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Your Inner Warrior

From Buddha Groove, we have this nice little article about how to summon your inner warrior. I am in love with this idea. Let’s do it!

Your soul has many archetypes in its soul DNA, and some may present stronger than others. Perhaps people have always called you a “free spirit,” or your healer or teacher archetype has actually become your full-time job. While you might be born naturally very strong in a certain archetype, others can be called in and cultivated.

If you’re having trouble asserting yourself in life or currently facing an intimidating challenge, you might want to get to know your inner warrior—it is one of your greatest allies. Here are 5 simple yet powerful steps for doing just that:

Create a mental image of your inner warrior.

What comes to mind when you think of the word warrior? Maybe a Native American warrior riding bareback into battle hundreds of years ago to defend his land, or an ancient Viking shield maiden landing on the beaches of a foreign country. Or it might be the image of an ER nurse in the middle of an all-night shift, or an activist peacefully marching to fight for their beliefs.

  • If a character from a movie or book calls to the warrior in you, cut out a picture of that character from the web or save the book jacket and put it up on your fridge, vision board or desk for inspiration.
Decide how you’d describe your inner warrior.

Perhaps words like fearless and invincible come to mind. Yet maybe the best words to describe warrior energy are resilient, courageous and proactive. Resilient is a perfect description for a cancer patient summoning warrior energy to make it through their healing journey. Courageous describes a parent summoning warrior energy to remove their children from an abusive environment. Proactive might describe a manager initiating a tough conversation with a colleague before the situation gets out of hand.

  • Challenge yourself to find five adjectives that describe what warrior energy means to you.
Give your inner warrior a theme song.

Maybe your inner warrior likes a fight song, like something with a driving beat and empowering lyrics. Or perhaps your inner warrior responds best to something softer that relaxes your nervous system and makes you feel grounded for the battle ahead. When you put this song on, or even catch this song via a synchronicity when it plays in a store or on the radio, it can be a signal to more consciously connect with your inner warrior.

  • Make a warrior playlist of 10 songs that help you activate warrior energy.
Get clear on what type of warrior you are.

Maybe your inner warrior has a special flavor, like ice cream can be chocolate or pistachio. Are you an action hero warrior that likes to rush in and stay busy? Maybe you’re a love warrior, meeting every challenge or opponent with mercy. Peace warriors might be excellent diplomats or negotiators. Rebel warriors question the status quo. Activist warriors are idealists who see the amazing potential to improve life and fight for that potential to become reality.

  • Name your warrior type, feeling free to mix and match from the examples above or create your own type.
Practice asking yourself: What would my inner warrior do?

Before facing any challenging or stressful situation that will require inner strength and resolve, take a moment and ask yourself, “What would my inner warrior do?” How would your inner warrior, as defined by the exercises above, handle disciplining your child, tackling a tight deadline at work or facing a financial crisis?

  • Stop, quiet your mind for a minute and connect with your intuition for specific guidance on what your inner warrior would do.

Drawing Your Angels

I did a fun exercise with someone I love very much, and we drew what we thought our guardian angels might look like. It was really fun, and way more informative than I expected. Here’s what I came up with. Apparently I’m a blond, who knew?

The biggest surprise for me is that my personal Guardian Angel is pretty sure his name is Bob. How fun is that? I also discovered that I carry a very mischievous little angel in my pocket, and together we manage to get ourselves into all kinds of situations.

These insights would have totally escaped me if I hadn’t started drawing them. They just sort of popped up. Here is what Layla sketched out…

So, I have a pretty good idea that right about now you might be saying, but I can’t draw.

Well, I can’t either, not really. I just stopped being scared to sketch something out, and somehow, if I work on it long enough without trying too hard, and give my drawing permission to look dumb and ridiculous, it often turns out kinda cute. I’m pretty sure this is only because I get lucky and probably because I do a lot of drawing, so I’ve had lots of practice. I also have a computer program that I used to digitally color it, which helps a lot.


You don’t have to actually draw an angel with a pencil. You could draw it with words. The best way to do this is to just imagine what you think your guardian angel might look like and then just start writing down the details.

I have always been pretty sure that my guardian angel is tall and slender, with wings, probably gray ones, and a laid back “be cool” vibe… He’s always got my back… The pocket angel just popped into my head randomly… which was fun because it was so unexpected.

