A Shield of Angels

Here is a super simple way to invoke the protective power of angels. I use this whenever I feel that I need an extra shield of protection.

For example:

I used this once when driving in an ice storm on the freeway during rush hour traffic in Chicago with all the windows almost completely iced up. I had never driven in Chicago before, I was really worried that I would miss my turn, plus I was getting low on gas. Also, this was back in the day before cell phones were a thing, so I had no phone, no GPS, and I knew no one in that city.

My exit was coming up, I was in the middle lane with no idea if there were cars next to me or coming up behind me because all I could see out of was a small area in the front windshield that the defroster was keeping clear. So, I invoked the protective power of my angels.. I held my breath, changed lanes and took the exit. I’m 100% convinced that my angels protected me.

Here’s how it works:

Just say the following words, no need to visualize or center or do anything special. Say the words when you have the need. You might feel the angels snap into place. I usually do, but in the beginning I didn’t always feel their presence until after the danger had passed. Here it is:

Angels to the left of me.
Angels to the right of me.
Angels before me.
Angels behind me.
Angels above me.
Angels below me.
Angels all around.

It doesn’t matter if you say it in a different order, and it’s not necessary to say the words out loud. Once the danger has passed, it’s always nice to say thank you.

5 Responses to A Shield of Angels

  • can this be used to protect others? I don’t see why not, but I haven’t tried to use it that way…

    • Yes, the angels will help others, but you have to ask the angels to do this. My daughter is a nurse with grueling hours. There are days when she is overwhelmed. I have a strong emotional bond with her and I know when she’s having a bad day. I send her “nurse angels” to help. And she can tell whether I did that or not without me telling her. And they do help her!

  • I really seem to have a difficult time with the word Angel. It feels false in my mouth. Going to try Spirit or Deva or even Goddess and see if it feels better.

    • Let us know if that works better for you… and also which one… I’m curious to know how it goes…

  • Daniel, I hope you find a term that feels right for you!

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