Well Begun

4 Morning Success Rituals

“As a cook, your station, and its condition, its state of readiness, is an extension of your nervous system. The universe is in order when your station is set. Mise-en-place (a French phrase meaning “putting in place”) is the religion of all good line cooks.”
~Chef and best-selling author Anthony Bourdain

As a therapist for many an anxious nervous system, I love productivity hacks. As a die-hard morning fan, I’m drawn to tips, tricks and tools focusing on the wee-hours of each day.

If you found yourself damning the dawn reference above, the following four steps just may convert you to a morning-ish person:

1. Set Your Intentions

“When walking, walk. When eating, eat.”
~Zen Proverb

It’s one thing to want to feel more calm and prepared for the day ahead, and another to actually execute your plan.

I suggest starting the night before, thereby ensuring adequate rest. For adults between the ages of 18 and 64+, that translates to 7 to 9 hours nightly. Sleep is the cornerstone of mental wellness, but it’s rarely a priority. To reinforce this step, ask yourself about the last time you functioned bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after burning the midnight oil? (college kids will kindly exempt themselves).

Now close your eyes and envision the last time you were calm and in control. Channel that situation and remember that you’re capable of slowing down and getting the job done. Mindset is key to starting.

2. Think Proactive vs Reactive

According to social psychologist Dr. Ron Friedman, if you spend the first 10 minutes of each day checking and answering email, you’re priming your mind for a reactive state. Rather than go on the defensive each morning, take that time back and reframe it to “me time.” When you see yourself as having an internal locus of control, you’re less likely to reinforce anxious patterns of thinking.

If you’re at a loss for how to undo your reactive ways, consider these easy options first thing in the morning:

  • Drink a glass of water (hydration is vital to mood and health)
  • Read a self-help, business, or leisure book.
  • Meditate for five minutes.
  • Think healthy thoughts.

3. Plan, Plan and Plan

“Chefs like Anthony Bourdain have long appreciated that when it comes to exceptional cooking, the single most important ingredient of any dish is planning. It’s the ‘Meez’ that forces Bourdain to think ahead, that saves him from having to distractedly search for items midway through, and that allows him to channel his full attention to the dish before him.” ~Ron Friedman

Start each morning with a mini-planning session. Because our minds and body are fresh, take advantage of your “clean slate.” Resist the urge to replay yesterday’s soundtrack, or get sucked into worrying about tomorrow. Stay in the here-and-now, and think steps, not lofty goals.

4. Own Your 120-Minutes

“It turns out that most people are productive in the first two hours of the morning. Not immediately after waking, but if you get up at 7 you’ll be most productive from around from 8-10:30. One of the saddest mistakes in time management is the propensity of people to spend the two most productive hours of their day on things that don’t require high cognitive capacity (like social media).” ~Dan Ariely, behavioral economist at Duke University.

Choose two things you can accomplish today, above all else. Just deux. Let’s be honest — those items you want to get through but never seem to are probably not so urgent. After all, we make time for what’s important. Many productive people write their upcoming tasks the night before to establish tomorrow’s To-do list.

Before you roll up your productivity sleeves, remove all necessary distractions. Turn off the notifications on your mobile device, close the open tabs on your computer, and let others in your home or office know that you’re not to be disturbed for the next couple of hours.

When it comes to beginning your day, take it from a master chef. Set up the essential ingredients for the task ahead. You no longer have to be distracted about every single item which requires your attention. Focus on what’s right in front of you and start with a single bite.

From: Psychology Today

16 Better Ways To Start Your Day

I bet I can predict what your morning looks like: You wake up to a generic alarm clock sound, roll out of bed, get dressed, grab a mediocre breakfast, and leave the house still rubbing your eyes and yawning.

How’d I know? Because we all do it—it’s the only way we know how. (And if you’re not one of us traditionalists, I salute you!)

However, there are so many better ways to start your day than by following the usual patterns. Yes, you can journal, exercise, read, or meditate—but you can also get a little crazy and try any of these 16 other unique strategies to having better morning. While you can’t possibly incorporate all 16 (or can you?), you can start with one or two.

