Pagan Calendar

It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.

Aries rules beginnings, starting new ventures, pioneering, conflict, energy, ego, self, for me and mine, warriors and soldiers and military in general, weapons, guns, knives, sharp things, things which cut, surgery, razzle-dazzle, impatience, sarcasm, quick results, making trouble, rescuing people in trouble, heroism, naiveté, restlessness, me-first attitude, courage, sticking up for yourself.

Projects begun when the moon is in Aries often begin with much enthusiasm, but tend not to last. This is a good time for inciting conflicts, high energy, me, mine, war, knives, weapons, guns, quick but not lasting results, fire, sharp things, metals, daring, sticking up for yourself, risk taking, independence and inciting accidents.

Magick ruled by Mars has the best outcome at this time. This would include spellwork for the following:

  • Health and vitality
  • Energy working
  • Consecrating athames or swords
  • Working on weapons
  • Self-improvement
  • Makeovers
  • Conflict, Combat
  • Battles, war, warriors and soldiers
  • Cutting through the red-tape
  • Spells for yourself

Aries is a fire sign who likes to be a winner in everything. The moon in Aries favors any competition, survival games, gambling adventures, travels. This is a good period to reach your potential, to take active steps towards your dream, to overcome competitors.

Aries is considered a barren sign, so it is better not to plant fruit crops during the days of his lunar reign. You can plant lawn grass, ivy, ornamental plants. Despite the fact that it is a “barren” sign, astrologers claim that the moon in Aries helps couples to conceive a boy.


Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the head or face at this time.

Moon Phase Info:
  • New Moon in Aries – a tense period of conflict, do not make reckless decisions.
  • Waxing Moon in Aries – time to show determination and perseverance! Even if you do not possess these qualities, today everything will work out!
  • Full Moon in Aries – a day of danger and extreme entertainment. Choose an adventure in which insurance is provided.
  • Waning Moon in Aries – a period of nostalgia, youthful enthusiasm and light.

Moon in Aries Obsidian Meditation

Select a variety of obsidian stones that intuitively draw your attention and is pleasing to your senses. The shape of the obsidian that you choose is also a matter of personal preference, but spheres and eggs seem to be the most popular meditation shapes. After cleansing and blessing your stone as well as the space where you will be practicing your meditation, you are ready to begin.

Begin your meditation by situating yourself in an upright position with feet booth flat on the floor. the room should be dimly lit, and quiet.

Once you are seated in a comfortable position, begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea and filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.

As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations unto the ether to find peaceful resolution.

While sitting in silence welcome the energy of Aries and it’s rulers Mars and Mercury. Hold the intention of transmuting the Warrior energy within to the higher plane of mind. Take this time to breathe deeply, and focus your vision onto your stone. Choose to use the dynamic Aries electric fire to stimulate your intuition and to bring forward new ideas and ideals for the upliftment of humanity.

Begin to visualize golden/white light surrounding you and entering your nose, filling your chest, and heart center with warm loving sensations. As you exhale, visualize frustration, resentment, anxiety, and anger leaving your body in dark, cloudy swirls. Bless this discordant energy in the name of any higher or divine power you feel most comfortable with.

Pick up your obsidian in your left hand and begin to gaze upon it. Notice the depth of its color, the rich, dark, satiny luster of your black crystal. Now repeat: “Attune, Balance, Integrate, Ground” three times, then place the index of finger of your right hand upon your obsidian and began to stroke it gently. “Attune to the depths of obsidian. Attune to the depths of the black ray.”

After a time you might experience some warmth or tingling, especially along the spinal column, from your crown to your base chakra, down your legs and into your feet. This is the effect of your energy system attuning to the divine vibrations being amplified through your obsidian and should not cause alarm. Relax, breathe deep, and allow yourself to merge with and absorb the energies being transmitted by your obsidian crystal.

Visually fix the black color of obsidian at your base chakra, see your base chakra as a liquid pool of black obsidian, pulsating with the black light vibration that grounds you through your base chakra to the very consciousness of Earthly existence. If you’re using a colored obsidian, visualize the shimmering colors within your obsidian as swirling divine light vibrations above your head. Now allow those swirling divine lights to slowly travel the length of your crown chakra down into the liquid pool of obsidian at your base. Watch the shimmering colors mingle, integrating the etheric with the dynamics of Earthly survival modes.

