Overcoming Obstacles

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Ganesh Maha Mantra

This video is a humble offering at the feet of our Lord Ganesh.

Ganesh Maha Mantra:
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras. Each mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion, they will yield good results. In general, Ganesha mantras will ward off all evil and bless the devotee with abundance, prudence and success. Evil spirits dare not enter the home or the mind of the devotee where Ganesha mantras are recited.

  • Album – Sacred Morning Chants – Shri Ganesh
  • Artist – Shankar Mahadevan

A Hymn To Ganesha

A Renowned Five-Jeweled Hymn by
Sri Adi Sankara (798-820)
Free-Flowing Translation by J. Sethuraman

Maha Ganesa Pancharatna Stotram

I bow to Vinayaka
Who, with glee, holds a half-eaten modaka in His hand,
Who is the ever-present means of moksha
Who has the moon as an ear ornament,
Who protects all the worlds,
Who is the single leader for those who are lost without anybody to help them,
Who destroyed the elephant demon and
Who swiftly removes the blemishes of those who bow to Him.

I seek refuge of the great Lord Vinayaka
Who is higher than the highest,
Who is everlasting,
Who is ferocious to others than those that bow to Him,
Who is resplendent as the newly rising sun,
Worshiped by both demons and Gods,
The savior of those that bow to Him from all their miseries,
The lord of all the Gods,
The lord of all wealth,
The elephant God,
And Ganesvara, the lord of the ganas.

I bow to the resplendent one
Who bestows peace to all the worlds,
Who conquered the elephant demon,
Who has not a small belly,
The excellent one,
Who has a beautiful elephant face,
Who is eternal,
Who is kind,
Who is forgiving,
Who gives happiness,
Who bestows fame and
Who satisfies every wish of those that bow to him.

I worship the ancient elephant God
who shares the misery of the poor,
the fit receptacle of all the ancient prayers,
the first son of the enemy of the three cities (Shiva),
the shatterer of the pride of the demons,
the fierce destroyer of the worlds,
decorated by fire and other elements, and
whose elephant cheeks are flowing with must
(the rut that flows from the cheeks of male elephants.)

I constantly think of Him alone,
the single-tusked one,
With a lovingly brilliant tusk,
The son of the destroyer of the sacrifice (Shiva),
With a form that cannot be comprehended,
With no end,
Who tears asunder all doubts, and
Who is verily like spring to the yogis who hold Him in their hearts all the time.

One who repeats every day
The Maha Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram
With reverence
In the mornings or evenings
while holding Ganesvara in his heart
He, very quickly,
Will be joined by
Good health, blemishlessness, good fellowship, good children, long life,
and the eight vibhutis (powers).

from Loving Ganesa
by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Removing Obstacles using the Ganesh Mantra

Do you have problems in your life? Have you been encountering obstacles, trials, tribulations? Are you at the beginning of a business venture, working on a book, taking classes, or planning a trip? Do you need a little extra help from unexpected sources? If the answer to any one of these questions is “yes”, then you might want to consider joining us this month.

It’s easy, it costs nothing, and it takes very little time out of your busy schedule. It might even lighten your load. You may find that your projects and tasks flow more easily, that your income increases even as your work load decreases. It just might be the best thing you ever did for yourself. All that is required is a commitment to try it for 30 days, and to share your experiences (positive or otherwise) with the other members of the project.

How does it work?

The post with the mantra, will be uploaded tomorrow (Feb 7th) which is the “official” start of our 30 days. I have collected lots of nifty and interesting tidbits of information, and other cool stuff which will be uploaded as our 30 days progresses. I am really hoping that we can generate some lively discussion, and give each other support as we work this project.


This is the original post from 2007. The information on the mantra has already been uploaded and can be found in the post about  Revisiting Ganesh.


Revisiting Ganesha

For the next 30 days, we will be revisiting the Invoking Ganesh project from 2007. This was one of my all time favorites. It always seems to work for me ~ when I remember to use it.

From Mind Valley, here are 6 benefits to a regular practice of chanting the Ganesh Mantra. I’m sure there are many more.

