Daily Archives: February 2, 2007

Your car is your friend

Many people spend hours at a time in their cars which become like mini-homes. Like our homes, they become a reflection and extension of ourselves. Negative chi in cars has the power to create lasting damage and destruction to their owners and to others.

Some people talk to their cars, others give them names and personalize them. In some parts of the world they are blessed. Negative energy breeds negative response, so we should aim to build up a caring relationship with our cars.

For our de-clutter activity today, go out to your car and take a good long look. Does the outside look good and is the inside a mess? Does it look like it belongs to a bag lady? Or maybe it looks like it just came back from a mud wrestling contest. This car is your best friend. If your best friend arrived at your house, looking like that, what would you do?

So now you know what needs to be done, don’t put it off for another minute. Just do it.

Car Bagua

Flower power for your car:

Cut a six-inch bagua shape in each of the eight outside bagua colors and cut a nine-inch circle in yellow for the center. Arrange them in the proper order and tape them together. The final configuration should look like a colorful daisy with a yellow center and different colored petals. Place this daisy under the mat of the car. The black petal of the daisy should be closest to the rear trunk, and red (Fame) toward the engine. Place this bagua under the driver’s seat, or under the mat that covers the floor board.

Simply having a daisy (any size) somewhere on you (or in your brief case, shoe, or underwear) will assist you while on the road. Since this daisy is a complete bagua representation, it’s hard to think of any place that would be inappropriate.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter

Feng Shui for your Car

Here are a few hints, tips, and cures, to help create good feng shui for your car:

Car seats should be taller at the back and have a supportive influence on either side. Cars which slope away to the back, and those which open at the back can leave us feeling insecure. Cars with reclining seats, such as expensive sports models, suggest vulnerability behind.

The rear lights act as our “Tortoise” warning those behind to brake. It is therefore essential to ensure they are clean and in working order, and that spent bulbs are replaced immediately.

Stickers on the rear window can strengthen the “Tortoise” or rear position, particularly those which say “Please Keep Your Distance” or “Baby on Board” and other polite, warning signs. Jokes and stickers which are difficult to read have the opposite effect in that they encourage the car behind to come closer. Stickers should not obstruct the window.

Any ornaments that act as a distraction behind should be avoided. Moving objects, like hanging ornaments can create instability and affect concentration. Do not allow loose items to collect in the back of the car.

Talismans for the car can include a St Christopher symbol or icon as he is the patron saint of travellers. Other cultures have their own protection symbols. License plates containing the number 88 are considered especially auspicious and means “double happiness”.

Fresh air is necessary in cars, in order to link the occupants with the world outside and to cleanse the air within the confined space. If the air is not fresh, the driver can become tired and lose concentration. To freshen the air we can introduce natural oils, which also affect our moods. Rosemary, neroli, and lemon oils are helpful for calming anger and promoting clear thinking.

Vision is important in the car and a clean screen and headlights enable us to see and be seen clearly on a foggy day and at night.

If we regard the car engine in the same way that we do our bodies, then we can appreciate that for the car to be healthy and function well, it’s tubes have to be unblocked and its components well maintained. Regular servicing is therefore important.

from The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui
by Gill Hale


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