The Prosperity Project

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Listening To Spirit

Go outside, look around, the earth itself wants to speak with you.
~Judith Pintar

Here is a little bit of a different view of the subject of communication with your guardian spirits. It’s from A Voice From The Earth by Judith Pintar.

Listening to Spirit

Learning to listen means distinguishing real Vision from your own dream voices of fear and memory and desire. Even when you get beyond your fears, sometimes your expectations will get in the way. Somehow you expect your Vision to be spelled in lightning across the sky. But while you watch the sky, you may miss the tiny drama of butterfly upon leaf happening at your feet

The Vision itself can come in many forms, through a clear visual impression or visitation of spirit, physical contact and communication from an animal, a song or a dream.

Very often in completely unexpected fashion, out of the darkness will come an awareness of a Guardian Spirit, a force or energy that provides a clear channel for greater wisdom. Many cultures have believed that such guardians, like saints or angels, protect and guide us even when we are unaware of them. Conscious acknowledgement of a Guardian Spirit offers the possibility of communication and a ready source of strength and counsel.

Awareness of the guardian could come when you see a hawk fly and are uplifted by a sense of strength and freedom, when an oak tree drops its leaves at your feet, when the Northern lights dance overhead, when you hear words whispered by the wind. Or a guardian might communicate itself as an intellectual concept, a particular energy that is understood to be a source of strength and direction, such as innocence or bravery, or love.

Originally posted at the Prosperity Project on Blogger

Dreaming With Angels

Dreams are a doorway into the unconscious, and they are also a doorway into the subtle realms. They are rather like long letters from your unconscious, often written in a strange and mysterious language. Dreams are also another portal through which you can get to know your Angels and enjoy your ongoing relationship.

Connecting to the Angels in this way is natural and easy; it happens whether we are aware of it or not. The dream state is a particular advantageous access point for our celestial companions, because while we sleep, the unconscious mind is wide open. Gone are the resistances and blocks that the conscious mind – the ego – puts up to keep the Angels at bay.

The fluid, spontaneous quality of dreams more closely approximates the way that Angels function than the highly organized, regimented state that we humans exist in during our waking hours.

Our Angels often come to us in our dreams but we do not always remember them, or if we do, we may not always recognize them. In the dream they may be intimate friends, yet when we awake we know we have never seen them before. Or they may show up as wise, powerful, or significant figures, not necessarily with wings, or other stereotypical signs of their identity, such as harps and halos.

Sometimes, we awaken with a sense of well-being, a feeling that all is well, that we are blessed to be alive. We may not even remember dreaming but the good mood permeates our normal morning routine, like sunshine suddenly illuminating a dull, grey sky. When that occurs, there is a good chance that one of our Angels made a guest appearance while we slept.

We have all grown up believing that there is a separation between humans and Angels, if we grew up believing in Angels at all. But that separation is only a state of mind – our mind, not that of the Angels. In our dreams, it is possible to both change our mind and to surmount the mental barriers that we have erected, so we can be with our Angels quite naturally.

If you take your Angel dreams seriously, you may wish to practice dream recall. Remembering your dreams is the first step – and it is a challenge. Dreams are elusive. A positive mental attitude is essential. All you need to do to start is to believe in your dreams.

What we believe in, we value. What we value, we bring energy to, and what we bring energy to begins to increase.

If you have spent your life unconvinced of the value of remembering dreams, do not expect to wake up tomorrow morning with one on your pillow. It takes time to inaugurate a new belief. But you can reprogram your conscious, waking mind to allow dream recall to come through. The good thing is, every night you can sleep on it!

Dreams come true and when they do, they are manifestations of our deepest heart’s wish. They connect us with our passion.

A passion to connect with your Angels is the motivation that will enable you to meet them in your dreams. Next comes diligence. You have to be willing to stay with the process and overcome deeply ingrained resistance. If you wake in the middle of the night with a dream, recapture it as you lie in bed, without moving. Replay the dream – you can begin with whatever part you remember and allow it to expand. Then write it down and date it just before you go back to sleep.

Upon waking with a dream, follow the same procedure. Changing your physical position can blow it away during the replay part, so lie quietly and recall all that you can of the dream. Then write it down in as much detail as you can remember. Date your dreams. You may even want to give each one a title that summarizes it. This will help you recall it or find it later.

There is a built-in resistance in doing this, which needs to be consciously overcome. Resistance also comes in the form of dismissing certain dreams because they do not make sense or because you do not remember all the details. But as you increasingly begin to value your dreams, you will find that this resistance fades.