  • The Ganesh mantra is known to activate the mind and various chakras of the body. This leads to better blood circulation and therefore improved metabolic rate in the body.
  • It is said that it is best to chant the Ganesh Mantra before undertaking a new venture, as he is the bringer of success, prosperity, and good luck.
  • Chanting the Ganesh Mantra also brings peace, or more literally – it removes all enemies from one’s path.
  • It helps us focus.
  • It brings clarity into our lives
  • It is also said that if you chant the Ganesh Mantra 1008 times, it will remove fear from your heart.

What is the Ganesh mantra?

Well, actually there are a number of different Ganesh Mantras. The one we used for our original project was this one: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.

A loose translation might be:

  • Om = The sound of the universe
  • Gam = The secret power sound of Ganesh. It is his “seed syllable” or bija mantra.
  • Ganapataye = Another name of Ganesh, the remover of obstacles.
  • Namaha = I submit to a higher power.

The pronunciation is also pretty easy:

  • Om = ohm or aum
  • Gam = Somewhere between “gahm” and “gum”. In some dialects it is “guhng”.
  • Ganapataye = gah-nah-paht-ah-yeh
  • Namaha – nah-mah-hah

Repetition of this mantra over and over again brings peace, and is designed to help remove anything that might be blocking your progress. Some of us used the whole mantra, and some of us just used the bija or seed sound for the Ganesh Mantra, which is “Gam” and sounds like “gum.

The mantra can be chanted aloud, or silently, or a combination of the two. You might want to do this as a regular meditation practice, or you can simply chant the mantra while on your way to work, whenever anything comes up that feels overwhelming, if you find yourself in a whirlpool of anxious thoughts, while walking, jogging, or even when falling asleep at night.

Tiny Habits

What is a “Tiny Habit”?

  • A personal behavior
  • Done at least once a day
  • Takes less than 30 seconds
  • Requires little effort

I love the idea of creating a series of “tiny habits” rather than trying to follow a possibly complex, rigid, or cumbersome morning routine. I’m thinking that something like this might work better for me because it’s so simple and flexible.

When You Really Don’t Feel Like It

This post is something I found, but never posted when we were working on our The Little Engine That Could project,  so it’s not exactly a morning routine, but it occurs to me that once I do have the “perfect” morning routine in place, I might find myself at odds with it. Suppose I wake up in the morning and I really don’t feel like doing any of it… then what? So, here we have an article on how to get shit done even when you’re totally unmotivated.

How to Get Shit Done Even When You Really Don’t Feel Like It

When I first started my business, I was surprised that getting clients and making a decent income — the things I feared most — weren’t all that difficult. Instead, the thing that plagued me was actually pretty simple: finding the motivation to actually do the work I’d been given. It might sound ridiculous, but after chatting with enough freelancers, I can tell you this: it’s a common problem. Nowadays, I’m able to get A LOT more done (even when I totally don’t feel like it!). Today’s tips are lessons I learned over the past year (the hard way), which have drastically increased my productivity, motivation, and will to get shit done. Leh do dis.

  • Figure out what you’re afraid of

When I first started out, I had a subconscious fear that my work was going to take a looooong time to finish. Someone wants a new blog design? BRB, see you in a year! I’d built up unreasonable fears about how long the work would take to do and in turn, pushed it off over and over again.

My solution? I wrote out how long I thought each item on my to-do list would take and then I timed myself! I was shocked (shocked!) when my estimates were often 2-3 times longer than the task actually took. It was incredibly motivating to see how quickly I was able to work. This simple activity helped me prioritize my days ever since. What’s really holding you back from doing your work? Fear of how long it will take? Too much pride about not being able to deliver something spectacular enough? The answer might reveal a whole lot!

  • Use the 20 second rule

Want to get shit done? Make it 20 seconds easier to do. In The Happiness Advantage, author Shawn Achor describes a simple strategy for developing better habits and doing things even when we don’t feel motivated. Achor says, “Lower the activation energy for habits you want to adopt, and raise it for habits you want to avoid. The more we can lower or even eliminate the activation energy for our desired actions, the more we enhance our ability to jump-start positive change.” So the next time you decide to skip the gym? Try laying out your workout gear the night before.

