
Let’s Get Started

Our Abundance Formula project starts bright and early tomorrow morning.

The project itself is a simple one. We will be listening to a money / prosperity / abundance /  manifestation chant every day. That’s it. Very simple and easy. As the days go by, I will be posting a number of YouTube videos, along with audio clips, of various chants, and chats by Astarius. He is our guide and our Abundance Formula manufacturer.

I’ll be uploading a selection of MP3’s into a widget in the side bar. It should be easy to see. This will make it really easy to find and listen to the chant you like the best. Plus if you get tired of one, you can easily find another. I had hoped to get them all uploaded before the project got under way, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to accomplish that… so the list will grow as the project progresses.

Instead of “setting a prosperity goal” this time, I thought it might be interesting to get a general picture of our lives as they are right now. It helps to be specific and visual, so here are some questions to get us started:

  • Your life is a glass, your prosperity is the water… how full is your glass?
  • Your bank account is a pie… is it mostly crumbs? or are there some pieces on that plate?
  • If life is a journey, and a happy fulfilled life is your destination… what do you see ahead? Impassible mountains? A giant swamp? A well traveled path? Tracks in the mud? A stunning view? Quicksand? Home Sweet Home? What?
  • Rate your average daily experience of your life from 1 to 10, 1 being it really really sucks and 10 being amazingly awesome.

Now that we’ve done this, we’ll be able to take a look back 30 days from now and see what changes may or may not have occurred. I am really looking forward to this one. I hope you are too.

As always, comments, experiences, and insights, are deeply appreciated.

How did we do?

When I first had the idea for this project, I looked up the definition of the phrase, “Laying the groundwork,” and this is what it means:

  • To create or prepare the basics or essential foundation (for something); to pave the way (for something).
  • Something that is done at an early stage and that makes later work or progress possible.

Most of the exercises this time around were aimed at getting a clearer understanding of ourselves. And in the process, discover where our strengths, weaknesses, limitations, motivations, talents, and abilities lie.

Now that we’ve come to the end of our 30 day experiment, it’s time to check in with your results, experiences, and insights. Even if you didn’t complete all of the exercises, it will still be helpful to know what worked, or did not work for you.

Note: A simple way to leave feedback on the project is to copy and paste the questions into the comment box, and then answer the ones that appeal to you.

  • Did you complete all of the exercises?
  • If not, were the ones that you did do helpful to you?
  • In what way?
  • Which exercise did you get the most benefit from?
  • What was your favorite part of this project?
  • What was your least favorite part?
  • Did you learn anything new about yourself?
  • Did you discover anything important that you’d like to share?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to say about this project?

I would really love it if everyone that did the exercises would leave some feedback on this project. The fact that other people participated is a huge motivator for me. I deeply appreciate every person who visited this project and took part in it.

Just For Fun


We’ve been working on lots of hard questions, serious questions, relevant questions… how about we do something today that’s just fun…

These questions are from actual job interviews… yes, really! I found them in an article at Fast Company. The article is called 36 Interview Questions That Are Actually Fun To Answer. Here it is:

Job interviews are exciting and anxiety-inducing at the very same time: Landing one means you’ve made it past the initial application stage and into the more exclusive “yes” pile, but it also means preparing for those all-too-familiar questions about your strengths, your weaknesses—yeah, you know the drill.

But what if, halfway through your interview, the hiring manager surprised you with an unexpectedly interesting question—a fun interview question that energized you and got your creative juices flowing? The good news is that hiring managers really are asking questions like this in interviews today, and while they might catch you off-guard, they’ll also give you a chance to loosen up, and the interviewer a chance to learn more about the real you.

So, take some time to think about the interview questions that you’ll actually enjoy answering, like the 36 real-life Qs we’ve gathered here from Glassdoor, Quora, Vault, and FlexJobs. We promise you’ll enjoy practicing your answers to these.

Note: This might be easier if you copy and paste the questions to a text document … or even the comment box … and play around with answering the ones that seem fun and interesting. Don’t worry about answering them all. Just do the ones that seem fun.

  • Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
  • You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
  • We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?
  • What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
  • What’s your favorite ’90s jam?
  • If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
  • What was the last gift you gave someone?
  • What were you like in high school?
  • What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?
  • Any advice for your previous boss?
  • Tell me something about your last job, other than money, that would have inspired you to keep working there.
  • What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Which two organizations outside your own do you know the most people at and why?
  • Pretend you’re our CEO. What three concerns about the firm’s future keep you up at night?
  • If I were to hire you for this job and I granted you three promises with regard to working here, what would they be?
  • If you don’t get this job, what’s your backup plan?
  • What inspires you?
  • Teach me something I don’t know in the next five minutes.
  • What are you known for?
  • What do you work toward in your free time?
  • What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume alone?
  • How would you rate your memory?
  • Code something from scratch in three hours. Then explain your design and solution.
  • If you woke up and had 2,000 unread emails and could only answer 300 of them, how would you choose which ones to answer?
  • How many pennies would fit into this room?
  • Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday?
  • Estimate how many windows are in New York.
  • How would you value the store on the corner?
  • How many square feet of pizza is eaten in the U.S. each year?
  • Describe the color yellow to somebody who is blind.
  • If you were to get rid of one state in the U.S., which would it be and why?
  • You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?
  • Who would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman?
  • How would you convince someone to do something they didn’t want to do?
  • A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?



Sometimes we just feel stuck. I think it’s important to pay attention to the places where we feel stuck. If you have identified areas in your life where you feel stuck, here are some questions worth asking:

  • Am I really stuck? Or am I just waiting?
  • What am I waiting for? The other shoe to drop?
  • Am I waiting for help? For answers?
  • If I’m not waiting, could it be that I am resisting?
  • What am I resisting? Why would I resist that?
  • Why wouldn’t I resist that?
  • What if I’m not stuck at all? What if I’m just resting?
  • Do I need to take a nap? Am I just tired?
  • Am I being pulled in opposite directions?
  • Who is pulling me? And why?
  • Maybe I really am stuck… glued down, even, what about that?
  • Am I a prisoner here? Do I need to plan a prison break?
  • Do I need a parole? A pardon? A passport?
  • Should I make a battering ram? Find some dynamite?
  • Maybe I like it here and I’m not stuck at all, what about that?


Coming To The End


Now that we’re coming to the end of the project, with just 2 days left, it’s time to think about how we would describe this experience. Did it work? I think that’s the biggest question. At the conclusion of our 30 days, I intend to post an in depth review of our experiences. The more input I have, the more accurate it will be. So, be honest, be candid, don’t be afraid to say what you think.

I have compiled a list of questions that I thought might be helpful in rating this experience:

  1. Did you feel that it worked for you?
  2. Were any of your goals met?
  3. Did you enjoy this project? Or did you lose interest along the way?
  4. What was your favorite I AM Decree?
  5. Did you make up any of your own?
  6. Has your life changed in any way because of, or as a result of, the Violet Flame Decrees?
  7. Is this something you would recommend to a friend?
  8. Will you continue to use the Violet Flame even after the project is over?
  9. Did you have any insights, any experiences, or any thoughts you’d like to share?

Seventh Day Update


Today is day seven of our project, and I’m just checking in to see how things are going with every one.

  • Are you finding it easy or difficult to do the decrees every day?
  • Is there a decree that you really like?
  • What insights (if any) have you had while working this project?
  • Is there anything you’d like for me to find out about and post?
  • Is there anything you’d like to share with the group?

Note: Feel free to respond either here, or on the Facebook page, either one. Whichever is easiest for you.

What If?

What if it truly doesn’t matter what you do but how you do whatever you do?

How would this change what you choose to do with your life?

What if you could be more present and open hearted with each person you met if you were working as a cashier in a corner store, or as a parking lot attendant, than you could if you were doing a job you think is more important?

How would this change how you want to spend your precious time on this earth?

What if your contribution to the world and the fulfillment of your own happiness is not dependent upon discovering a better method of prayer or technique of meditation, not dependent upon reading the right book or attending the right seminar, but upon really seeing and deeply appreciating yourself and the world as they are right now?

How would this affect your search for spiritual development?

What if there is no need to change, no need to try to transform yourself into someone who is more compassionate, more present, more loving or wise?

How would this affect all the places in your life where you are endlessly trying to be better?

What if the task is simply to unfold, to become who you already are in your essential nature – gentle, compassionate, and capable of living fully and passionately present?

How would this affect how you feel when you wake up in the morning?

What if who you essentially are right now is all that you are ever going to be?

How would this affect how you feel about your future?

What if the essence of who you are and always have been is enough?

How would this affect how you see and feel about your past?

What if the question is not why am I so infrequently the person I really want to be, but why do I so infrequently want to be the person I really am?

How would this change what you think you have to learn?

What if becoming who and what we truly are happens not through striving and trying, but by recognizing and receiving the people and places and practices that offer us the warmth of encouragement we need to unfold?

How would this shape the choices you make about how to spend today?

