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Cause and Effect

This is track 3 of 7 from Miraculii Abundance Rap, titled Cause and Effect. I really like it. He talks more about it on a different video, Cause and Effect, The Law of Necessity. One thing he said about it that I thought was interesting was this:

Of everything that is contained within this entire book, this was the first thing that I wrote at age 22. From that moment, I saw the vision for my whole life and felt a Power that tenderly rocked my world!

If you’d prefer to watch it on YouTube, here’s a direct link: Cause and Effect Track 3 of 7

The Lyrics and the Chant:

That which is, is necessary
That which is necessary shall be
There is no escape
From the fulfillment of necessity
To make a vain attempt
Will find one
In the spider web of cyclicity
Around and around a constant revolution
Not learning the lesson or receiving the message
That would afford one a Divine Solution
But as for every experience, yours or mine
We are the creators of necessity
In thought and word and deed you see
Never an element of chance, not for you or for me
Because we project the causes
The effects become necessary
We create action circumstance and destiny
And now we know exactly what to expect
Through the Universal Law of Cause and Effect
But during the times
When something negative would happen to us
Our burden seemed so heavy, and oh how unjust
And we cursed and cried
How could this happen to us
But the seeming negative thing
Was a lesson and a message too
That could be highly beneficial to me and to you
The lesson and the message were like a door marked pull
But our head was so hard and we were as stubborn as a bull
For there we were pushing on a door marked pull
What are we doing, no wonder all the strife
Let us pass through the door of experience
And it will serve us in life
So we open up the door, we stand tall and we face it
Our cup is somewhat bitter, but we receptively embrace it
Oh it’s a very wise decision, for we cannot escape it
Yes this effect was reaped
From a cause we did sow
And now is simply the time
To pay the debt that we owe
So with calm assurance
We now walk through the door
To be tormented by this experience no more
For the lesson we have learned
And the message we did hear it
Oh how it expanded our mind
And quickened our spirit
Yes that circumstance was no element of chance
We were only receiving our own
And that’s why we embraced it
Behold the things of greater brilliance
On the other side of the door
That now dutifully and gracefully fulfill and replace it
To think we foolishly thought it was a disadvantage
What a blessing to realize
That every seeming negative thing
Must always have an equal positive advantage
And now that all negative thoughts
Have been divinely released
Our countenance is filled with that Heavenly Peace
A Peace firm in the supreme spirit of eternal standing
I mean that unshakeable peace, that passeth understanding
And now whatever our fate, let us not be disturbed
It did not happen to hurt us, but to humbly serve
Despite the seeming pain, and apparent distress
All situations are to uplift our consciousness
And now we deny the influence of anything distressing
For there is a lesson that is teaching
And a message wisely expressing
To please study us closely, for we are really a blessing
And now the knowledge has been bestowed
Upon you and upon me
That whatever comes into being, is born of necessity
No more will we be caught in the web of cyclicity
We’re now Empowered by the dance
Of cause and effect

Audio Only:


Attitudes Are Important

A message about why Attitudes Are More Important than Circumstance. This little video includes a nice talk by Astarius along with a poem he wrote about attitudes and uncomfortable circumstances. The poem is shared below, but I did not transcribe the talk. So we’ll have to watch it to learn what he has to say.

Hear ye oh seeker
Play not a game of chance
Maintain a lofty attitude
To conquer lowly circumstance
Some circumstances seem so bad
Though goodness in disquise
It’s up to us to see the good
Or else be victimized
Perfect circumstance seems down
And we reject it with a frown
That circumstance is then compelled
To pull us down in mental hell
But if we keep our mind on high
Despite the pain of circumstance
Up with our attitude our circumstance rises
And beyond its pain we then advance
Bitter circumstance is as a medicine
To bring the wellness of a learned lesson
But we must swallow this medicine down
To receive the healing and achieve the blessing
For if we spit this medicine out
Life gives another dose without a doubt
Then we become victim of circumstance
A tyrant from which we can’t advance
Until we learn to face it with a smile
Drink that bitter cup and go the extra mile
So that all things may be enhanced
Because your attitude is more important than circumstance

Audio Only

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here’s an audio only version of the above video.


