Bringing Money Home

Our first spell:

When the moon is new, sprinkle a $1, $10, $20 or $50 bill with cinnamon and then secretly place it underneath the front doormat inside your home.

It will be charged with positive energy every time someone walks over it. The greater the value of the bill, the larger your returns could be. The money should only be removed when the moon is full; otherwise you will attract unexpected expense to your door.

Borrowed from:
Gypsy Magick and Lore
gypsy-house-1Here is a cute little Gypsy “house” called a Vardo. For the majority of Gypsies, their vardo, or wagon, was their most prized possession.

They believe that the body is a vehicle for the spirit on earth, and the vardo is the vehicle for the body on earth.

When someone died, their Vardo and most of their possessions were burned because their “vehicle for the body” was no longer needed.

10 Responses to Bringing Money Home

  • That little house is so cute!! I want one.

    I will be doing this spell today AFTER I clean the rug that acts as a doormat, and underneath it. I just couldn’t bring myself to put money down in a dirty spot.

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if this project inspires me to keep my house clean all the time?

    Also I have already had a glimpse of the prosperity to come because someone gave me the money to put under the doormat. I am visioning it as my “lucky” dollar and that my luck will come to me through loving people, friends, and companions. So that’s really cool I think.

    And I love that we have the moon phase thingy now. Michelle commented that it would actually be better to be in the habit of going outside and looking at the moon, and she is right, but still.. it’s fun to have it.

  • My goals for this month are less concrete, but probably just as important: To release the anxiety I have about money and be open to any and all avenues of receiving prosperity, including (but not limited to): gifts, winnings, new job opportunities, inspiration AND follow-through of selling items, and the ability to KEEP any and all EXTRA money that flows to me in a separate place and not use it just for bills!

    I haven’t figured out just yet how/where to put my money under the rug/mat: If I put a rug inside the front door, the door won’t open, it will drag the rug with it. I might try to put a mat or rug under the door that I use to go out to my garage and get into my car, although I’m not sure that door won’t drag it, either. Plus, since we have mice in our garage who like to sit on the step and thumb their noses at the cats, I know if I put something there, it will be moved by the cats so they can see the mice tease them. Well, I’ll figure something out. Shari always goes in and out the front door and I always use the door to the garage.

  • I would also like to welcome one, or maybe 2 new members – welcome to Shari, and hopefully Chresea. I’m looking forward to hearing your insights and comments as you embark on this fun and profitable venture!

  • Hi Shari and everyone else who is new. I can’t wait to hear from you, and share your experiences with this project. I think that having other people do this with me is a major part of the fun.

    Cindy – I don’t think the doormat has to be INSIDE the house.. Saskia is putting her money under the carpet by the front door because her daughter likes to play with the doormat.

    I went magic shopping today and that was fun. I went to the Salvation Army Thrift Store.. found quite a few candles.. still need a couple more colors.. and I even found some absolutely hideous black and white ones.. clearly homemade.. that I think would just be awesome for some witchy voodoo type thing.. they were Xtreme..

    Now I am getting ready to clean under my front door mat.. haven’t done that in a long time!

    I found a lucky penny today too.. and so that was fun. I am already seeing a change in how I feel about money.. I am starting to love my money .. so that’s interesting. Loving it.. like I love cool rocks and pretty shells.. I never had that experience before.

  • I also love those gypsy wagons! every one i’ve seen is absolutely adorable. I have a real affinity for the gypsy life!
    I think it’s interesting to note that in our last experiment with prayer, i felt very solemn during the act of praying….but the act of gypsy magic is totally different. It has a warm, joyous, electric feeling for me. It is a great adventure gathering the ingredients, and getting things ready. I am leaving over Thanksgiving for several days, and so I have been getting a little gypsyish travelling case that belonged to my aunt Jamie(also my bestest friend) who passed away a few years ago, ready for my spellwork.
    my specific goals for this month’s project are to have the funds to fix my van and winterize it, find the perfect house for me and my family, and have the money to move.
    I feel really excited about this gypsy magic month! Already, little symbolic things have begun to happen around me. i was thinking to myself…i would like to have four of some pretty little thing to symbolize the balance of the four directions when a spell is done…and then i looked down on my daughter’s floor about ten minutes later and there were four really pretty little seashells all alike. Then, my mom was looking for a gold sacajawea dollar she thought she had for me and the first thing she found was a gold cufflink in the shape of an eagle that belonged to my grandpa. he was like a father to me. he also passed away several years ago… he and my aunt jamie had the same birthday, oddly enough. Then, she found my Aunt Jamie’s gold baby bracelet! then, a buffalo head nickel. i will add my own sacajawea dollar and will have four balanced elements, from very loved ones in the spirit world, for my prosperity oil.
    I used the dollar bill this morning from last month for under the doormat. (the one that was right on the floor in front of me so i put it away, then it somehow fell into my purse, and has been waiting patiently by the computer ever since). I was Reikiing it before i sprinkled it with cinnamon and it was practically jumping between my hands! it was excited to get to work. i am thinking about putting it beneath the mat of my van while we are travelling, then putting it back when we return.
    Welcome to everyone new….and good luck to us all!

  • Im excited about this month too! I sense a great amount of energy that can be used positively for all of us.

  • Hi there,

    I’ll start conjuring up some gypsy magic as of this new moon on October 7th. I was wondering if the garden door mat would work well too. It is not the front door I know but I suppose it’ll be alright… won’t it?

    • To IOK… I think the idea is that the door mat should be at a well used entry way to the house…Things to consider: Is this an entry to your house? Is it a door that is used often? Does it go to a garden or greenhouse? Do you want the money to flow into the garden or greenhouse? Why not the front door? Or the front porch? Just take some time to consider the flow of energy… how and where do you want it to go? Make your decision based on that.

  • A little late to the party but I’m gonna try this out! I’ll report back my results. A question if I may, what should I do with my bill if and when I receive my results? I was thinking about giving it to charity in some way or another..

    • Giving it to charity is good.. keeping it as “seed” money for a project is also a good idea… I love that you are trying this out, and will be curious to see what your results are!

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