1. The Two-Minute Exercise

A lot of people suggest that you meditate every morning to increase your energy, confidence, and sense of stability—but let’s be real: No one has time to really meditate and fully free their mind. Instead, Muse writer Lily Herman suggests trying these two super-quick breathing exercises when you wake up.

2. The Seven-Minute Routine

For the people in a hurry, take seven minutes to think, breathe, doodle, and make a plan. Even this small amount of time can create a positive mindset for the rest of your day.

3. The 15-Minute Routine

We can almost guarantee that John Gannon’s morning routine will change the way you brainstorm.

What does he do? He gives thanks, writes to get his creative juices flowing, and jots down 10 new ideas every day. The results: After 30 days of doing this and sharing his input with others, he came up with an exciting new product for his startup that lead to great success and got offered a job. And it only took 15 minutes out of his day!

4. Take a Shower

Only like to get clean at night? You might want to rethink that. As Muse writer Jennifer Winter says , “Jumping in the shower has a way of shocking your system and getting your circulation going. If you absolutely can’t get yourself into the shower, then at a minimum do a thorough scrubbing of your face in the sink and finish off with a splash of cold water. You’ll look and feel more awake than you would if you’d simply rolled out of bed.”

5. Buy a Festive Coffee Mug

You’d be surprised how much your cup of coffee can brighten your morning—and I’m not talking about the caffeine part. Spruce up your routine with something that’ll make you smile, laugh, or even entertain you while you sip. For some ideas, look at this shopping guide and this one .

6. Use an Alarm Clock That Actually Works

Yes, it is possible to find an alarm that doesn’t make you want to hit snooze a bagillion times. Just remember—once you’re out of bed, everything can only get easier. So try these better solutions on for size—waking up will be a piece of cake. (Just kidding, waking up will never compare to cake.)

7. Blast Some Great Tunes

There’s no better way to stimulate your mind in the morning—without exhausting it back to sleep—than by listening to music. And we’ve got the perfect playlist for just about every mood you’ll face.

8. Stay in Bed Longer

“For many, the hardest part about waking up and getting out of bed is the “getting out of bed” part. So, don’t! Winston Churchill spent the first three or four hours of each day working from bed, reading stacks of mail, and dictating responses to his secretaries,” writes Muse contributor Alexandra Franzen . While it’s unlikely you have the luxury of three to four hours (unless you’re waking up right after you go to sleep), treat yourself to 10 or so minutes.

9. Create Something

Muse’s Senior Editor of Branded Content Erin Greenawald has three suggestions for starting your day right : Have any networking meetings first thing in the morning, listen to podcasts while you get up and ready, and finally, instead of reaching for your phone, reach for paper and a pencil, or ingredients for breakfast: “It doesn’t have to take long, and it doesn’t have to be big—or even good, for that matter—but you’ll be starting your day by engaging a part of your brain that many of us don’t get to work with often.”

10. Create a Step-by-Step Schedule

If you plan out, step-by-step , how long each AM task takes you to complete, you’ll more accurately see how much time you truly need to get ready in the morning. You might also realize what things can be done later in the day, or even the night before. And once you set a realistic timeframe for showering, getting dressed, or eating breakfast, stick to it. Muse Career Coach Adrian J. Hopkins believes that “if you take a moment to plan ahead, you’ll find that one stitch, in time, really does save nine.”

11. Do the Dishes

According to a article by LearnVest , “Rolling up your sleeves to hand wash a sink full of dirty dishes from last night’s dinner may be the last thing you want to do first thing in the morning, but a recent study found that mindfully cleaning dishes—in other words, staying in the moment while scrubbing away—reduced anxiety and made study subjects feel more inspired.” And bonus, you won’t have to worry about them later when you’re exhausted from work!

12. Check the News (Fast!)

The first thing I do each morning is open my email on my phone to read theSkimm, an entertaining roundup of breaking headlines. It’s just what I need to start to stimulate my mind and think about my day without thinking too hard. For even more quick-fix news outlets, check out this list .