Helping Ourselves

For almost 30 days now,  we’ve been working to figure ourselves out. We even interviewed ourselves for the job of being ourselves. I’m thinking that, by now, we should have a pretty good idea of our strengths, our weaknesses, our motivation talents, abilities, assets, good qualities, knowledge, and our strengths.

Now the big question is, how do we tap into it. How do we use what we’ve learned to create true prosperity, happiness, interesting, and fulfilling lives? What can we do to give ourselves the hand-up, the boost, the help that we need to make the leap from writing and thinking into action and reality?

I thought it might be helpful to try the following exercise. If it seems familiar, that’s because I have adapted it from the Meet With Success spell we did during our Gypsy Magick Project. In this exercise we are going to ask ourselves, our deepest strongest selves for help. If you feel more comfortable asking your spirit guides, guardian angels, or higher power for help instead, that’s fine too.

For this exercise, you will need to write down exactly what it is that you need. If you aren’t sure what is needed, write a brief statement of your view of what you’d like the end result to look like, followed by a “How do I get there from here?” or even, “Please I need help to get there from here.”

Keep in mind that this must be something that you truly do want. If any part of you wants to hang back, if you feel a twinge of fear, or the slightest resistance, go back and do a rewrite until it feels right.

You will need:

  • A clear idea.
  • A true desire for change.
  • A mirror and a candle.

Write down your request for help. We talked about that already. If you are asking your guides, angels or higher power for help – make that part of your statement. For example: “I ask my guardian angels to please give me the… etc.” If you are planning to speak to your deep inner self, you might begin with, “I ask my deepest, strongest, truest self to  please…”

Find a place that is quiet and private. Light the candle in front of a mirror. Sit at the mirror and stare into your own eyes in search of your deepest truest self. Imagine a circle of gold light around you for protection and a circle of blue or violet light around you for healing and transformation.

Repeat your Christian name (or names) twenty-one times. Then ask for the help you need. and repeat it twenty-one times. Blow out the candle and await success.

27 Fling Boogie

Some thoughts on clutter from Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley:

  • Are you living in CHAOS? (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome?)
  • Clutter affects you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
  • Clutter is the enemy of feng shui. Clutter causes the chi (energy) of your home to stagnate.

Clutter steals your money! You know you own a specific item, but you cannot find it when you need it, so you’re forced to run out and buy another.

Clutter steals your time, energy, and sanity! How much money do you spend each year trying to “organize” and manage your clutter? How much time do you invest?

Clutter cannot be organized! Evict your clutter and breathe a sigh of relief!

Today, we are doing the “27-Fling Boogie!”

  • Grab a trash bag and run through the house as fast as you can and dispose of 27 items.
  • Put the bag in the trash.
  • Do not look through it.
  • Don’t re-clutter your home – De-Clutter!

The point is to do this as quickly as possible so we are not spending more time than necessary decluttering and we can get to the fun stuff in our day.

Alternatively, you could visit The Plan , a nifty little website I found that handles the various problems and issues associated with “disposophobia”. This is what they had to say:

DISPOSOPHOBIA The Fear of Getting Rid of Stuff..

People who suffer from maladies such as depression or obsessive compulsive disorders often end up buying things, bringing them home and dropping them. Rather than looking for what they own, they simply go out and buy more and do the same thing…..over and over and over again.

We call this behavior….. Shop ‘n Drop.

This is only one of the many issues that we address and provide solutions. The Plan for you or a loved one’s recovery can be found at 1 800 THE PLAN. Recovery could be just days away…call 1-800-THE PLAN to schedule an appraisal.


Bear in mind that this post was written in 2007, and the website and phone number may no longer be viable.

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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