Morning Mood Boosters

It would be nice to bounce out of bed in the mornings, full of life and happy to start a fresh new day on this beautiful planet! For many of us though, the sound of our dreaded alarm has us burrowing further under the duvet not quite ready to face the world.

Even if you’re not a morning person here are 10 tips to boost your mood and make your day a happier one. These tips are from WebMD, medically reviewed and approved.

  • 1. Think positive

When you wake up don’t roll over and think: “Urgh! Another stressful day to get through.” Start thinking positive thoughts. “The sun is shining; I’ll have lunch outside today.”

Take time to be mindful of all of the good things in your life, family, friends, your health. Spend a few minutes thinking of a holiday you are planning or a birthday party you’re going to.

If you start on a positive note your day has a better chance of continuing in the same vein.

  • 2. Get close

Make time to start your day with morning sex. It’s going to lift your spirits and set you up for the day ahead.

Exercise releases endorphins, feel-good chemicals, but you don’t need science to know that being close and loving with your partner makes you feel good.

If there’s no time for sex, make do with a hug and a kiss.

  • 3. Stretch

Pilates, tai chi or yoga are relaxing ways to start your day. They work on the mind and body so as well as promoting physical health they can help you achieve an inner mental balance.

“For those of us who creak our way out of bed, a few yoga poses are a lovely way to unfurl the body and dispel the morning grumps,” says yoga teacher Eva Paoli.

“Yoga lengthens and strengthens tight, weak muscles, eases aching back, neck and shoulders and gets the synovial fluid going, which lubricates your joints. Yoga can also be used as preparation for meditation – do both to help preserve your inner calm through a busy day.”

  • 4. Exercise

You may have to force yourself to go for a run or hit the gym but exercise is one of the most effective morning mood boosters.

When you exercise your body releases endorphins, feel-good chemicals, in your brain

The NHS says exercise can help people recover from depression and prevent people becoming depressed in the first place.

Also regular exercise can make you feel happier about how you look and make you feel better about your body.

  • 5. Go outside

When you wake up, why not make a hot drink and sit in your garden, weather permitting!

There’s some evidence that being outside and listening to nature can boost your mood.

The charity, Mind, believes that activities outdoors like gardening and cycling, or even a walk around the park, are good for our mental health.


  • 6. Eat a good breakfast

Eat your way to a happy day! Try starting your morning with a nutritious mix of complex carbohydrates and proteins that will last you until lunch.

“We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, it is also proven, not only that people who eat breakfast have a lower incidence of obesity, but they may also be happier,” says British Dietetic Association spokesperson, Jennifer Low.

She says: “Breakfast tends to contain carbohydrates which can increase serotonin, the ‘happy chemical’, in the brain.”

“A good, healthy, low glycaemic breakfast might be a bowl of high fibre cereal and milk, or eggs and two slices of toast, or fruit and low fat yoghurt, for example.”

  • 7. Listen to music

Why not switch on the radio or listen to your music player. Music has the power to improve our moods. You know what it’s like when you hear a favourite song, it can transform your mood or take you back to a good memory.

Research by neuroscientist, Dr Jack Lewis, suggests that songs with a high-pitched tone, a fast pace and a predictable melody make us the most happy.

His study suggests hits by Prince, Bob Marley and The Beach Boys are good mood boosters.

8. Use some essential oils

Smell is a very powerful sense. It can also have an effect on our mood.

When you get up in the morning try burning an essential oil that will help you feel more positive.

“Essential oils are the pure scents of nature, from flowers, fruits, woods, bark and leaves. As soon as these pure scents are inhaled the brain actively responds, changing moods and feelings and bringing a sense of well-being and pleasure,” says Jennie Harding from Tisserand Aromatherapy.

“Citrus oils like lemon and orange, with their zesty and mouth-watering aromas, have an instantly uplifting effect, or fresh herbal oils like rosemary and peppermint, help to clear the mind and aid/help concentration.”

Aromatherapy may not be suitable for everyone, including pregnant women or people with a heart condition. Seek medical advice if you are concerned.

  • 9. Be prepared and keep calm

Mornings can be a stressful time, especially when children are thrown into the mix, chivvying them to get dressed, brush their teeth and remember their homework.

Make sure that they have their uniforms laid out, bags packed, shoes by the door, the night before so there can be a calm start to everyone’s day.

Keep the happy mood going by making sure you give them a kiss and a hug before school, if they’ll let you!

  • 10. Smile

Make yourself smile in the morning. Even if you fake it there is some suggestion that forcing yourself to smile will actually make you feel better.

Psychologist Paul Ekman conducted a study of students to see if they would feel happier by making themselves smile.

The students’ brain activity was measured while they followed instructions to smile. Whether the students’ smiles were real or fake the activity in their brains was virtually the same. They felt happy.

Also smiling is contagious. If your family see you smiling in the morning they are more likely to smile and feel happier themselves.

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