13. Exercise for 10 Minutes

Muse writer Kat Moon says that this science-backed exercise tip will increase your mental processing speed—and it doesn’t require any heavy lifting or five-mile sprints. For example, you can take a walk around the block, watch a yoga tape, or even do a few rounds of push-ups. (True story: the Muse team can attest to this strategy.)

14. Set Your Clocks Five Minutes Ahead

It seems silly, but even just tricking your brain into thinking you’re late will help you wake up faster. Plus, you’ll always be guaranteed to be on time.

Muse Managing Editor Jenni Maier loves using this technique to get moving in the morning : “Just seeing the (incorrect) time on your microwave, in the car, and anywhere else you can manually change it will make you start operating five minutes ahead. I can’t explain it, I can just tell you that every morning I leave my house at 8:10 AM, look down at my phone, see it’s really only 8:05, and think about the fact that my stupid stove clock tricked me again.”

15. Play Some Soothing Ambiance

Fun fact: Ambient noise is proven to increase creativity and productivity—so consider turning on the sounds of a coffee shop or a cozy rainy day to set your mood. To create your own background noise, try apps such as Noizio or A Soft Murmur .

16. Keep Your Blinds Open

Sunlight is the best way to naturally wake your body up—so don’t hide from it. Muse writer Lily Herman suggests that this will make the night-to-morning transition a lot easier: “It’s hard to go from pitch-black darkness to bright light (especially if you hop on your phone or computer first thing in the morning), so make it easier on yourself by keeping your blinds somewhat open. I can personally attest to the fact that not drawing my curtains means it’s a little less jarring to wake up to my alarm each morning.”

From: The Muse


9 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right

How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

You can start your day by hitting the snooze button, dragging yourself out of bed at the last minute, rushing to get ready, and then running out the door with a doughnut in one hand and your briefcase in the other. Or, you can start your day with good morning habits. I recommend the latter.

Below you’ll find nine morning habits to start the day right.

1. Wake Up Early.

Early risers reap many benefits. Some of these benefits include the following:

  • Being able to go through your morning routine in a calm and leisurely manner instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off being rushed.
  • Having time for introspection and getting yourself in the right frame of mind.
  • The quiet morning hours are a great time to get things done.
  • You can get an early start on your goals, such as getting daily exercise or tackling a 30-day challenge.Waking up early will also allow you to practice the eight habits explained below, which will help you to start your day in high spirits, ready to tackle anything that life throws at you throughout the day.

2. Smile and Think Something Positive.

As soon as you wake up, smile. Scientists have discovered that smiling does all of the following for you:

  • When you smile your body releases the feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine and endorphins. This means that by smiling first thing when you wake up you’ll be starting your day in a better mood.
  • In addition, when you smile your mood is further lifted by the release of serotonin.
  • Smiling strengthens the immune system, so by smiling first thing in the morning and remembering to do it throughout the day you’ll be warding off disease, specially during flu season.
  • If you have trouble getting yourself to smile in the morning, force yourself: even a forced smile has benefits.

In addition, say something like the following to yourself when you wake up (say it out loud or just say it silently in your head):

“Every day, think as you wake up: today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.” – Dalai Lama

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)

Lastly, ask yourself these two questions:

  • What am I grateful for today?
  • What am I looking forward to today?

3. Make Your Bed.

Get up and make your bed. Gretchen Rubin, author of “The Happiness Project”, indicates that a simple way to be happier is to make your bed every morning. By taking this small step to create outer order, you create inner calm. It’s something small and doable which gets your day started off right.

In addition, Naval Adm. William McRaven, ninth commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, said the following about making your bed in his commencement address at the University of Texas at Austin:

  • “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.
  • By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.
  • If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.
  • And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made—that you made—and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

4. Brush Your Teeth and Scrape Your Tongue.

Most people were taught to brush their teeth after having breakfast. However, it’s healthier to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up. Plaque—which is a film of bacteria–builds in your mouth while you sleep. You should remove this plaque buildup by brushing as soon as you wake up.

