
Green and Pleasant Lands

Our planet is beautiful, and the many different landscapes within it are powerfully charging and uplifting to us – not just on holiday.

Today, and in a moment, I want you to sit right back, close your eyes and recall a landscape you know well, and you know what that feels like, and when you are there, experiencing this LAND, you understand wealth, power, abundance and expansiveness on a whole new level.

Take your time and … enjoy!


A Simple Wealth Breathing Exercise

This is really simple but VERY effective.

For the next 60 seconds, breathe in “wealth”, deeply and slowly, hold your breath for a short time, and when you breathe out, you release “old stale energies” that held you back.

Makes you feel really different, doesn’t it.


Wealth Power Animal Totem

Magic throughout the ages has called on the sheer power and life force of animals; and it is not just the ol’ Native Americans who had an eagle or such for their “power animal” and sported it on their national emblems.

In a moment, sit back and consider what animal might be the perfect “wealth power animal totem” for you personally, and let something come to you.

Take 60 seconds to contemplate this animal, and how its energy can help you RIGHT NOW so that you can connect and act better to gain your wealth, and your own power.


Ten Steps To Wealth

This is a basic visualization exercise which is very neat to do for real when you come down a flight of steps. For now, imagine you’re standing at the top of a flight of steps and for each step, we’ll make a wealth affirmation.

  • 10. I am ready for wealth!

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 9. Wealth is my birthright.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 8. I achieve wealth easily.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 7. Wealth comes to me readily.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 6. I invite wealth to come into all I do.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 5. Wealth is my partner and my friend.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 4. Wealth is joyous and delightful.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 3. Wealth enters into all and every aspect of my life.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 2. I am on my way to wealth …

Now take a deep breath and JUMP off the last step and onto the next level:

  • 1. I AM WEALTHY!

Clap your hands and give yourself a round of applause!


The Wise Old Aunt …

… well or it could be an old uncle, a grandfather or such, take your pick. For the next sixty seconds, YOU are going to become your own wise old aunt, and YOU will give yourself some good advice.

You know, the kind of thing that you should really be told, and that you should listen to, and you have been wanting to hear that for a while but no-one’s told you.

Put this wise advice in an email to yourself and send it to yourself, so you can receive it, read it, and possibly print it out for future reference.

Do it NOW …


Pour Out Those Troubles

We’re going to make a thoughtfield!

In a moment, hold out your hands in front of you, as though you were holding a sphere the size of a small melon.

Into this sphere, I want you to pour all your troubles, all your cares, all your worries and all those things that swirl around in the back of our minds and make our thinking unclear and our motivation murky.

Let them all pour into this amazing container – thoughts, pictures, feelings, people, bills, the past, the future, all of it. It’s quick once it gets going.

When you have poured in all your current cares, take the sphere in both hands, lift it up high over your head and throw it behind you.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the clarity of forward vision that this brings.


Call Inspiring People Into Your Life!

Who are YOUR heroes? Your role models? Who do you want to “grow up to be like”?

  • Think of one particular person who you are really inspired by at this time.
  • Someone who has overcome your starting difficulties and has really made it work.
  • Someone you sincerely admire and wish to emulate.
  • Say their name out aloud, right now.
  • “—————-”.

Imagine they are here with you in this space and take 60 seconds to tell them why you admire them, why you want to be like them, and THANK THEM for their gift of inspiration, wisdom, energy, encouragement they have given you just by virtue of being who they are.

  • Say, “Thank you, ————–“, and let it go.


Your Dream House

I *know* that you have an idea of your favourite kind of house that you will buy when you are ready to do so.

Think of it now. Think of it clearly and think of all the BRILLIANT features, luxuries and those many things that please you immensely in it.

Walk through the rooms and discover even more surprises.

Experience it, delight in it and WANT IT TOTALLY!

Well done!


Think Money …

This is a fun exercise – I always enjoy this.

Alright, so think of some money.

Very good!

Now, think of ALL THE MONEY you personally have ever earned. All of it.

Think about all the money you have ever spent, on anything at all, since first you acquired a coin to do with what you wanted.

Now, think of all the money in your town. Think of all the money being spent and earned and borrowed and traded every single day, just in your town.

Now, think of all the money in your country. Take your time. There are many towns, and cities, and people, from the youngest to the oldest, paper money, electronic money, coins, cheques, credit card slips … yeah, all of that, day and night …

Now, think of all the money in the world. Take your time to get a sense of just how much that is, and WHERE that is, and how it is ALL ABOUT YOU, all the time.

MONEY IS EVERYWHERE. Go get some more!


4 Step Success Formula Morning Routine

This is a video describing the best 4 step success formula morning routine for law of attraction that will raise your vibration. In the video is a discussion about how the law of attraction can positive impact your morning and I give you my exact morning routine and morning ritual. Most people block the law of attraction because they do not get their morning started right.

There are certain tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest what you want, but in order to do so you have to create a successful morning routine or ritual. Most people struggle with law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how to get the day started right. And most people struggle because they do not understand how to use it. So I share my biggest takeaways so you can apply it to your life easily.

In this video you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction, understand it better, and apply it to your life. The first step is to understand that you’re always using Law of Attraction. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously. We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life. You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it.

It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system. This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.

Source: Jake Ducey

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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