It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.

Aries rules beginnings, starting new ventures, pioneering, conflict, energy, ego, self, for me and mine, warriors and soldiers and military in general, weapons, guns, knives, sharp things, things which cut, surgery, razzle-dazzle, impatience, sarcasm, quick results, making trouble, rescuing people in trouble, heroism, naiveté, restlessness, me-first attitude, courage, sticking up for yourself.

Projects begun when the moon is in Aries often begin with much enthusiasm, but tend not to last. This is a good time for inciting conflicts, high energy, me, mine, war, knives, weapons, guns, quick but not lasting results, fire, sharp things, metals, daring, sticking up for yourself, risk taking, independence and inciting accidents.

Magick ruled by Mars has the best outcome at this time. This would include spellwork for the following:

  • Health and vitality
  • Energy working
  • Consecrating athames or swords
  • Working on weapons
  • Self-improvement
  • Makeovers
  • Conflict, Combat
  • Battles, war, warriors and soldiers
  • Cutting through the red-tape
  • Spells for yourself

Aries is a fire sign who likes to be a winner in everything. The moon in Aries favors any competition, survival games, gambling adventures, travels. This is a good period to reach your potential, to take active steps towards your dream, to overcome competitors.

Aries is considered a barren sign, so it is better not to plant fruit crops during the days of his lunar reign. You can plant lawn grass, ivy, ornamental plants. Despite the fact that it is a “barren” sign, astrologers claim that the moon in Aries helps couples to conceive a boy.


Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the head or face at this time.

Moon Phase Info:
  • New Moon in Aries – a tense period of conflict, do not make reckless decisions.
  • Waxing Moon in Aries – time to show determination and perseverance! Even if you do not possess these qualities, today everything will work out!
  • Full Moon in Aries – a day of danger and extreme entertainment. Choose an adventure in which insurance is provided.
  • Waning Moon in Aries – a period of nostalgia, youthful enthusiasm and light.

Moon in Aries Obsidian Meditation

Select a variety of obsidian stones that intuitively draw your attention and is pleasing to your senses. The shape of the obsidian that you choose is also a matter of personal preference, but spheres and eggs seem to be the most popular meditation shapes. After cleansing and blessing your stone as well as the space where you will be practicing your meditation, you are ready to begin.

Begin your meditation by situating yourself in an upright position with feet booth flat on the floor. the room should be dimly lit, and quiet.

Once you are seated in a comfortable position, begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea and filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.

As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations unto the ether to find peaceful resolution.

While sitting in silence welcome the energy of Aries and it’s rulers Mars and Mercury. Hold the intention of transmuting the Warrior energy within to the higher plane of mind. Take this time to breathe deeply, and focus your vision onto your stone. Choose to use the dynamic Aries electric fire to stimulate your intuition and to bring forward new ideas and ideals for the upliftment of humanity.

Begin to visualize golden/white light surrounding you and entering your nose, filling your chest, and heart center with warm loving sensations. As you exhale, visualize frustration, resentment, anxiety, and anger leaving your body in dark, cloudy swirls. Bless this discordant energy in the name of any higher or divine power you feel most comfortable with.

Pick up your obsidian in your left hand and begin to gaze upon it. Notice the depth of its color, the rich, dark, satiny luster of your black crystal. Now repeat: “Attune, Balance, Integrate, Ground” three times, then place the index of finger of your right hand upon your obsidian and began to stroke it gently. “Attune to the depths of obsidian. Attune to the depths of the black ray.”

After a time you might experience some warmth or tingling, especially along the spinal column, from your crown to your base chakra, down your legs and into your feet. This is the effect of your energy system attuning to the divine vibrations being amplified through your obsidian and should not cause alarm. Relax, breathe deep, and allow yourself to merge with and absorb the energies being transmitted by your obsidian crystal.

Visually fix the black color of obsidian at your base chakra, see your base chakra as a liquid pool of black obsidian, pulsating with the black light vibration that grounds you through your base chakra to the very consciousness of Earthly existence. If you’re using a colored obsidian, visualize the shimmering colors within your obsidian as swirling divine light vibrations above your head. Now allow those swirling divine lights to slowly travel the length of your crown chakra down into the liquid pool of obsidian at your base. Watch the shimmering colors mingle, integrating the etheric with the dynamics of Earthly survival modes.

Hold this visualization for up to 10 minutes. allow your obsidian to illuminate those aspects of yourself and your Earthly reality that you have been keeping hidden away from view. Allow the light of truth to illuminate the chambers where delusion, self-importance, and compulsions for material greed lie veiled by the ego- facilitated conditioned attitudes that may be keeping you from your highest potential. Allow your obsidian to assist you to clearly see the reality of your thought patterns as to how it pertains to your survival on Earth. Allow the light of truth to penetrate and illuminate the depths of darkness, and know that the light and darkness exist as one.

When you are ready to end the meditation, slowly count backwards from ten to one. at the count of one, open your eyes and breathe deeply several times. Remain seated until you feel fully integrated, and reflect upon your meditation experience. This is an excellent meditation for journal writing after.


While this meditation calls for the gemstone, Obsidian, I think you could substitute any gemstone that resonates with the energy of Aries, or the moon. The meditation would need a few minor adjustments to accommodate a different gemstone.

The Zodiac sign of Aries includes two stones: Bloodstone and Diamond. In addition to the Zodiac stones, Jasper is listed as the Planetary stone for Aries and Topaz as the Talismanic Stone. Gemstones appropriate for the moon would include Selenite, Moonstone, and Opal.


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