Here are a few ways to help you utilize the sleep state and stimulate dream recall.

Dream Affirmations:

These establish a positive, accepting state of mind. When repeated over and over – especially when expressed with a great deal of conviction – affirmations flow into the unconscious mind, aligning it with the conscious one. Affirmations have greater power when they are accompanied by a visualization. So you may want to picture, or imagine, the experience of your affirmation while you are starting it. If you do not usually remember your dreams, try this one:

“I will dream. I will remember my dream. I will wake up and write down my dream.” As you say the words, picture yourself sleeping and having a dream. Then see yourself waking up, reaching for your dream journal or Angel notebook, and writing it down. If your dream recall is good, omit the first affirmation, and move on to: “I am open to you, my Angel. I invite you to meet me in my dreams.”

It is always best when you create your own affirmations to invoke your Angel by name if you know it. Choose your own words, using the two examples above as guides. Again, the more you connect to your feelings in this, the more power you give to your affirmations. It helps to visualize a beam of pink or golden light streaming out of your heart and connecting to your Angel’s heart as you do this affirmation. Or you may feel drawn to picture a beautiful place or environment where you can meet your Angel. Repeat your affirmation as you imagine the scene.

Once you have established contact with your Angel in your dreams you can begin to work with it on specific issues, asking questions as you drift off into sleep. This works the same way as writing to your Angel, and in fact, you may wish to write the questions down on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. Even if you do that, it is also a good idea to vocalize the affirmation:

“Dear Angel, in my dream tonight I would like clarification on ………,”,
“Please give me some clarity on ……,” or “Please help me to understand …… “

Use your intention as a point of focus to seed the dream state. Just as you are drifting off to sleep, imagine having a dream in which your Angel comes to you. Simply make up a dream exactly the way you would like to have it. The dream you recall in the morning will contain some element or trace of that seed. Affirm that this is so, even though you may have to play detective to find the clue.

The key to identifying them in our dreams, our Angels tell us, is feeling the tone of the dream. The emotions or sense that you have of the dream atmosphere, a quality or event that is unusual, exotic, or other-worldly, can signify the presence of the Angels.

Even after you have established dream contact, it can take a few days or even weeks of asking the same question before you fully receive or understand the answer. And it may not come through the Angels making a direct appearance.

The dream itself may be your Angel’s reply. Or, the answer may come in a single word, image, or a song that you wake up remembering. The reply can also be the gift of a dream in which you find yourself flying, without effort and without wings.

And sometimes, the answer comes not in a dream but in an event, happening, or moment of sudden insight. It may come to you in a casual phone call from a friend, or a sentence you read in the morning newspaper, or a snatch of conversation overheard in the street. The main thing is to be aware and open.

~source unknown

Angel Invocation Mantra

This is something I copied from the book “Ask Your Angels”. It’s an angel invocation in the form of a chant. It goes like this:

Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah Zay

It was given to the authors by angels in C-sharp but can be chanted on any note that feels right to you as many times as it feels right to you. It means

“I bring all of myself,
mind, body, emotions, and soul,
together in the presence of the angels”.

Personally, I have had the best results with this chant by performing it as I fall asleep. It has caused the angels to influence my dreams many times. Good Luck!

~submitted by SaberTooth

Connecting With Angels In A Sacred Space

A Sacred Space is a place and a moment when you are allowing yourself to be spiritually receptive, a place where you can sit and meditate or quietly just Be.

By creating an Angel alter you are setting your intention to the sacredness of the area and its’ purpose… connecting to the Angelic Realm.

This is the intent of creating a sacred space, an area where you are more receptive to Angels and the messages, guidance and Love they bring to you and where you create your own strong connection to your own spirituality through the acknowledgement of the Angelic presence in your life.

To speak to your Angels from your heart does not require a special place or an altar, some people, however, find the creation of a sacred space to be helpful and beneficial. Here’s how:

  1. Choose your space … a dedicated space for this purpose.
  2. Choose objects to place on your Angel alter that have a spiritual meaning and speak to you through your heart. Candles, incense, Personalized Angel Painting or Angel Print, figures, crystals, a beautiful cloth, plant, flowers, symbols of the heart, box ( I use mine for written messages and letters to my Angels).
  3. Remember … keep it beautiful and clutter free of such things as car keys, etc …
  4. You can add a comfortable chair, rug .. a comfortable place for you to be when you are following the steps below in connecting with your Angels or just to sit quietly … it is your space … make it comfortable.