Also, brushing coats the teeth with a protective layer of fluoride to guard against the sugars and acids introduced in the mouth at breakfast.

In addition to brushing your teeth, you should also scrape your tongue. Here are five reasons why:

  • Fresh Breath – Most bad breath comes from the bacteria at the back of the tongue.
  • Better Tasting Food – By scraping your tongue you remove mucus which can block your taste buds.
  • Boost Immunity – Scraping your tongue prevents toxins from being reabsorbed into your body.
  • Healthier Teeth – The process of scraping your tongue promotes general tooth and gum health.
  • Then, after you’ve eaten your breakfast, rinse with a fluoride mouthwash.

5. Drink Warm Water With Lemon.

After brushing your teeth drink a tall glass of lukewarm water with half a lemon–or one whole lemon–squeezed in it. This is an easy health tip which will do all of the following for you:

  • Lemon water cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys.
  • Lemons have lots of Vitamin C, which helps to protect you from catching a cold.
  • Drinking lemon water alkalizes the body — when the body does not have sufficient alkalizing substances and is overly acidic, it takes these substances from the bones or vital tissues.
  • The antioxidant properties of lemons help combat free radical damage, which keeps your skin looking young and healthy.
  • I use a straw to drink my water with lemon in the morning in order to protect the enamel on my teeth from the acid in the lemon.

6. Do a Stretching Routine.

Performing a morning stretching routine will help you to loosen your muscles after sleeping, while increasing blood flow to your muscles. Taking ten minutes to do a few yoga poses will allow you to connect your mind, body, and breath in preparation for the day that’s ahead.

7. Meditate.

Start your day with stillness by meditating in the morning. Meditating does everything from improving your focus to reducing stress, improving emotional stability, and preventing common health ailments. You can start simply by focusing on your breath for three minutes each morning, and build from there.

Do the following:

  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • Inhale for 4 counts, retain for 4 counts, and exhale for 8.
  • Every time you feel your mind wandering, bring it back to your breath.
  • Do this for three minutes.

8. Eat a Healthy Breakfast.

You’ve already heard this a thousand times, but I’m going to say it again: breakfast in the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast consists of lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. You’ll gain all of the following benefits from eating a healthy breakfast:

  • You’ll be less hungry throughout the day.
  • You’ll have better focus and concentration.
  • Skipping breakfast is tied to being overweight.
  • You’ll have more energy.

9. Create Something.

Before you start taking in information–reading emails, listening to the news, attending meetings, and so on–create something. This can be anything: write a blog post; draw something; create an info-graphic; record a video; write a chapter of your novel; and so on.

Start you day in creativity-mode.


Your morning habits can make or break your day. The nine habits explained above are guaranteed to get your day started off right. Live your best life by creating good morning habits.

From: Dare To Live Fully

10 Morning Habits To Start Your Day Off Right

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Have you ever noticed when your morning starts in a frenzy—snoozing your alarm, skipping breakfast, and rushing yourself out the door—the rest of your day seems to reflect that mood of chaos as well? The tone of your morning will determine the tone of your day, so it’s time to start planning accordingly.

When you form healthy habitual behaviors for the morning, you set your day up for success. Whether you are aware of them or not, you operate under habits (both good and bad) all the time—they are an integral part of your daily existence. Part of developing a healthy habit, is to become intentional with it. Most habits are formed because they are easy or along the path of least resistance. If you want to cultivate positive habits, then you may need to put some intentional effort into forming them until they become second nature.

This is particularly true with morning habits. What you cultivate in the morning influences how you feel, act, and think during the rest of your day. Here are 10 simple habits that you can add into your morning routine now, to ensure you are feeling, acting, and thinking at your highest potential for the rest of your day—and days—ahead.