Don’t edit anything that seems silly or ridiculous. Jot it all down. You can do a list, illustrate with a really rough sketch or a stick figure… whatever feels easiest. Try to include as many details as possible, you might be surprised by what you come up with!

Feeling Brave?

If you are feeling brave and adventurous, and decide that you want to give drawing a go, here is a small gallery of drawings and paintings by children… at least most of these are done by children. As you can see, it’s actually pretty simple… all you need is a basic shape like a triangle or a rectangle, then you add wings and a head, after that, it’s just a matter of adding a few small details.

The hardest part is shutting down your inner critic and just letting your inner child play.

I did find some drawing tutorials, in case that helps. Sometimes if I look at them, I feel less afraid to just try it. Other times, it complicates things for me… Here’s what I found:

What do Angels really look like?

For those of us who are wondering what real angels actually look like, here’s a bit from Angel Focus.

Angels are neither male nor female, but they are often referred to as he or she. They do not have a human form because they are made up of energy, love and light. But Angels will project themselves to us in a manner we are most comfortable with which means we often see them as human.

If they have a message to give us, they may even come to us in the form of a departed loved one, so as not to scare us. Other ways Angels appear to us is through lights, colors, sounds, feelings, and scents.

Meditation To Meet Your Guardian Angel

The following prayer should be spoken, mentally or aloud before making contact with your angels. You should change it so it’s one you feel comfortable saying.

Address the prayer to one or more of the following: God, Goddess, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Archangel Michael and the angels, QuanYin, Mother Mary, Mohammed, Moses, St. Germain, Father Wind, Mother Earth, a specific Goddess, Saint or Master.

I ask your protection and help in giving me detailed information from my guardian angels that will help me attain my highest purpose and joy. Please protect me from all fear and negativity and assure that who I intend comes through as a clear channel for the light.
Thank you so much for your love and assistance.

Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Place both feet on the ground and begin to mentally prepare for you meditation. Begin by grounding and centering yourself. Close your eyes and imagining roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth.

Then follow this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in through your nose, hold it for 7 seconds, and release it very slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. Tell your Ego-self (or lower self) to stand aside. Mentally tell the Ego-self it is silenced now and know it is so.

Ask the Holy Spirit to surround you in a beam of white protective light. The Holy Spirit will immediately respond and beams down a ray of protective white light.

Imagine yourself in a beautiful place, it can be a forest, a meadow, a beach, wherever you will feel comfortable. Find a comfortable spot in this beautiful place to rest and relax.

Now, in your mind’s eye, look around you, and notice a path. It is a beautiful path filled with love. This path is very long; it seems to go on and on—you can’t see the end of it. Keep your focus on this path.

Mentally ask for your Guardian Angel to come forth. Express your interest in wanting to meet him/her. See an illuminated ball of light in the distance.

It may be white or may be a color. Notice the color you see. See it slowly coming closer and closer becoming aware that the light is getting larger as it comes closer to you. Your Angel may decide to make itself known in another form. Just let this happen. Note what the light looks like as it come closer

Now your angel is directly in front of you. There may be more than one as your other angels, guides, relatives and pets may want to connect with you.

Greet your angel. You may get impressions, emotions, and tingly feelings. Its not uncommon for Angels to talk to you in your own voice, so don’t discount your inner voice as your imagination. Feelings of love, encouragement and warmth are most common markers of Angelic contact.

Thank your Angel for all the times that they have helped you, comforted you and protected you. Mentally invite the intervention, guidance and assistance of your Angel in your life from this point onwards.

Ask your angel the name they wish to be called. Angels’ true names are unpronounceable by us. They will either make up a name or let you choose one. If you don’t get one right away, don’t worry. You may get a color or a musical note, every contact is different. Just know that whatever you receive is correct for you.

Ask your angel to communicate any messages to you. Absorb any communication such as thoughts, visions, knowingness and feelings, love and emotions.

Ask your angel any questions you have, one at a time. Note the answers. Don’t doubt the information or emotions you are given, just let your angel communicate to you in their own way.

Now say the following prayer to your guardian angel:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guide,
To rule and guard,
Thank you!

Now ask the Creator to bless you and your Angel. See the both of you showered by the Light and Love from the Divine

Thank your Angel for meeting you in this meditation. Let your angel know you look forward to contacting them again soon Know they are always by your side.

Focus on grounding and centering yourself by picturing the roots from your feet into Mother Earth. Pause a moment and open your eyes.