Once you have your alter completed, dedicate it as an Angel alter and invite your Angels into your space and ask them to fill the space with their Love and Light … speak to them as you would a dear and beloved friend …

Welcome them with your Love. They are always with you, but now you are wanting to acknowledge them in your life and connect consciously with them.

To Connect With Your Angels:

  • Take time when you will not be disturbed. .. This is your time … Where comfortable clothing.
  • Play your favorite Angel music.
  • Light your candle ( white, purple or violet) making sure that it is in a safe container for burning.
  • Light incense or aromatherapy oils can be used in their special infuser. Frankincense, sandalwood, lavender or jasmine are good choices … the preference is yours.
  • Take some deep cleansing breaths and allow your body to relax … and as you relax focus your intent on connecting with your Angel.
  • You can ask to be connected to your Guardian Angel or an Archangel if you would like … Ask for them to join you … and feel their presence.
  • When you feel their gentle presence begin speaking with them … this can be done silently or out loud. You can write everything out in advance if it is something very detailed and if you would like to discuss it in letter form, you can put the note or letter on your alter and discuss the highlights in your verbal discussion letting them know the details are in the note or letter.
  • Remember, if you need their help … Ask for it.
  • When you are finished … Thank your Angels…
  • If you would like you can ask for confirmation of your discussion by asking for a symbol … it may not come immediately so be aware and open to their response in the next day or so. The symbol make come in unexpected ways … a song on the radio … a phrase stands out in a sign, a feather in an unlikely place … a thought floats through your mind that you know is not yours … just be open and receptive.

Listening becomes an important exercise for you … the answers come in the silence and in many forms …The more you work with the Angels the more comfortable, knowledgeable and receptive you will become in the forms of communication that works the best for your relationship …Many blessings,

Source:  Sherae Taylor.

A Sufi Story

I love the Sufi stories. Here’s one about the Archangel Gabriel. I’m posting it here today, just in case we find ourselves taking this project a little too seriously.

One morning during prayer time, a simple peasant came into the mosque while Muhammad was leading community prayers. As part of one of the prayer cycles, Muhammad recited the portion of the Qur’an in which Moses comes before Pharaoh, but Pharaoh refuses to listen.

“That goddamn son of a bitch!” exclaimed the peasant. After everyone had held their breath, some began to shush him, and the prayers continued.

Afterward, several of the Prophet’s companions began to lay into the peasant, telling him that not only was his interruption rude, it had invalidated his prayer.

While they were still haranguing him, the angel Gabriel came to Muhammad and said to him, “Allah has two messages for you. First, peace to you. Second, would you please tell your friends to stop harassing this poor peasant? His sincere cursing pleased me more than the others’ prayers.”

~as told by Rumi

Drawing Your Angels

I did a fun exercise with someone I love very much, and we drew what we thought our guardian angels might look like. It was really fun, and way more informative than I expected. Here’s what I came up with. Apparently I’m a blond, who knew?

The biggest surprise for me is that my personal Guardian Angel is pretty sure his name is Bob. How fun is that? I also discovered that I carry a very mischievous little angel in my pocket, and together we manage to get ourselves into all kinds of situations.

These insights would have totally escaped me if I hadn’t started drawing them. They just sort of popped up. Here is what Layla sketched out…

So, I have a pretty good idea that right about now you might be saying, but I can’t draw.

Well, I can’t either, not really. I just stopped being scared to sketch something out, and somehow, if I work on it long enough without trying too hard, and give my drawing permission to look dumb and ridiculous, it often turns out kinda cute. I’m pretty sure this is only because I get lucky and probably because I do a lot of drawing, so I’ve had lots of practice. I also have a computer program that I used to digitally color it, which helps a lot.


You don’t have to actually draw an angel with a pencil. You could draw it with words. The best way to do this is to just imagine what you think your guardian angel might look like and then just start writing down the details.

I have always been pretty sure that my guardian angel is tall and slender, with wings, probably gray ones, and a laid back “be cool” vibe… He’s always got my back… The pocket angel just popped into my head randomly… which was fun because it was so unexpected.

Don’t edit anything that seems silly or ridiculous. Jot it all down. You can do a list, illustrate with a really rough sketch or a stick figure… whatever feels easiest. Try to include as many details as possible, you might be surprised by what you come up with!

Feeling Brave?

If you are feeling brave and adventurous, and decide that you want to give drawing a go, here is a small gallery of drawings and paintings by children… at least most of these are done by children. As you can see, it’s actually pretty simple… all you need is a basic shape like a triangle or a rectangle, then you add wings and a head, after that, it’s just a matter of adding a few small details.