  • Cut yourself off from social media

It’s no wonder we can’t get things done when we spend hours of everyday staring mindlessly at a screen that magically sends us funny pictures and updates from our friends. (If given the choice between work and text from dog, one will always choose text from dog). Make it easier on yourself and tune out of social media. Turn off notifications on your phone. Set specific times that you’re allowed to check social media sites (and ONLY check at these times). I think you’ll find that when you hush the chatter of the online world, you’re able to get back into the groove of that pesky to-do list that’s been giving you side eyes since last week.

  • Recognize when you’re at the top of your game

Dudes. I am pretty useless in the late afternoon. Awhile back, I used to start my day with emails, social media, and small, mindless tasks, which meant that I was doing The Big Stuff in the afternoon…when I was tired and not functioning at my best. Figure out when you feel and work your best and then do all of the things that take the most brain power during those times. Twitter can wait. Promise.

  • Create rewards

I’ll be honest, rewards never worked for me, but I do know they work for other people. Tell yourself that once you finish X, you can have/do Y. Another alternative is to reward yourself with something (like a small piece of candy) whenever you knock an item off your to-do list.

  • Organize that hot mess of yours

There is nothing less motivating to me than a completely messy desk. Luckily, this is a simple fix! Spend 15 minutes organizing your work area and cleaning up all that shiz of yours. When your work space is clear, your mind is clear.

  • Give up

I thought we’d end on an inspirational note. ? But seriously, some days you’re just not going to feel it and pushing yourself to work when you absolutely CAN’T will probably only result in mediocre results and even more overwhelm. Play hooky for the day or a few hours. Relax. Take a freakin’ break. Try a few things from this list. I promise you’ll feel a whole lot better tomorrow, you little hustler you.

By Melyssa Griffin

Awaken Shakti With The Ganesh Mantra

Back in 2007, we did a project Invoking Ganesh with the Ganesh Mantra. I am in the process of (very slowly) migrating it from the old Blogger Blog to it’s new home here at shirleytwofeathers.com. I could sure use some help from the Remover of Obstacles, and I thought it might be worth incorporating into a morning routine.

Here’s some info from Mind Body Green:

This is my favorite mantra to awaken Shakti, or the manifesting energy of the Universe, to stoke the fire of transformation within. I teach this mantra in classes, I sing it while driving in Los Angeles traffic and I have shared with with friends, family and students around the world because it’s easy and uplifting with the potential for great results.

According to the Buddhist Handbook, mantras are “highly compressed, power-packed formulas, usually of Sanskrit origin, which are charged with deep meaning and magical potency.” A mantra can be a word, sound or phrase which elevates or modifies consciousness through its meaning, sound, rhythm, tone and reflexology of the tongue against the palate of the mouth.

This particular mantra is “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha,” which can be loosely translated to “Yo! Wake up Root Chakra energy of transformation so I can move through any obstacles in my life. Hooray!” Most importantly, we are calling upon the powerful energy of Ganesh, the elephant headed deity, who is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles and the Lord of Beginnings.

According to Kundalini yoga, Ganesh, also referred to as Ganapataye, resides in the first chakra, called Muladhara (muladhara). Mula means “original,” and adhara means “foundation.” The muladhara chakra is the principal origin from which the manifesting energy of Shakti resides within each of us. When we awaken that energy, it helps us move through the Chakras with ease to activate a strong sense of self, express Divine love, communicate clearly and connect with our intuition.

This particular mantra is important because not only is it fun and catchy, but it also represents a willingness to release and move past the perceived obstacles in our lives. We can all make excuses for ourselves about why we cannot achieve our dreams, but you will have an easier time succeeding when you choose to focus on your goals rather than your challenges. So when you make the choice to chant this mantra, you are aligning yourself with your desired outcome and moving towards it with conviction.

I suggest you use this mantra when you want to clear the Chitta Vritti, or the anxious chatter of the mind. You can repeat this Mantra 108 times on your Mala beads or follow along with a video for a minute of chanting. You’ll find a bunch of them on YouTube. Most importantly, make it your own, find your voice and have fun. Remember, this is your life. Don’t let anything hold you back because you deserve the best.

