Getting Started


Here is a little “photo essay” to get us motivated:

Sure it’s important that you “think you can,”
but until you get off your fat ass, it’s all just speculation isn’t it?

A ship in harbor is safe…
but that is not what ships are built for.

The  journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
~Lao Tzu

Success is a staircase,
not a doorway.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing…

Setting Our Goals

Before we can send our little engines up that mountain, we’ll need to define our “mountains.” In my experience, the best goals are goals that you actually WANT to achieve, and are willing to WORK for. It’s also important that your goal is actually DO-able. It really helps is you already have a clear idea of HOW to go about achieving it. Being really clear with yourself about the goal, setting strong parameters, having a good vision of the desired results, are equally important.

For example, let’s say you have a goal of: “I want to write a book.”

First off, is this DO-able? Thirty days isn’t a very long time. Do you really want to write a whole book? Or would you feel more comfortable writing a story? Or an article? Or a poem? How many pages do you think you could write every day? Etc.. Etc.. It’s a nebulous goal, I think. Not specific enough, and maybe not even possible. You might be setting yourself up for failure.

Much better to say: “I want to begin writing my book, and I plan to have at least 4 chapters of a rough draft finished by the end of 30 days.” 

Here’s another example. Suppose you have a goal of: “I want to get in shape.”

Nice goal. But what does it mean? How will you measure your progress? How will you know you have succeeded? What if you absolutely hate to exercise? How will you do it? Does the thought of “get in shape” make you feel tired? cranky? hungry? Are you sure this is what you really want?

So, are you ready? Let’s set some goals. Remember, it needs to be something that you really DO want, and really WILL work for.

Let’s Do Something!

Our next project is due to begin on April 1st, just a few days away, and it’s time to start thinking about what comes next. What I’d like to do is build on what we have accomplished so far. In our last project, Laying The Groundwork, we made lists … lots of them, we journaled, we explored our deeper inner selves, and we talked, but we didn’t actually DO anything.

I think it’s time to stop talking for a while and start doing. The idea is to pick one doable goal, something that you could actually accomplish in a span of 30 days, and then actually DO it. I think it’s important that the goal be something that you actually WANT to succeed with. It could be a series of small simple practical things that you’ve been procrastinating, something you’ve always wanted to do but never made time for, it could even be something you were going to do anyway.

I am modeling this project around “The Little Engine That Could,” a story from my childhood that still influences me, even this many years later. I’ll also be looking for motivational videos, and whatever else I can find that will help us accomplish whatever it is that we’ve set out to do.

If this project interests you, I’d love it if you’d join in. A public statement as to what you are planning to accomplish in the next 30 days might be a great way to get started. You can leave a comment right here, right now, defining your goal. If public statements don’t float your boat, make a note and put it on your refrigerator, put a reminder on your phone, tell a friend, or do something to make it “official.”


Jumping In


If you are interested in jumping into the upcoming project, Laying The Groundwork, you are on the right page. All that’s needed is a short comment about what it is that you’d like to accomplish with this 30 day experimental exercise, what you’re interested in working on, and what your expectations are.

When our project is complete, we’ll use these comments to determine whether or not the project was successful. It will also help me to know what direction to take us as we navigate the next 30 days.

All that is necessary for the project itself is a spiral notebook, a pen, and a willingness to be clear and honest with yourself about yourself. I’d love it if you’d share your ideas, experiences, questions, conundrums, and insights as we go along.

I will be posting something new every day, and each post will be shared on our Facebook page. If you’d like to be notified via email, you can do that through the Feed Burner form in the sidebar. My hope is that we will have a lively dialogue and lots of new insights and revelations.

The project begins on Feb 15. See you soon!

Laying The Groundwork


This spectacular garden didn’t just pop out of the ground, awesome and amazing and ready to be enjoyed. It was planned and plotted out in advance. The location, climate, soil, budget, and purpose were analyzed and research was done.

My first garden was a spectacular success and an equally spectacular failure because I planned nothing in advance. And while some of my plants did really well, many others died, and by the time August rolled around, the weeds were chin high and I waved the white flag of defeat. And now, as I’m writing this, I realize that this could be a story about my life, because when I look around, I see the chin high weeds. and I wonder when I waved my own white flag and agreed to be defeated.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, it occurred to me that we just spent 30 days saying with complete confidence and absolute certainty that “I AM a being of Violet Fire.” And I don’t know about you, but if that was all that I was, if I am only that, my life would be way different that it is… there would be no white flags, no chin high weeds, no petty irritations, no deep regrets.