Hold this visualization for up to 10 minutes. allow your obsidian to illuminate those aspects of yourself and your Earthly reality that you have been keeping hidden away from view. Allow the light of truth to illuminate the chambers where delusion, self-importance, and compulsions for material greed lie veiled by the ego- facilitated conditioned attitudes that may be keeping you from your highest potential. Allow your obsidian to assist you to clearly see the reality of your thought patterns as to how it pertains to your survival on Earth. Allow the light of truth to penetrate and illuminate the depths of darkness, and know that the light and darkness exist as one.

When you are ready to end the meditation, slowly count backwards from ten to one. at the count of one, open your eyes and breathe deeply several times. Remain seated until you feel fully integrated, and reflect upon your meditation experience. This is an excellent meditation for journal writing after.


While this meditation calls for the gemstone, Obsidian, I think you could substitute any gemstone that resonates with the energy of Aries, or the moon. The meditation would need a few minor adjustments to accommodate a different gemstone.

The Zodiac sign of Aries includes two stones: Bloodstone and Diamond. In addition to the Zodiac stones, Jasper is listed as the Planetary stone for Aries and Topaz as the Talismanic Stone. Gemstones appropriate for the moon would include Selenite, Moonstone, and Opal.


It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.

Pisces rules dance, escapism, banality, fishing, planting, solitude, possession, secret societies, merging with God/dess, alcohol, chemicals in general, the past, the still small voice, dance, invocation, large institutions, drugs, potions and elixirs, relatives in general, charity, humanitarian concerns, large animals, zoos and menageries, insanity, faith, music, keeping secrets, deep very psychic stuff, vulnerability, facing fears and conquering them, facing the past and overcoming it, divine madness, endings, aloneness, high magick, the water cycle, water in the oceans, salt water.

Moon in Pisces presides over poison, drugs, self-undoing, deception, sorrow, depression, isolation, insanity, very deep psychic stuff. Good for success in meditation and all psychic pursuits. Spells to deceive people, secrets, swindles, vulnerability. Secret enemies, altered states. This is the one of best times for endings, especially when the moon is in 20-30 degrees of the sign (make sure it is not void). Psychic healing can be done.

The Moon in Pisces is best for spells for the following

  • Increasing psychic ability
  • Contacting other planes
  • Merging with Deity
  • Spirituality
  • Prisons and prisoners
  • Confinement
  • The downtrodden and unfortunate
  • Criminals
  • Hidden enemies
  • Past lives and karma
  • Reincarnation
  • Magick in general
  • Potions, brews, poisons
  • Drawing out poisons
  • Cleansings
  • Secrets and hidden things
  • Finding lost items
  • Banishment
  • Exorcism
  • Mediumship
  • Charity and welfare
  • Widows and orphans
  • Spies
  • Working on self-betterment by examining hidden aspects of yourself
  • Hypnotism
  • Mental health
  • Nuclear power
  • Radiation
  • Psychic healing
  • Working with oils, incenses and perfumes
  • Luck in general
  • Bad luck

Pisces is a creative sign that lives in a certain “separation” from reality. The moon in Pisces favors all endeavors related to the flight of imagination, fantasy, investigation, disclosure of mysteries and secrets. In this period it is good to meditate, take time to self-analysis. In addition, any activities related to water will be safely held.

Pisces is a fertile zodiac sign, so it is the best time to plant fruit crops, or any other plants that you want. In addition, astrologers claim that the moon in Pisces helps couples to conceive a girl.


Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the feet at this time.

Moon Phase Info
  • New Moon in Pisces – a time of rest near the water, be it a river, a lake or the sea.
  • Waxing Moon in Pisces – a period of creativity. Draw, write, dance, make music!
  • Full Moon in Pisces – a day of solitude, self-knowledge, meditation.
  • Waning Moon in Pisces – time to concentrate and solve one problem you choose.

Pisces Full Moon Divination

You will need:

  • 15-30 minutes of uninterrupted time
  • a journal
  • pen/pencil
  • Clear sight of the moon

If the night sky is clear enough to see the glow of the Full Moon take a moment to relax your mind and body. This practice can be done in or outdoors (if the weather permits it).

Once you are in a comfortable position (standing or seated), begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea and filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.

As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations unto the ether to find peaceful resolution.