1. Stay Unplugged from Tech

If the first thing you do when you wake up is check your smartphone for messages or work email, you are doing yourself a disservice. You are immediately cultivating a reactive mindset, instead of a proactive one, which will cause you to start your day in a defensive state, rather than a place of inner peace and control.

Instead, try remaining detached from technology for the first hour of your day so you can begin your day with present-moment awareness and a positive focus.

2. Hydrate

Drinking a glass of water in the morning after going hours without a sip is a good way to hydrate your body. The Ayurvedic technique of adding lemon to a warm glass of water helps remove toxins from your digestive tract that may have built up overnight, provides a good source of vitamin C, freshens your breath, supports weight loss, and stimulates metabolism and digestion. Bottoms up first thing in the a.m. for a healthy—and refreshing—start to your day.

3. Practice Optimism and Gratitude

Before you even get out of bed, give yourself a few minutes to smile and practice gratitude. When you smile, it signals your brain to release the feel-good neurotransmitters (dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin), which lift your mood, relax your body, and lower your heart rate. Who wouldn’t want to start their day on this positive note?

As you smile, start to reflect upon what you’re grateful for. Studies have shown practicing gratitude reduces stress hormones and improves mood, among other benefits. So, adding a simple daily gratitude practice is a great way to kick-start your morning.

Begin by taking one minute in bed before you rise to reflect on one person and one opportunity you are grateful for in your life.

4. Make Your Bed

Tim Ferriss, author and podcast host (The Tim Ferriss Show) has interviewed more than a hundred highly successful people with diverse backgrounds and skillsets, and in a variety of industries. He always asks, “What’s your morning routine?” Along the way, he has collected five habits that he has incorporated into his morning routine, and one of them is making his bed.

It may seem like a waste of time, unimportant, or unnecessary (you’re just going to use it again at night), but making your bed is a simple action you can take in the morning that makes you start your day feeling accomplished—and what better tone to set than a sense of pride and accomplishment? Taking charge and completing simple tasks will give you the foundation to take on more and more throughout the day.

5. Meditate

Incorporating some type of mindfulness practice like meditation into your daily morning routine can help ground you and train your mind and emotions, which then influences how you react to challenges throughout your day.

During your meditation is also a great time to set your intention for the day. When you get clear on how you want your day to go or what you want to feel or accomplish, you can make clear decisions that create the life you truly want to live.

Note sure where to get started? Here is a simple meditation you can do in the morning:

  • Get into a comfortable seated position and set a timer for five minutes.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • Inhale through your nose for four counts, retain for four counts, and exhale through your nose for eight counts.
  • Every time you notice your mind wandering, gently guide it back to focus on your breath.
  • When the timer goes off, release your counting, but stay seated with your eyes closed for a moment.
  • Set an intention for your day and visualize yourself meeting this intention.
  • Open your eyes, draw your arms up to the sky for a stretch, and then move on with your day, carrying the calm energy and intention with you.

6. Exercise

Whether it’s a simple yoga routine, a brisk walk with your pet, a quick set of sit-ups and push-ups, or hitting the gym to work off last night’s meal, starting off your day with movement energizes the body and the mind. Determine what kind of exercise is right for you and schedule it. It doesn’t have to be complicated, long, or intense, but having some sort of physical activity in the morning will get your blood flowing and help quiet any mental chatter. You can even switch up what kind of exercise you do every day to keep your routine interesting.

7. Put Yourself Together

Putting time and effort into your appearance helps build self-confidence. When you feel “put together,” it is one less thing to worry about throughout your day.

So, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, floss, comb your hair, apply lotion/oil, dress to impress, and apply any other hygiene/grooming habits that make you feel good about yourself. This may involve picking out your clothes the night before (especially if you are short on time in the morning) or ironing your clothes—whatever makes you feel like you are taking care of your health, looking presentable, and feeling confident.

8. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

You’ve most likely heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you make time to eat a healthy breakfast (lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains), you’ll have more energy throughout the day and a stronger ability to focus and concentrate.