So I wanted to do a project to help us to define who we really are, what it is that we really want, what do we have to work with, what are our strengths, our weaknesses,  the challenges and obstacles, and I’m hoping that in the process of this self exploration, each of us will begin to create a plan for our lives that actually works. A plan that works because it’s based on the reality of who we really are, and what we really want.

I’ve decided to call it, Laying The Groundwork. And over the next 30 days, I thought it would be interesting to explore some of the following questions:

  • Who are we really?
  • What are our raw materials?
  • What does prosperity actually look like?
  • What are our strengths?
  • When and why do we choose not to use them?
  • What are our weaknesses?
  • How do they serve us?
  • Our fatal flaws?
  • Our greatest assets?
  • How and when do we create roadblocks to our success?
  • And why?

I would really love it if you would join me on this journey. We will begin on February 15th. All that is required is a notebook, a pen, and a commitment to participate. And of course, if you’d like to follow along without a commitment, that’s fine too.


Working With The Violet Flame

I found this simple explanation on working with the violet flame at Violet Flame Miracles. I think it will work as a basic template for our project. I’ve also included a few basic Decrees to get us started.

Invoking the Violet Flame

We lovingly speak and “see” mantras, affirmations, decrees and fiats to invoke the violet flame. Many violet flame mantras, affirmations, discourses, and decrees have been given over the years through organizations like the I AM Movement, The Bridge to Freedom and The Summit Lighthouse.

Be Creative

You can also be creative! Remember that whenever you invoke the violet flame in the name of the I AM THAT I AM, the possibilities are endless. I AM THAT I AM is the primordial name of God, written in our innermost parts. It was the name God gave to Moses in the burning bush and it corresponds to the Eastern Om Tat Sat Om. You can always begin with this beautiful invocation,

“In the name of the Christ Self
and in the name of the living God,
I call forth the energies of the sacred fire
from the altar within my heart.”

Establish a Momentum

You can multiply the effectiveness of your violet flame invocations by giving these mantras out loud for fifteen minutes at a time. To experience a significant benefits in your life, invoke fifteen minutes of violet flame for forty days. Mark your calendar. Write down the specific issues that you would like to see resolved and visualize the violet flame going through these issues. Then give your decrees. Surrender your problems to the violet flame. Invoke God’s will for your life and see what miracles will transpire. Invite the violet flame into your life today.

Below are some beautiful  and simple violet flame mantras and affirmations. Choose the one you like best. Give the decree in a loud voice with authority as a fiat. Repeat in an accelerating decree spiral. When working with Violet Flame mantras, you can also set them to music and sing and dance to their rhythm.

Violet Flame Mantras

I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity God desires.

In the name Saint Germain,
Blaze and expand now the violet flame!


I’m calling for an ocean of violet flame
To transmute fear and error, and all sense of shame.


“Breath of God inside each cell, I AM the violet flame.
Searching out all hidden pain I AM the violet flame.”


Light Set me free! Light set me free! Light set me free!
I AM the violet flame!


I love these little mantras, and I thought they might be easier to remember and keep in my mind if they were pictures. So I converted them into images they can be found here: Violet Flame at Mind Magic.

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to our newest project: Exploring The Violet Flame Decrees and I AM statements. The purpose of this project is to find out how well it works for us, whether or not the practice will indeed change our lives, and to talk about our various experiences and ideas, hopes and dreams, disappointments and struggles, and at the end the allotted 30 days, to discuss our opinions and insights about this technique.

In order to track our progress, and “make it official,” it would be awesomely great if you would leave a comment detailing what it is that you’d like to accomplish with this project. And then as the days go by, I’d love to hear about your experiences and insights as you do the decrees. At the end of the 30 days, I’d really appreciate it if you would report in with your opinions as to how well this technique worked for you.

For my part, I will be uploading new content, new I AM Decrees, and hopefully new insights and ideas every day as the project continues. I love a good discussion and encourage you to be honest in your assessments of the practice.

Here are the parameters for the project:

  • Commit to at least 15 minutes a day to the I AM Decree of your choice. (Repeating, Visualizing, Singing, Chanting, etc)
  • Alternatively, commit to saying the Decree out loud (with feeling) at least 9 times in a row, two or three times a day.
  • Check in when you start (to make it official).
  • Report your results at the end of 30 days (optional – but extremely helpful to every one else).