Gaze up at the moon and soften your focus relax your eyes and body.

Think of the question you’re seeking answers to (limit to 1 at a time) the intention is to hold that question in your mind.

Continue gazing at the full moon and allow the answers/ inspiration to come to you. this can be an image, word, symbol.

Scrying With The Moon

If you’d like to enhance this ritual, you might like to try Scrying with the moon by incorporating a clear glass (not plastic), or silver bowl so that it captures the light of the full moon. You will then surround the bowl with four white candles that will create a magic circle. soften your gaze into the water and pay close attention to both the flames and the water.

This is an intermediate – advanced practice. However, Scrying also comes very naturally for some people. Each of our abilities will vary. Some people might see with their eyes, or “second sight” while others may see nothing, and hear or feel the answers to their question. Trust your inner sense and guidance in deciphering the visions presented to you during this practice. Yes, a practice. You will not always have success the first time.

The benefit to this method is that the water in the dish used for divination will also be charged by the Full Moon to be bottled and used for spells, rituals, and products at a later time.

Scrying can be an auto-deepening trance process that progresses in stages using tools such as a crystal ball, water, mirrors or other reflective mediums. Initially, the medium serves as a focus for the attention, removing unwanted thoughts from the mind in the same way as a mantra. Once this is achieved, the scryer begins a free association with the perceived images suggested, for instance in a crystal ball, by the tiny inclusions, web-like faults and/or the cloudy glow within the ball under low light (i.e. candlelight).

“The technique of deliberately looking for and declaring these initial images aloud, however trivial or irrelevant they may seem to the conscious mind, is done with the intent of deepening the trance state, wherein the scryer hears their own disassociated voice affirming what is seen within the concentrated state in a kind of feedback loop. This process culminates in the achievement of a final and desired end stage in which visual images and dramatic stories seem to be projected within the mind’s eye of the scryer, like an inner movie. This overall process reputedly allows the scryer to “see” relevant events or images within the chosen medium.” – Oracles of Divination

When you feel ready to return to the reality of your meditation room or outdoor area, simply count backwards from ten to one. At the count of one, open your eyes and breathe deeply several times.

Remain seated or standing, and allow yourself the time required to reintegrate into the third dimension of reality. Enjoy the moments and the vibrations that fill you as you reflect upon your meditation experience. This is an excellent time to begin writing down what images, symbols, or information was shared to you during your experience.


It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.

This is the best moon sign for spells of independence and breaking away from restrictive situations. Freedom and coming into your own. Moon in Aquarius presides over friends, groups, platonic relationships, society, electricity, workings within a coven, computers, technology, individuality, originality, freedom, independence, humanity, anarchy, the unexpected, bolt out of the blue, genius, revelation, goals and ideals, shocking people.

Aquarius rules peers, surprises, circumstances beyond your control, the future, causes, social awareness, astrology, anarchy, advise and advisers, social upheaval, bettering the human condition, electricity, energy and energy work, meet new people, workings with a coven, honesty, non-emotional and objective, trustworthiness, fair, reasonable, straightforward, gadgets, aspirations, bigotry, peer group pressure.

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus who is known for shaking up your life and awakening us from the deep sleep of conformity and “comfort”. The Aquarius moon asks us to awaken and to shift our perspectives perhaps in a manner that expands our vision to something greater.

Workings ruled by Uranus are favored, these includes spells for:

  • Friends, acquaintances
  • Clubs and organizations
  • Founding a coven
  • Covens in general
  • Congress and other legislative bodies, congressmen and representatives
  • Getting a raise
  • Hopes
  • Idealism
  • Politics in general
  • Making the world a better place
  • Utopia
  • Electronic things in general
  • Freedom
  • Genius
  • Logic
  • Luck in general.

Aquarius is an extraordinary and creative zodiac sign, which does not like boredom and routine. Therefore, when the Moon is in Aquarius, everyday things are going badly. It is better to pay attention to everything new, unusual and interesting. Everything that is connected with art, new knowledge and acquaintances, beauty. In this period of time, it is worth to be a gourmet, enjoy delicious food, pleasant aromas, change the look.

Aquarius is considered a barren sign, so it is better not to plant fruit crops during the days of his lunar reign. You can plant lawn grass, ivy, ornamental plants. Even though it is considered to be a barren sign, astrologers claim that the moon in Aquarius helps couples to conceive a boy.


Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the calves or ankles at this time.

Moon Phase Info
  • New Moon in Aquarius – a great time for making new connections, communicating with friends and like-minded people.
  • Waxing Moon in Aquarius – a wonderful period for charity, volunteering, helping others.
  • Full moon in Aquarius – makes people not punctual and slightly scattered, it is better to postpone important meetings.
  • Waning Moon in Aquarius – a bad time for frank conversations, there is a risk to talk too much. So, you’d better read a book ??

Moon in Aquarius Cord Cutting Ritual

When the Moon is in Aquarius it is a great time to cut the cords of attachment/negative emotions because there is no better sign than Aquarius who knows how to set healthy boundaries. An Aquarius full moon is best, but this ritual will work at any time.

You will need:

  • 1 Tumbled or raw Citrine Crystal
  • 1 Yellow Candle

Light the candle, hold the stone in your dominant hand. Call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to clear all the unhealthy energetic cords that are between you and the person (you know who he or she is).

Now focus on your Solar Plexus Chakra (3 inches above the navel) and the Solar plexus Chakra of the person you are working on and visualize Archangel Michael cutting the cords (you can even use your hand as a virtual scissor and act like you are really cutting the cords and Archangel Michael is helping you with it, either way is fine). Place your virtual scissor right at your Solar Plexus Chakra and cut it thrice.

By cutting the cords you are not cutting any relationship with that person but you are clearing away all the unhealthy negative energies like co-dependency, jealousy, possessiveness that are tied to you. Once the cords are cut you will enjoy a healthy relationship and you no longer absorb that person’s energy.

You can do this exercise whenever you feel its required. If you are an Empath its even more important to do this exercise because you tend to pick up people’s energies easily.


January 9th is a day of remembrance for Raud the Strong. Here’s his story:

When Raud refused to give up Asatru (Icelandic for “Æsir”), King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway executed him by making him swallow a snake. His land and all his wealth was then confiscated.

Praise Raud the Strong by lifting a horn (or cup or glass) in his honor, and by doing something deliberate to spread the religion King Olaf tried so hard to stamp out. Alternatively, you might want to hold a Sumbel, a drinking-ritual in which a drinking horn full of mead or ale is passed around and a series of toasts are made, usually to gods, ancestors, and/or heroes of the religion.

The toasts vary by group, and some groups make a distinction between a “regular” sumbel and a “high” sumbel, which have different levels of formality, and different rules during toasting. Participants may also make boasts of their own deeds, or oaths or promises of future actions. Words spoken during the sumbel are considered carefully and any oaths made are considered sacrosanct, becoming part of the destiny of those assembled.

Agathos Daimon means “good spirit” and is a religious observance held on the second day of each lunar month, immediately following the Noumenia. It is the third celebration of a trio of household monthly observances. A good spirit usually refers to a type of divine being that is less powerful than a God, is personal to each family, and can bring the family good luck, protection, or some type of assistance. Household spirits are usually seen as either snakes or as a young man with a horn of plenty in hand.

More about this spirit can be found at The Powers That Be:

Some celebrate the Agathos Diamon by pouring a libation to the spirit and asking for his continued blessings on the family. If there is something in particular that your family wishes help with, give an additional offering to your family’s protective spirit. Although we know we can always approach the Gods directly, the Agathoi Diamones are seen to be helpful intermediaries between the Gods and man.

The second day of every Athenian month was also a sacred day, devoted to the Agathos Daimon (good spirit). The name daimon does not mean the evil demon of modern Christianity, (although it did have a negative form, called the kakodaimon), but was thought to be an aspect of Zeus, as Zeus Ktesios, Charitodotes, and Epikarpios, titles as giver of increase and joy.

Agathos Daimon is most often represented in the form of a snake, a symbol of healing. However the daimon is also a function of one’s being, a characteristic inherently neither good nor bad. The philosopher Sokratēs talks of his own daimon as a small voice which speaks to him and warns him to refrain from certain actions.

Hence, one prays for a good daimon, an eudaimon, and goodness from the gods for the coming month and also for the favor of father Zeus as Agathos Daimon.