Do this every morning for 17 seconds

“Get out into the sunlight — out where everything is — with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you; those who don’t agree with you; those who make your life feel uncomfortable don’t come into your experience, because your vibration — through your practice — has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That’s what you planned.” —Abraham

“When you acknowledge what you do not want, and then ask yourself, “What is it that I do want?” you begin a gradual shift into the telling of your new story and into a much-improved point of attraction. You get the essence of what you think about – whether you want it or not – because Law of Attraction is unerringly consistent – therefore, you are never only telling the story of “how it is now.” You are also telling the future experience that you are creating right now.” —Abraham


4 Morning Success Rituals

“As a cook, your station, and its condition, its state of readiness, is an extension of your nervous system. The universe is in order when your station is set. Mise-en-place (a French phrase meaning “putting in place”) is the religion of all good line cooks.”
~Chef and best-selling author Anthony Bourdain

As a therapist for many an anxious nervous system, I love productivity hacks. As a die-hard morning fan, I’m drawn to tips, tricks and tools focusing on the wee-hours of each day.

If you found yourself damning the dawn reference above, the following four steps just may convert you to a morning-ish person:

1. Set Your Intentions

“When walking, walk. When eating, eat.”
~Zen Proverb

It’s one thing to want to feel more calm and prepared for the day ahead, and another to actually execute your plan.

I suggest starting the night before, thereby ensuring adequate rest. For adults between the ages of 18 and 64+, that translates to 7 to 9 hours nightly. Sleep is the cornerstone of mental wellness, but it’s rarely a priority. To reinforce this step, ask yourself about the last time you functioned bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after burning the midnight oil? (college kids will kindly exempt themselves).

Now close your eyes and envision the last time you were calm and in control. Channel that situation and remember that you’re capable of slowing down and getting the job done. Mindset is key to starting.

2. Think Proactive vs Reactive

According to social psychologist Dr. Ron Friedman, if you spend the first 10 minutes of each day checking and answering email, you’re priming your mind for a reactive state. Rather than go on the defensive each morning, take that time back and reframe it to “me time.” When you see yourself as having an internal locus of control, you’re less likely to reinforce anxious patterns of thinking.

If you’re at a loss for how to undo your reactive ways, consider these easy options first thing in the morning:

  • Drink a glass of water (hydration is vital to mood and health)
  • Read a self-help, business, or leisure book.
  • Meditate for five minutes.
  • Think healthy thoughts.

3. Plan, Plan and Plan

“Chefs like Anthony Bourdain have long appreciated that when it comes to exceptional cooking, the single most important ingredient of any dish is planning. It’s the ‘Meez’ that forces Bourdain to think ahead, that saves him from having to distractedly search for items midway through, and that allows him to channel his full attention to the dish before him.” ~Ron Friedman

Start each morning with a mini-planning session. Because our minds and body are fresh, take advantage of your “clean slate.” Resist the urge to replay yesterday’s soundtrack, or get sucked into worrying about tomorrow. Stay in the here-and-now, and think steps, not lofty goals.

4. Own Your 120-Minutes

“It turns out that most people are productive in the first two hours of the morning. Not immediately after waking, but if you get up at 7 you’ll be most productive from around from 8-10:30. One of the saddest mistakes in time management is the propensity of people to spend the two most productive hours of their day on things that don’t require high cognitive capacity (like social media).” ~Dan Ariely, behavioral economist at Duke University.

Choose two things you can accomplish today, above all else. Just deux. Let’s be honest — those items you want to get through but never seem to are probably not so urgent. After all, we make time for what’s important. Many productive people write their upcoming tasks the night before to establish tomorrow’s To-do list.

Before you roll up your productivity sleeves, remove all necessary distractions. Turn off the notifications on your mobile device, close the open tabs on your computer, and let others in your home or office know that you’re not to be disturbed for the next couple of hours.

When it comes to beginning your day, take it from a master chef. Set up the essential ingredients for the task ahead. You no longer have to be distracted about every single item which requires your attention. Focus on what’s right in front of you and start with a single bite.

From: Psychology Today

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Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
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  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
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