The hardest part is shutting down your inner critic and just letting your inner child play.

I did find some drawing tutorials, in case that helps. Sometimes if I look at them, I feel less afraid to just try it. Other times, it complicates things for me… Here’s what I found:

What do Angels really look like?

For those of us who are wondering what real angels actually look like, here’s a bit from Angel Focus.

Angels are neither male nor female, but they are often referred to as he or she. They do not have a human form because they are made up of energy, love and light. But Angels will project themselves to us in a manner we are most comfortable with which means we often see them as human.

If they have a message to give us, they may even come to us in the form of a departed loved one, so as not to scare us. Other ways Angels appear to us is through lights, colors, sounds, feelings, and scents.

Biblical Angels – What do they look like?

When most people think of angels, a mental picture of a huge glowing human-like figure in white robes, massive white wings, and perhaps a halo, immediately comes to mind.

Some people even imagine angels like cherubim to look like little plump children with halos, tiny wings, and white loincloths, floating around on clouds with their harps.

This ideology was greatly influenced and it gained popularity from the depiction of angels in Christian art and media over the years.

However, it is inaccurate by biblical standards. Though the Bible doesn’t give a specific form for all angels, it does describe a few of them and this description is very different from what many people have imagined them to be.

You can note that the Bible consistently gives a bizarre description of angels when it comes to revealing the glory of heaven to men like John, Daniel, and Ezekiel.

But when it came to earthly errands, all the people who saw them, saw them in a form they could relate to.

Biblical Descriptions of Angels:

  • Revelation 4:8 mentions four living creatures before God’s throne that had six wings and were covered with eyes all around, even under their wings.
  • Ezekiel 1:16-18 Ezekiel describes creatures that are like “a wheel within a wheel with each of their four rims filled with eyes all around.” These particular angels serve as the wheels of God’s throne.
  • Ezekiel 1:10 In Ezekiel’s vision of God, Cherubim are described as having four wings, 2 for covering their feet and 2 for flight and have 4 faces: human, lion, ox and an eagle Their name means ‘fulfillment of wisdom’.
  • Isaiah 6:2 Seraphim  are described in  as having six wings; 2 to cover their feet, 2 for their flight, and 2 covering their face. They are attendants at God’s throne and praise Him forever. Their name translates to mean ‘the burning ones’.
  • Daniel 8:15 On the other hand, some biblically accurate angels also appeared to men in the form of humans. Daniel describes the one who appeared to him as ‘having the form of a man.’
  • Genesis 18:22 The three angels who appeared to Abraham also looked like human travelers and that was why he was hospitable to them. These same angels led Lot and his family out of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • Luke 24:4 In the New Testament, the ones who were at Jesus’ tomb on the morning of His resurrection were described to have been ‘two men in dazzling clothes.’
  • Acts 1:10 When Jesus ascended to heaven, it was recorded that there were two men with white cloth who addressed His disciples. Biblical scholars naturally assume them to be angels.
  • Ephesians 1:21 Virtues are mainly associated with control over the elements. Their primary appearance is a beam of light.

Fear Not?

Just imagine one of the bizarre-looking angels around God’s throne appearing to a human to give them His message. The words ‘fear not’ wouldn’t do the slightest thing to quell their fears. They’d probably have a heart attack on the spot from fright or take off screaming their heads off.

Taking on a human-like figure helps people focus on the message, rather than the messenger.

Specific Angel Lore

  • Seraphim:

One may trace the historical influences for the Seraphim from its name. Seraphim derives from the Hebrew word “Seraph,” which means “to burn” in English. Digging deeper, the Hebrew word “Saraph” means “venomous desert snake”. In ancient Egypt, people referred to the cobra as “the flaming one.” Its icon was called Uraeus, and it usually adorned the Pharoah’s headpiece.

Several historians speculate that the authors of the Old Testament derived Seraphim’s wings and flames from Egyptian imagery and associations with the cobra.

  • Cherubim.

The Cherubim, later shortened to Cherub, is the lowest in rank among the four. The Bible describes these beings as animal-human hybrids, tasked with guarding the garden of Eden against humankind. The Devil was a Cherub.

The biblical description is far from how we imagine the Cherub now. While scholars credit its modern-day image to Greek and Roman deities like Cupid, they attribute the detail in the Bible to cultural exchanges with ancient Babylonia, Syria, and Egypt. The Cherub’s function of guarding sacred places and their mixed appearance is similar to that of the Babylonian Lamassu, Egyptian Sphynx, and Hittite Griffin.