  • One must be on good terms with it. ~Burkert.
  • The daimon active about me I will always consciously put to rights with me by cultivating him according to my means. ~Pindar
  • The great mind of Zeus steers the daimon of the men whom he loves. ~Pythagoras

Many modern Hellenes follow the practice of pouring a libation to their own Agathos Daimon on the second day of the lunar month. Possible prayers include the Orphic Hymn to the Daimon.

Thee, mighty-ruling, Dæmon dread, I call, mild Zeus, life-giving, and the source of all:
Great Zeus, much-wandering, terrible and strong, to whom revenge and tortures dire belong.
Mankind from thee, in plenteous wealth abound, when in their dwellings joyful thou art found;
Or pass through life afflicted and distressed, the needful means of bliss by thee suppressed.
‘Tis thine alone endowed with boundless might, to keep the keys of sorrow and delight.
O holy, blessed father, hear my prayer, disperse the seeds of life-consuming care;
With favoring mind the sacred rites attend, and grant my days a glorious, blessed end.

Aeschylus in the Suppliant Maidens says: “May Zeus grant that it go well with us. For Zeus’ desire is hard to trace: it shines everywhere, even in gloom, together with fortune obscure to mortal men.” Kleanthēs prays: “Lead me, O Zeus, and thou O Destiny” and also, “If so it pleases the Gods, so let it be.”

Agathos Daimon is also associated with Dionysos, especially with His gift of wine. A feast was often closed with a small drink of unmixed wine, called either Agathos Daimon or Zeus Soter (savior), as though supplicating the god that they may do nothing indecent or have too strong a desire for the drinking, and may receive from it all that is noble and salutary.

Also, whenever you see a snake, give a prayer to Agathos Daimon and even pour a libation. In Hellenistic and Roman times, family ritual areas were often decorated by snakes.

Source: Hellenion

Ethiopia follows the Ethiopian calendar, consequently Christmas or Genna ((also known as Lidet, or “birthday”) falls on January 7th,

Like most other Christian holidays, Christmas in Ethiopia, is celebrated in its own unique way.  The main ceremonial activities of the holiday center around local Ethiopian Orthodox churches (though Protestants and Catholics also celebrate), which hold late-night services on Christmas Eve lasting well past midnight.

People dress in white and attend church. Everyone receives a candle as they enter the church. The candles are lit, and everyone walks around the church three times. People stand during mass. Males and females are separated.

Traditional liturgical singing marks these services, as does chanting performed by priests and deacons wearing colorful robes with gold and silver accents. Many people travel by foot from church to church, taking in various services until the light of dawn announces the arrival of Christmas morning.

The first Christmas meal is often an early breakfast, eaten by bleary-eyed congregants after returning home. The light meal likely starts with juice made from flaxseed (to oil up the intestines after 40 days of fasting) before moving on to the famously spicy chicken stew doro wot, and it most certainly includes appropriately strong Ethiopian coffee to help welcome the new day.

Later on, friends and relatives gather to enjoy a full Genna feast, usually involving a freshly killed lamb for mutton tibs and traditional beverages such as tej (honey wine). And though gift-giving does not figure very prominently in the Ethiopian Christmas tradition, the purchase of new clothing for the occasion — particularly for children — is seen as an important part of the festivities.

Several hundred families walking toward churches dressed as a sea of brilliant white cotton is a common sight throughout the country.

Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Ethiopian Christmas tradition is that it is associated with a sport, also called Genna, that is most widely played during the holiday season. According to Ethiopian legend, when the shepherds of the biblical Christmas story were informed of the birth of the Messiah, they expressed their overwhelming joy by using their staffs to break into a spontaneous game that resembles field hockey. The afternoon of Genna is filled with matches of the game, played mainly by young men, and potentially other sporting activities such as horse racing.

Although Genna is observed by Christians across Ethiopia, the most famous Christmas celebrations arguably occur in the historic city of Lalibela. There, crowds of up to 100,000 pilgrims flock to watch immaculately dressed Orthodox clergy perform the woreb lining the steep ledges surrounding the famous rock-hewn churches, carved over 800 years ago.

Accompanied by a slowly building tempo of traditional church drums, metallic sistrum and pilgrims’ clapping, they lead the crowd in an intensely moving musical performance about the birth of Jesus Christ. For though its execution may look different here than in other parts of the world, the focus of Ethiopian Christmas remains the same: to celebrate the birth of a Savior who came to take away the sins of the world, and to bring peace to all mankind.