Did you get a name? If not, don’t worry, sometimes just feeling your angel’s energy is enough in the beginning.

~Previously posted on the Prosperity Project on Blogger

Calling On Your Angels

It is very simple to contact your Angels. All you need to do is call them. Many people choose to construct an altar, meditate, light candles, burn incense… there are as many ways to contact Angels, as there are people. It’s all personal preference. Even though these techniques may set the stage, make you more comfortable and make the Angels feel welcomed, this is not necessary.

All you need to do is call out to them. It doesn’t have to be in words, all it needs to be is a thought “Angel, I need your help.” They always come. If you open yourself up to their energy, you will feel their presence.

Once you feel your Angels, ask them questions. Let your mind go blank and allow anything to flow, don’t try to make it happen. You may want to keep a journal and write down anything that comes to mind.

There are many ways to communicate with your Angels, no one way is better than the other. It depends on what is comfortable for you. Some people meditate, while others choose to communicate through dreams.

Some people actually hear the Angels talking to them, while others “feel” what the Angels are saying. Experiment and find what works best for you.

You’ll soon be able to identify your Angels by the way they “feel”. Each Angel has a different energy, just like humans. You may be able to feel their size or color, you may be able to tell how they smell, or how they sound. Again, no one way is better than the other, it’s how the Angels choose to communicate with you and what’s easiest for you to comprehend.

With time you’ll know which Angel is helping you and from there you’ll know what your individual Angels “specialize” in. This was the way I realized my Angel Magda was good at finding lost objects. Every time I turned to my Angels for assistance to help me find things, I came to realize it was Magda who always helped. Now, if I’m looking for something, I simply say “Magda, can you help me find…” It’s not necessary, but it makes the communications a little more personal.

Source: Angel Focus
Originally shared on the Prosperity Project on Blogger
Art by Sarah Batalka


Unplug and Unwind

So this is the last simple thing that I have rewritten. It’s the one I have had the most issues with, and it’s also really quite long and not actually simple at all. This is what the original said, ” Before you fall asleep, visualize chords connecting you to everybody you met that day, and send their energy back to them.”

I pulled out my trusty Synonym Finder, a giant book that I love to just read sometimes… LOL… I love words. More on that in a day or two. Anyway, it turned into a long and involved, once again complicated and convoluted thing. Here’s what I came up with:

In advance of descending into slumber,
Envision the bonds
Tying you to those encountered during the day,
And then disconnect, release,
And return their influence.

But it occurred to me that we might not want to disconnect our bonds with those we live with, those we love, those who support us and help us, those we help and support… And maybe that’s why I have so much trouble with this one.

With that in mind, I came up with:

Before you hit the sack, unplug, unwind, and let all that shit go.

I like it. You know what shit you need to let go of. So, just let it go.

Confusingly Convoluted Simplicity

Continuing with my rephrasing of our Five Simple Things, today we have #4, which was really hard to totally and completely change. In the process of rewriting it, I came up with a wonderfully, confusing and convoluted, long and involved rendering of : “Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.”

Here’s what I came up with:

From this moment on,
When making use of a tool for easy access,
Picture in your mind’s eye
That you have just released and expanded
Favorable chances
To draw ever nearer to infinite possibilities
For health, happiness, prosperity,
Or what ever it is you wish to achieve.

Sometimes simple is just better… well, actually, simple usually is better, and the simplest way to say this is:

“When unlocking something, imagine you are unlocking your dreams.”

So, that was somewhat enlightening. I like the long, convoluted, complicated phrasing that really gets my mind running all over the place. But I think that’s because having my mind running all over the place is familiar and comfortable. It’s my preferred mode of avoiding difficult feelings and situations.

However, making it simple might be really useful as well.

Which makes me wonder, what if I kept it simple inside my brain, for at least a small part of the day… what would that look like? What if it looked like me actually being in the actual moment in my actual body… Wow! Imagine that! And what if everything I said, or did, was just simple. Maybe it would be easy and simple. Maybe it would be fun to be simple… I don’t know. Might be worth a try!

Scintillating Resplendent and Brilliant

Continuing my exploration of what each of our Five Simple Things would look like if it was worded differently, I came up with a really fun alternative to the boringly ordinary thing #2, which is: “When showering, visualize shimmering gold water with protective light filling up your aura.”