What if you knew that the impulse to move in a way that creates beauty in the world will arise from deep within and guide you every time you simply pay attention and wait?

How would this shape your stillness, your movement, your willingness to follow this impulse, to just let go and dance?
How would this affect how you see and feel about your past?

From The Invitation
by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Wrapping Things Up

Well, today is our last day of Feng Shui and De-cluttering, so it’s time to wrap things up and assess the effects this project had on our prosperity and our lives. So here is a questionaire to help bring things into focus:

  • Did you do the de-cluttering projects?
  • How well did they work for you?
  • Which one was your favorite?
  • What did you like most about the de-cluttering?
  • What did you like least?
  • How do you feel that the de-cluttering process impacted your life?
  • Are you going to participate in the 200 things idea?
  • Did you do any of the feng shui cures
  • Did they achieve the desired effect?
  • What happened?
  • What, if anything, did you learn about yourself?
  • Are you going to continue to use the principles of feng shui?
  • Overall, would you rate this months as a “success” with regard to being a path to prosperity?

Here is a picture of the world’s largest wind chimes.
Cool huh?

Make a Feng Shui Journal

Our activity for today (Day One):

This will help you to assess your life and guide you to where you may want to focus your feng shui energy as we proceed this month:

Get out your journal or notebook and ask yourself:

  • Are you satisfied with your career?
  • Do you just barely make rent every month?
  • Are you stuck in a dating rut or a boring relationship?

In your journal, write down anything that’s bothering you or coming between you and true happiness.

You can even carry a pen and paper with you throughout the day, and any time anything at all bothers you, or you hear a complaint running through your head, write it down! It might be something as simple as “I have a headache” or “My boss never listens to me.” Even if you are being repetitive, write down the complaint each time.

You can ask yourself the following questions to uncover some of the areas in which you are dissatisfied:

Career and Life Path: Are you fulfilled in your current career? If not, what is less than optimal? People? Money? Type of work? Location? Stress? Boss?

Skills and Knowledge: Are you content with your current level of education? Seem to repetitively make bad decisions and wish you were wiser? Want to change careers but don’t have the skills to master your dream?

Family: Do you have a good relationship with your family? Is it hard making enough money just to pay for the basics? Have they ever based an after-school special on your family?

Prosperity: Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Do you have a yearning for a material item but the only thing stopping you is lack of money? Do you make a good income, but it goes out as fast as it comes in?

Fame and Reputation: Does it appear that people are talking poorly about you in public, hurting your career, family, or feelings? Do you want the courage to do something you can’t seem to make yourself do? Does fear stop you from fulfilling dreams and being happy?

Relationships and Love: Are you content and fulfilled with current relationships (family, spouse, business associates, children, friends?) Do you feel depleted from your relationships with certain people? Do you wish to be in a committed relationship but can’t seem to find the right person? Do you need an exorcist to fight off the partners you attract?

Creativity and Children: Are you having trouble having children? Having trouble with your children? Wish you were more creative? Are you burned out or bored in your work, hobby, or life? Do you feel limited, as if there is no opportunity?

Helpful People and Travel: Do you always do everything yourself? Do you have a hard time finding the right person to help with things such as baby-sitting, home improvements, spiritual guidance, health issues, business ventures? Do you get taken frequently or played the fool? Do you yearn for new places to visit and explore but never seem to get there?

Health and Other: Do you have any complaints about your current state of health? Do you always seem to come down with whatever virus is going around? Can’t find your funny bone? Is “Clutter” or “Pack Rat” your middle name? Do you have any other complaints that did not seem to fit in any of the above categories?

Now, take a quick inventory of what IS working. You don’t need to use a feng shui cure for something that isn’t broken!

Now you have a list of specific areas to work on during this month and beyond, and you have a starting point to refer back to as things get better and better in your life!

From: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


Food for thought

 I love this picture.

I believe that inside each one of us there lives someone who is this vulnerable, this tender, this delicate, this new, and this beautiful. What do you think? Do you think that’s true?

What if we could see the people around us in the same light that we see this picture? What if we felt this way about ourselves? What if we treated our environment and our relationships with the same tenderness that would treat this little being?

If my mom and dad looked at this picture, they would say that God is the hands and we are the baby (unless we aren’t Christians in which case we will burn in hell)… and I would love to believe that there is a loving “father” God who would hold me this tenderly and gently, in whom I could rest so completely and safely.. How does your image or idea of “God” relate to this picture?

We have a “new” year starting up. What do you think would happen if we treated each new day of this new year with the same reverence and awe that this image inspires?

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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