The Noumenia is the first day of the visible New Moon and is held in honor of the household Gods.  The Noumenia is also considered the second day in a three day household celebration held each lunar month – Hekate’s Deipnon is on the last day before the first slice of visible moon and is the last day in a lunar month, then the Noumenia which marks the first day in a lunar month, followed by the Agathos Daimon (Good Spirit) on the second day of the Lunar month.

The Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month and seeks blessings for the household.   Offerings such as incense or honey cakes are made to your household Gods at your family altar.

Traditionally, the household Gods consist of Hestia, Zeus Ktesios, Hermes, Hekate,  Apollon Agyieus, your household’s Agathos Diamons and can include any ancestors you honor.  However, many Hellenic Polytheists do honor more Gods at their family altar.


You can celebrate the Noumenia with the following rituals:

  • Decorate their home with fresh flowers, evergreen branches, or other seasonal decorations.
  • Serve a big family meal and eat it at the dining room table.
  • Create a list of family goals or projects to get done or start within the next lunar month.
  • Bake a special dessert that you only make on this day – such as Honey Cake.
  • Like the ancient Athenians, you can burn frankincense and read the Orphic and Homeric hymns to Selēnē.
  • Replace the ingredients in the Kadiskos (see below) with fresh water, oil, and fruit, and bits of food.

The Kadiskos is a small jar containing food stuffs that we receive from the Gods and give back in reciprocity. Refreshing the Kadiskos is part of preparing for Noumenia.  Here are directions for Making a Kadiskos.

Hellenic Worship:

Hellenic worship makes notice of the New Moon, because it marks the beginning of the month, rather than the more obvious full moon, although many Hellenic festivals are held during or near the time of the full moon.

“The first day of the month was new moon day (noumēnia), recognized as a holy day throughout the Greek world.  It was so holy that at Athens, no other festival ever took place that day.  It was celebrated by a public ritual on the Acropolis and by private offerings of frankincense to statues of the gods.”

Herodotus says that, in Sparta, meat, barley meal and wine were distributed to the citizens by the Kings on the Noumenia.

Hymn To Selene

Orphic Hymn 9 to Selene says that she “Delights in stillness and in the kindly, auspicious night.”  Many of the Orphic hymns, and this one especially, reminds us that the arrival and passage of each new month is a reflection of the cycle of lives, with birth following the period of dark death.  So as She is “a sure token and a sign to mortal men,” so we can trust in the cycle of rebirth and renewal.

Orphic Hymn 9 ~
Fumigation from Aromatics

Hear, goddess queen (thea basileia), diffusing silver light, bull-horned, and wandering through the gloom of night.

With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide night’s torch extending, through the heavens you ride: female and male, with silvery rays you shine, and now full-orbed, now tending to decline.

Mother of ages, fruit-producing Mene (Moon), whose amber orb makes night’s reflected noon: lover of horses, splendid queen of night, all-seeing power, bedecked with starry light, lover of vigilance, the foe of strife, in peace rejoicing, and a prudent life: fair lamp of night, its ornament and friend, who givest to nature’s works their destined end.

Queen of the stars, all-wise Goddess, hail! Decked with a graceful robe and amble veil.

Come, blessed Goddess, prudent, starry, bright, come, moony-lamp, with chaste and splendid light, shine on these sacred rites with prosperous rays, and pleased accept thy suppliants’ mystic praise.

More Hymns, Prayers, and Invocations can be found at Widdershins.

A Prayer For The Noumenia

In honor of the Noumenia of Anthesterion:

I have seen the moon
thin curved glow
hovering on delicate breeze
divine above the pink horizon
gentle horns pointing
toward tomorrow
We are all re-born now
owning no past
Yesterday is cleansed
Greetings to you,
Guide us around
the next cycle of life
until we meet again
May we use it wisely

~ by Melissa


When you read the ancient and scholarly texts having to do with ancient Hellas, you will often come upon references to ‘honey cakes’ or ‘cakes’ in general. We might be tempted to interpret these to mean modern day cakes, but the ancient Hellenes would have most likely used flat cracker-type ‘cakes’, made from barley meal and honey. They were shaped to resemble animal or objects when the occasion called for it. unfortunately, no ancient recipe from Hellas has survived; perhaps because these cakes were known to all and passed down from mother to daughter from an early age. There was perhaps no need to write the recipe down at all.