Getting Started:

Tomorrow is Day One, but if you don’t want to wait,  here’s a starter Decree. Say it at least 9 times with increasing intensity…. Visualize it…. Feel it:

Beloved I AM Presence bright,
Round me seal your tube of light

I AM, I AM the violet flame.

Almighty I Am
Almighty I Am
Almighty I Am

Getting Ready For Our Newest Project


I’m getting ready for our newest project which is scheduled to start on Jan 1st. Today, I am creating an “event” on our Facebook page and inviting people to join in. If you got an invite, or if you’re curious about the project, I don’t have a lot of information posted yet because I’m planning to let it unfold gradually as we go along. Here’s  a link to the information that got me interested in exploring the Violet Flame Decrees as a project: About The Violet Flame.

This project will be lasting a full 30 days, however, a Facebook Event cannot last longer than 2 weeks… so I will be updating it at the end of the 2 weeks. Sigh.

To join, all that is necessary is to leave a comment – this makes it “official,” and to commit to a simple Violet Flame practice for 30 days. I’ll be posting the basic guidelines and format on Dec 31, so stay tuned. To stay current with the project, you can follow it on Facebook, or you can subscribe via email (see the feedburner link in the sidebar). I’d love for you to join in!

Why The Violet Flame?


In the process of expanding the Inspiration and Insight page here at shirleytwofeathers, I came across some information on the Violet Flame and it intrigued me. Initially, I was just going to put information and I AM Decrees on the Mind Magic site, but as I was reading through them, I could feel energy building inside my body. It was exciting and interesting, and I decided that I might try it as a daily mantra starting with the New Year.

When I began migrating The Prosperity Project, I couldn’t get the idea of doing The Violet Flame Decrees as a “Project” out of my mind. The more I thought about it, the better it sounded. So… Here we are.

I do not know much about the Violet Flame, much of the information is really hard to read, and to tell you the truth, it sounds really out there. Very “woo woo” and off the top New Age doublespeak. That being said, the simpler Decrees and I Am statements did stir something in me and I got really curious as to whether or not it would actually have an effect on my life.

Here is a simplified explanation:

The violet flame is one of the greatest little-known spiritual tools on the planet, and a tremendous gift from God to mankind. It’s an aspect of God’s light and energy, also known as the flame of forgiveness or the mercy flame.

Violet fire has the power to transmute negative karma – this means to change the burdens of negative energy that we have accumulated through the ages into positive energy. We feel lighter, happier and we don’t have to suffer through so many of the ‘bad’ aspects of life.

The violet ray is a tool to help us in our lives: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When called upon through mantras and visualizations, this spiritual fire restores the flow of light and energy in the body, mind and soul.

The violet flame consumes not only the outer manifestions of negative karma (the ‘symptoms’ that we see, such as ill health and financial trouble) but also its roots and causes (erasing the record of harm we have done others in this life or previous lives).

Its high vibration penetrates our nervous system, our heart, our entire physical body and psyche, going to the cause and core of disease or psychological/emotional problems and helping the healing process. It dissolves our negative thoughts and feelings on contact, turning them into positive and harmonious ones. It’s great for helping with relationship issues too.

If divine wholeness is your aim, there is absolutely no doubt in the world that violet fire can help you get there. If you don’t like what you are now or what you see in others or in your environment, use this spiritual fire and watch things change! Experiment with it for a month, three months, even six months.

Violet fire will only do as much as you allow. Your life can be transformed over time, but only if you desire it and you’re willing to make an effort.

Found at The Spiritual Encyclopedia

My Thoughts on The Project:

I don’t know if it will work or not, but I’d really like to experiment and find out. My plan is to upload a new I AM Decree every day. Some will be simple and easy, and some will be longer and more complex. The idea will be to pick a Decree that resonates, and use it every day. There are a couple of visualizations and meditations that I will share as well. Also, I will probably also upload basic information about the Violet Flame.

What Do You Think?

Does it sound interesting? In order to participate, you do not need to believe it will work, all that is required is a commitment to try it for 30 days, and post your experiences, insights, results, or lack of results. The first Decree will be very short and simple, an easy place to start. If you like that one and want to stick with it, great. If, as the project progresses, you want to change it up… that will be OK too.

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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