Banishing Blocks


This is a thermal photograph of an ice cube melting. Isn’t it awesome?

Banishing blocks with Water Undines:

Undines are female derivatives of water spirits. Like the other elements, the Undines contribute to the universal life force through purification, movement and sound.

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze.

When you are ready to perform the spell, take the cup out of the freezer. Place upside-down in a bowl. Hold your hands over the ice and name what has frozen in your financial affairs. Blow on the ice three times.

And chant:

Breath of spirit,
Warmth of love.

Allow the ice to thaw, visualizing the financial difficulty flowing away from you. When it is thawed, pour the water on a house plant – our outside around a tree or shrub. As you pour the water out, think about how the energy of spirit and the warmth of love can now freely flow through you to nourish and heal those around you.


One Response to Banishing Blocks

  • What a cool photo!

    Well, this spell was certainly interesting. It seemed like it took forever for the ice to melt enough to come out of the plastic cup… And so as I was waiting for it to thaw enough to drop into the bowl, I was thinking of all the blocks that I wanted to banish.. melt.. and dissolve. And the longer it took, the more stuff I thought of.

    First it was all about selling my art, and succeeding in a flow of money from my internet endeavors, and then it was having a job I actually love, and then it was about having energy, and getting exercize, and feeling good physically, and healing, and being more active, and participating in life…

    When I was done, and the chunk of ice was sitting in the bowl, I realized that this was going to take a while. And I was wondering what to do next when the phone rang.

    And it was my daughter informing me that the water line had broken and water was gushing out the water main. So.. I thought.. Whoa Nelly!! I didn’t mean for EVERYTHING to begin to flow..

    So the water dept came out, shut the water off, and said I would need a plumber and a back hoe.. and a bunch of money to fix it.. I called plumbers.. got answering machines and no call backs.

    Then, I decided.. OK.. I did say physical fitness.. I did say exercize.. I did say get out and actually participate in life.. there is no block to that now.. because I will be out there with a shovel bright and early on Monday morning.. digging a really deep hole, and fixing the f–ing pipe myself.

    It will be interesting to say the least. And at the end of it, I will need a shower.. and a washing machine.. both of which had damn well better have water running in them..

    So.. Joy to the World.. A miracle is going to happen today… And that’s a good thing.

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