The following recipe comes from an Alexandrian professor, Julius Pollux, who lived in the 2nd century CE. This is a simple, very basic recipe that may well have been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.


  • 200 g barley flour
  • 100 ml water
  • 3 tbsp clear honey
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

These measurements will make enough cakes to sacrifice to the entire pantheon; I used half of these measurements (but see notes below) and ended up with five large cakes; far more than any sacrifice might call for. A quarter, or even an eighth, of the ingredients will make enough for an entire Noumenia sacrifice.


Place the flour in a bowl, add the honey and olive oil and mix. Pour in the water little by little and continue mixing until a good dough is formed. Cool this in the fridge for about then minutes. I have found that using a quarter less water makes a better dough.

Tip the ball of dough onto a floured surface and roll out as thinly as possible. Use a pastry cutter to cut the dough and place the rounds on a greased baking tray.

The original recipe says to bake the cakes in an oven pre-heated to 200°C for about 15 minutes. I would suggest no more than twelve minutes, and will follow my own advice next time.

Transfer the cakes to a wire rack, cool and sacrifice. If you have made too many, save them in an air-tight container. The advantage of honey is not just its sweet taste, but its ability to keep pastry fresh for a long time, as it is an excellent liquid absorbent.

Source: Baring The Aegis

It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.

This is the sign when the Moon is weak and operating at a disadvantage.

When the moon is in Capricorn, this is another excellent time for black magickal workings. Depression, ruthlessness, using people viciously, long-term results. Honors, social standing, responsibility, authority, structure, setting long-term goals and plans for the future. NOT a good time to seek favors from those in authority. Magickal workings and spells that feature a time delay or are lasting, wasting, manipulating people, business, banishing. This is a “ruthless” moon sign.

Capricorn rules profession, inherited traits, responsibility, public eye, promotion, hermit, solitude, social standing, degrees and advancement, the boss, establishment, terrain that is rocky, mountainous and not arable, but possibly rich in minerals, rocks and stones, hard work, social climbing, no nonsense, depressive, time and clocks, ruthlessness, use people not nicely, the ends justify the means, things you want worse than anyone else, conscience, profound, wisdom, Crone, paranoid, dry wry humor, long term results, respect.

Workings ruled by the malefic planet Saturn are favored at this time. This includes spells for:

  • Career
  • Job
  • Business
  • Work
  • Honor and reputation
  • Big business
  • Achievement, awards and recognition
  • Father
  • Authority in general
  • World leaders, statesmen, presidents, government in general
  • Ceremonial Magick

Capricorn is a wise and purposeful earth sign that helps to improve social status, achieve material success, choose the right profession or project. The moon in this sign encourages efficiency, conciseness, caution, order, and reliability and does not like violations of the rules and laws.

Capricorn is considered to be a sign of average fertility, so you can plant various plants in your garden during the days of his lunar power.In addition, astrologers claim that the moon in Capricorn helps couples to conceive a girl.


Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the bones/skeletal system, teeth, or knees at this time.

Moon Phase Info
  • New Moon in Capricorn – a good day for career growth, you can ask for a new position but use the specific facts.
  • Waxing Moon in Capricorn – the time to solve business issues, use a pragmatic approach.
  • Full Moon in Capricorn – the time for concluding various deals, increasing diplomacy.
  • Waning Moon in Capricorn – time to throw out the accumulated emotions in the gym.

Candle Banishing Ritual For The Capricorn Moon

You Will Need:

  • One black candle
  • A candleholder
  • Matches
  • Black or white pepper
  • Salt
  • A carving tool
  • Anointing oil (this can be any kind of oil you prefer)

Begin by slowly sprinkling salt in a counterclockwise circle around you and your work area, visualize the salt creating a barrier, protecting you during your ritual. Call the target of your banishing spell to mind and carve your intention into the candle. For example, you might carve “Mark will never speak to me again” or “My anxiety is gone”. You may also wish to carve a banishing sigil into your candle.

You can create your own sigil, or if you need some ideas, here are some examples:

When you’ve finished, anoint your candle with the oil and sprinkle the pepper over it. Set the candle into your candle holder and light it, speaking your intention aloud. If it feels good you can turn your intention into a mantra to chant while the candle burns.