  • The Ophanim

The Ophanim, or “the wheels,” is arguably the most bizarre being in the Bible. Ezekiel’s account in the Bible describes them as beings made out of interlocking gold wheels with each wheel’s exterior covered with multiple eyes. They move by floating themselves in the sky. They are tasked with guarding God’s throne.

There is no exact historical origin for the Ophanim. Josef F. Blumrich, a former NASA employee, theorized that Ezekiel’s vision of the wheels and other angels might have been a UFO sighting. However, critics label him as a conspiracy theorist.

Nevertheless, other authors claim that an ingested psychedelic substance caused the prophet’s vision. Scholars have also proposed that the image was merely a metaphor for God’s mystery.

  • The Virtues

According to The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, the Virtues are known for their control of the elements. In addition to being the spirits of motion, they also assist in governing nature. They also assist with miracles, as well as encourage humans to strengthen their faith in God.

The term Angel comes from the Greek word Angelos, which originated from the Hebrew word for messenger, Mal’ akh. The Malakim are messengers of God and more closely resemble humans. Regarded as the foot soldiers of heaven, they act on God’s behalf as protectors and/or messengers.

However, while the Malakim looked like human beings, there was no mention of them having wings in the Bible.

The earliest known Christian image of an angel from the mid-third century was without wings. It wasn’t until the late fourth century that artists reimagined angels with the possession of wings. According to some researchers, this was done to represent their sublime nature, despite artists knowing that scripture did not describe them as having wings.

Invoking Archangels of the Four Winds

Here we have an invocation to the archangels of the four winds. It’s most effective if you go outside and say the words out loud and with enthusiasm and conviction.

While facing NORTH, and envisioning a healing serene blue color filling your body call upon Raphael:

“Raphael, Archangel of healing and light. Enfold me [or person’s name] in your wings of peace and harmony. Help to heal my [or person’s name] physical body of all negative energy and illness. I am grateful for your loving and caring touch. Blessings.”

While facing EAST, and envisioning the vibrant color of yellow call upon Uriel:

“Uriel, Archangel of Enlightenment. Guide me on this path that is my life. Let my INNER SELF awaken to a higher understanding. Teach me to be a better person so that I may help my brothers and sisters on their journeys. I am grateful for your wisdom and knowledge. Blessings”

While facing SOUTH, and envisioning the vivid color of green, picture Nature in all of its splendid glory, call upon Gabriel:

“Gabriel, Archangel of Creativity and Faith. Show me your inner wisdom, that which I can withstand to help Mother Earth heal and to protect all of her children. To receive the gifts of mountain peaks that touch the heavens, oceans of deep, and skies so blue. For this I am truly grateful. Blessings.”

While facing WEST, and envisioning the bold color of red, call upon Michael:

“Michael, Archangel of balance and light I call upon you for strength in this my [or person’s name] time of need. Walk beside me [name] and help to guide on the path of LIGHT and battle with me [name] against those that would harm me [name]. I am grateful to you for enfolding me [name] in your wings of love and protection. Blessings”

Note: These simple invocations to the Archangels of the four winds were written to not only ask for guidance when needed but to express my gratitude. You can change the wording to what is comfortable for YOU. Incense and candles can also be added to the invocation to help to attract the attention of the angels and to strengthen the energies of the invocation itself.

Art: Crystal Beams by Kirk Reinert

The Power of Angels

So great is the power of angels in the spiritual world that, if I should make known all that I have witnessed in regard to it, it would exceed belief. Any obstruction there that ought to be removed because it is contrary to Divine order, the angels cast down or overthrow merely by an effort of the will and a look.

~Emanuel Swendenborg

Your Guardian Angel’s Name

This is a simple, but effective way to ask for your Guardian Angel’s name.

Sit in a relaxed, quiet, peaceful environment. You can by all means include in your space items that you either have on your angelic altar or special items that have great meaning to you (candles, incense, totems, etc.).

Clear your mind, open and be receptive to subtle messages. Become approachable. This means to disregard any negative or dross energies that you may be “holding” onto.

Create, imagine or visualize a white light surrounding you. This white light is of a loving energy – the aura surrounding you should be of the utmost golden respectful light.

Ask your Guardian Angel what their name is. Listen carefully – record the first name that comes into your mind.

Ask respectfully for any help that you may need. Always give gratitude. This can be in the form of “Thank you,” Amen,” or “Brightest Blessing.”

~This is a very easy exercise to do. If you do not get a name the first time do not be discouraged.

Originally posted at the Prosperity Project on Blogger

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