I like this one a lot better! It’s very dramatic…

Upon inundation with water
In the bath,
Conjure up scintillating resplendent brilliance
Stuffing the atmosphere surrounding you
With a shining guardian.

Doesn’t this just make you want to jump into the shower or bathtub right now? And if not that, what if you went outside and asked the benevolent sun to be your shining guardian? And what if shimmering sparkles followed you wherever you went? What if everything you touch sparkled and shined because you touched it? And what if everything you said and did brought a lovely brilliance into the situation?

Asleep On The Job

The fifth of our Five Simple Things is the following: “Before you fall asleep, visualize chords connecting you to everybody you met that day, and send their Energy back to them.” I have been able to remember this one exactly ONE time in the last 15 days. Just ONE time!

And, interestingly, I am totally blocked when it comes to making a bunch of different stickers. My biggest problem with stickers for the other four was making myself stop. I made way too many. This time around I made exactly two. Yes, two.  Not 5, not 10, not 20… I only made two. Here’s the other one:

So, what the heck? The idea is an excellent one. I love the concept. Why can’t I remember to do it? Anyone else having similar problems? Any ideas? Suggestions? Insights?

Heading Out

The fourth of our Five Simple Things , ” Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.” has been difficult for me in that I rarely lock anything other than my car, and these days I’m not actually driving to very many places. So, I did think of a number of different ideas related to locks and doors.

  • See every open door as a new opportunity.
  • When you walk out the door, open your mind to new ideas.
  • Every time you walk into a room, imagine that you are walking into the best thing ever.
  • When you walk out the door, open yourself up to new opportunities.
  • When opening a jar think about opening up to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
  • When opening a door, think about moving forward with your goals, ideas, and/or life.
  • Every time you walk out of a door, imagine that you are walking into a grand adventure.
  • When you pick up your keys, know that within you is the key to happiness.

As you can see, I also made some stickers. Which was a lot of fun. And in the process of making them, I ended up with “Every time you walk into a door, imagine you are walking into a grand adventure, or even something wonderful.” LOL…

And then I realized that this is actually a really good idea!

We’ve all had the experience of hitting a wall… or running into a doorway that we thought would be open to us, but instead it is not… I have had this happen to me a lot!

And I thought, what if, instead of thinking it as a setback or a road block, I saw it as a grand adventure… as something wonderful? How different would my life be? And what are my current blocks? What walls have I walked into recently? And how does it feel to think of them as wonderful or grand or an adventure?

What about you? What is your grand adventure?

Being Productive

I’ve been going through our Five Simple Things one at a time and really looking at them. This morning we have thing #3 which says: “Bless your morning coffee/tea with vibes of productive and creativity.” That is what our original idea said, but I changed it to “vibes of productivity and creativity” because it didn’t sound quite right. Now, today, I’m wondering if it should have said “vibes of productive creativity.” What do you guys think?

My issue with this one is that “being productive” always seems to get in the way of “getting creative,” at least for me. And the whole issue of “being productive” is one of my go-to ways to avoid any kind of introspection, or true enjoyment of the present moment.

We live in a country where “gross national product” is way more important than “gross national happiness” which is kind of sad, I think. Right now, in this moment in time, the production of goods and services is even more important than the health and safety of our children. So… like I said… “productive” is a trigger word for me.

Not sure how to get around it… here are some ideas.

  • Bless your morning coffee with vibes of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Infuse your morning coffee with vibes of love and light.
  • Allow your morning cup of coffee to infuse you with magick and miracles.
  • Smile into your morning coffee and know that everything will be OK.

And what about if you don’t drink coffee, but drink tea instead?

  • Steep your cup of tea in vibes of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Infuse your cup of tea with vibes of love and light.
  • Allow your lovely cup of tea to fill you with magick and miracles.
  • Smile as you drink your morning tea and know that everything will be OK.

But what if you don’t drink coffee or tea in the mornings? What? Now that’s a concept that eludes me completely. I wouldn’t even know how to wake up and face my day if I didn’t have a nice cup of something hot and comforting. But here is one idea:

  • What if the first thing you pop into your mouth in the morning, is amazing and wonderful, and will fill you with vibes of energy and enthusiasm?

So, guys, I made a bunch of stickers to go with today’s post, but I didn’t go overboard with it like I did yesterday… OK well maybe I did… anyway, enjoy!

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Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

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