Allow the candle to burn itself out, this should be done on a fireproof surface and again, away from pets. Depending on your choice of candle, it may take several hours to completely burn. Do not leave your candle unattended!

If you don’t wish to burn the entire candle you can carve a line halfway or a third of the way down the candle and confine your spell carving to the top portion. This can be tricky if you use a taper candle, be gentle so as not to snap it. When the candle burns to this line you may blow it out and reserve the rest of the candle for another banishing spell.


It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.

Sagittarius rules in-laws in general, parties and fun, long journeys, dreamwork, high mysteries, higher learning, sports, good deeds, goodwill, fame, generosity, wild abandon possible, eternal optimism, resilience, rationalization, future oriented, movement, funny stuff, mind expansion, gurus, spiritual occurrences, ability to perceive right and wrong, faith, television, import/export, languages, pratfall humor, churches, publishers and publishing.

Moon in Sagittarius governs religion, Universities, travel, higher education, gambling, good luck, good for ceremonial magick, best for white magick, publishing, sports, the outdoors, the law. Pulling off something big.

Magickal workings ruled by Jupiter are successful at this time. These include spells for the following:

  • Legal matters in general, laws, judges
  • Teaching and learning, education
  • Philosophy and ethics
  • Dreams
  • Contacting the higher planes
  • Accessing the Akashic records
  • Big rituals
  • Contacting Deity in general and God in specific
  • Divination
  • Starting a tradition
  • Big business
  • Monopolies
  • Conscience
  • Ceremonial magick
  • Luck in general
  • Good luck

Sagittarius is an active fire sign that encourages communication, learning, and travel. The days with the Moon in Sagittarius are great for joining a new team, putting together your own team, starting a study of any new discipline, going on a business trip or just going out with friends. Usually, Sagittarius provokes physical activity of a person, therefore sports competitions, team games, physical work on the fresh air will be successful. In addition, Sagittarius exacerbates a sense of justice. So, on such days, you can safely hold social actions, to defend your rights.

Sagittarius is considered to be a sign of average fertility, so you can plant various plants in your garden during the days of his lunar power. In addition, astrologers claim that the moon in Sagittarius helps couples to conceive a boy.


Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the hips or thighs at this time.

Moon Phase Info
  • New Moon in Sagittarius – a great time to get new information and put it into practice.
  • Waxing Moon in Sagittarius – the time of short-term random connections. An acquaintance on this day does not promise a long successful relationship.
  • Full Moon in Sagittarius – an ideal time to conduct various seminars, courses, and events, transfer skills, and knowledge.
  • Waning Moon in Sagittarius – conflict days, time to find out who is in charge here. Better to keep calm and avoid disputes.

Sagittarius Moon Meditation

Sitting in silence, Ask “How can I use these energies of Sagittarius for the upliftment of creation as a whole?” Align with the universal realm of ideas. In receptivity, allow yourself to await new inspirations, new impressions. With a joyful heart, receive and resolve to manifest these new ideas into the world as an act of service to humanity.

The Moon in Sagittarius affects the extended vertebrae (sacrum and coccyx) as well as thighs. At this time massages are particularly beneficial and can loosen up the muscles. Stiff thigh muscles and deep-seated contusions can be quickly cured with long soaks in Epsom salt and soothing herbal mixtures that smell great and relax the senses. Take this soak a step further by lighting a purple candle (the color associated with Sagittarius) and close your eyes for a healing moon meditation.

Sitting comfortably in silence welcome the fiery, passionate, and expansive energies of Sagittarius in. Practice being mindful of the destructive potential of these energies by allowing thoughts of lower nature to come in, and release them out with each breath. At this time, it is essential that we choose to fill our mental and emotional natures with temperance, silence, and mindfulness. Only from this place can we find alignment and sense the vision of what is possible. Allow your body to relax completely and focus on using your energy to renounce all obstacles that might be hindering the union of achieving your highest spiritual goals.

Crystal/Mineral For The Sagittarius Moon

Meditating with Lapis Lazuli helps disconnect the conscious and subconscious mind and boosts intuition. Lapis lazuli is also a very protective stone, and supports the balance of a healthy throat chakra for those who have fear in speaking their truth .

Herbs/ Essential oils For The Sagittarius Moon

Oils that encourage freedom and adventure are tea tree, eucalyptus, vetiver, geranium, thyme, hyssop, rose, clary sage, and rosemary.


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