9. Have a “To-Do” List Ready to Conquer

Take a few minutes to write down a “to-do” list for the day ahead. Then prioritize it so your day’s list has only 3 to 5 items on it—ranked in order of priority to make sure you tackle the most pressing things first.

Writing down your “to-do’s” instead of keeping them floating around in your mind helps clear mental chatter. You also give yourself a sense of purpose each day when you know what you need to get done. And there is something satisfying about crossing off tasks on your list—it really cultivates a sense of accomplishment.

10. Get Enough Restful Sleep

This last one isn’t a habit for your morning exactly … however, before you can hope to implement new, healthy morning habits, you should have the foundation of a well-rested body and mind. The way you feel while you’re awake is dependent in part on your sleep habits. If you’ve been feeling groggy, irritable, or exhausted, you may not be getting enough quality sleep.

During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In fact, sleep plays such a vital role in your physical well-being, mental clarity, and quality of life that ongoing sleep deficiency (the amount varies by individual, but typically this means less than 6 to 8 hours of restful sleep each night) can have adverse effects on your health—and how well you think, react, work, learn, and get along with others.

If you are finding you are not getting enough quality sleep, check out this before-bed routine to wind down or our online product 7 Days to Restful Sleep to improve your sleep habits. There are also apps and gadgets out there that can track your sleep habits, like Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock.

When you start your day after a night of restful sleep, you will wake feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day, starting with your new morning habits.

FromThe Chopra Center

Getting Started

Our project, Well Begun is Half Done, starts tomorrow, and my plan is to spend the first week exploring different ideas on what constitutes a good morning routine. The idea being that a good morning routine is a big part of getting a good start to the day. My personal morning routine consists of the following:

  • I wake up before the alarm and say to myself… “Oh God, pretty soon I’m going to have to get up.” Followed by a big sigh, a huge amount of inner resistance, and a sudden desire to sleep for the rest of the day.
  • When the alarm actually does go off, I’m usually once again sound asleep, and very cranky about the idea of having to come out of my cocoon of wonderfulness.
  • Finally, after hitting the snooze a couple of times, I am compelled to crawl out of bed. And at this point, I complain to myself about my messy kitchen, my messy bathroom, and the fact that I need to vacuum, clear out my clutter, do the laundry… it’s usually a long list of stuff I “should have” done yesterday and the day before.
  • I then sit and stare mindlessly at the television and drink coffee until I absolutely HAVE to start getting ready for work.
  • And then I run around doing absolutely the barest minimum necessary to head out the door and off to work.
  • Right before I head out the door, I quick make my bed… because it always makes me feel just a tiny bit better about my morning.

So, as you can see, my morning routine needs a lot of help!

As I find and upload potential routines for a great start to the day, I’m going to make notes about what I like, what I think might actually work, and what I could begin to implement right away. My goal is that by week two, I will have a morning routine prototype to test and tweak.

If anyone has any ideas, or thoughts to contribute to the cause, I’d be very interested!

Our Next Project

Our next project, and incidentally, the final project of 2017 is coming up in just 3 days. This is the Holiday Season, and we are all busy with Thanksgiving and Christmas, so it occurred to me that maybe getting off to a great start every morning might be the best approach to a happy and prosperous end of the year.

There is a saying, “Well begun is half done.” So, let’s spend the next 30 days figuring out how to begin each day in the best possible way. I, for one, am looking forward to this project, particularly since it comes in on the heels of the Rise and Shine idea that had a very subtle effect on my mornings.

If you are interested in joining me, that would be awesome. You can leave comments here and check back daily; alternatively, you can like, and follow our facebook page, or you can subscribe to the feed (the feedburner link is in the sidebar) and receive updates via email. These projects are so much more interesting when we have fellow travelers!

Oh and by the way:

I am also beginning the process of slowly uploading the Invoking Ganesh project from 2007. This was one of my all time favorites, I still use the Ganesh mantra from time to time. It always seems to work for me, and I think it might be fun to use the power of Ganesh to help push on through to the end of 2017. So, stay tuned for that!

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
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