really does mean that! 🙂
    When I was doing the spell last night, I was very specific with the universe about my wish. I just KNEW it was going to work! Now I’m just waiting on Spirit’s timing.
    This is so much fun! Hope everyone has a safe, fun, and prosperous Thanksgiving!

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