But I don’t want to…


Getting ourselves to do the things that we don’t want to do… that’s a tricky one. We all have activities, chores, jobs, stuff, that we “should” do, or are “supposed to do” and that we don’t do because… well, truth be told, we just don’t want to. Maybe it seems too hard, maybe it’s boring, maybe we resist for other reasons. Sometimes its something simple, like getting the laundry done or washing the dishes. Maybe you need to make a dental appointment, or return books to the library.

Today, I’m talking about the little things. Let’s leave the big things for later on. And by the big things I mean getting out of a bad relationship, breaking a bad habit. losing weight, and all those other big impossible scary things that seem fraught with danger and doomed to failure.

Let’s get the little things done before we go big and hit the hard stuff. What I’m hoping for, is that by getting the simple small things accomplished, we’ll build some momentum and all the other “but I don’t want to …” obstacles to health and happiness will simply fall away.

We’ll need a “to do” list that includes all the things that we need to do for one reason or another. Things that we don’t want to do, things that we have been putting off doing for days, weeks, months, maybe even years. Little things that weigh us down and nag at us in the background.

Make a nice long list:

  • I should …
  • I need to …
  • I am supposed to …

Here are a few examples:

  • I should … clean out the refrigerator.
  • I need to … declutter my house.
  • I am supposed to … do my taxes.
Now that your list is made:

Now that the list is made, it’s time to edit it a bit. You don’t want to do it… but you “should.” Is that really true? Or can you simply say, “Hey, I don’t want to, and I’m not going to… “ and poof… that’s over and done? You’re telling yourself you “need” to. Is that really true? Is this a necessary thing? Or can you just let it go?  Just because you are “supposed” to do something, is it really true that you have to do it? Or can you just say no?

Here’s an example from my own experience… I “need to” go through all my remaining boxes of junk sorting and tossing, and organizing what I plan to keep before I put them into storage. I “need to” do this because it’s smarter, and it saves space in my storage unit, and it declutters my life. But I don’t want to. And I’m not doing it. And my house is cluttered with boxes and bins full of God knows what. So… maybe I “need to” deal with it now, but hey, I don’t want to, so I’m not going to, and poof… it’s going to storage UNSORTED and that’s fine with me… it’s better than fine because hey… I need a decluttered house more than I need a neat and tidy storage unit.

I “should” clean out the refrigerator. Is that really true? Yes. I have scary stuff in there taking up space, the last time I didn’t clean it out, I ate some bad tomato sauce by accident and puked my guts up all night long.

Next up:

Now that we’ve eliminated the unnecessary  items, our lists are shorter, and it’s possible we might even do a few things on our lists… or maybe not. Maybe we still don’t want to. If that’s the case, don’t worry, I think a good definitive list is plenty for today. Tomorrow we’re going to work on ways to motivate ourselves to get this stuff out of our hair and off our plates.

5 Responses to But I don’t want to…

  • Well… today’s post couldn’t be more appropriate. I was sitting here, waiting for the computer to boot up, thinking about the stuff that I really have to do today… and also thinking BUT I DON’T WANT TO !!
    The making a list part doesn’t sound too bad, though. So I’ll do that.
    Crossing stuff off that list also doesn’t sound too bad… so I’ll do that too.

  • I’ve fallen behind on this project, as usual, but I have to say I have been getting things done. But everything I am trying to get done has turned to shit. Dealing with people who don’t want to do their job and don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves makes “getting things done” a nightmare all its own. Today is a horrible day for me but I’m going to try to get caught up on here tonight, not only because it helps me in general, but because past projects on here have changed my life! So, hopefully more input later tonight!

  • Hi Cindy… I’ll be curious to see how things go.
    As for me, I now have a really short list… so that’s fun… and it’s the end of the day and I managed to not do anything that was on the list with the exception of go to work…
    And work really wasn’t too bad, not nearly as tiring as I expected. Turned into a nice little day, which was nice!

  • I should stop eating junk. I need to stop buying junk food so I wont be so tempted to eat it. I am supposed to not get old, fat, and out of shape.

    • Oh God Daniel… just hearing you say it, makes me want to binge on junk food !! I am not supposed to get old, fat and out of shape either… I’m supposed to stay young, fit, and beautiful forever… and ever..
      I should …. relax and chill after a rough day at the hellmouth.
      I need to … eat dinner before 10 pm.
      I am supposed to … do everything I can possibly do while I can still do it… WHOA where did that come from?? It feels true though. Interesting!

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