Sun Stones

“I am proud of who I am,” is the affirmation of Sunstone, a crystal known to help us find our joy, harmony and happiness after a dark time. Its properties of vitality and empowerment are particularly beneficial for those under the signs of Leo and Libra, both of whom rely on their good humor and ability to find joy in life. Sunstone’s primary chakra is the Root Chakra, connected to our basic needs and establishing our foundation.

Giving off a bright and cheery glow of good vibes, the Sunstone crystal is the perfect sunblock to protect a sensitive spirit from our toxic and imperfect world. Like a strong SPF for the spirit, it wards off negativity while allowing you to bask in the glow of its mighty sunbeams. Call on the Sunstone crystal meaning during your darkest hour and get a deep spiritual tan when you take a vacation from the daily stress of everyday life.

A member of an extensive group of minerals known as feldspars, the Sunstone crystal warms up the chakras and gives you a lovely sun-kissed glow in the middle of an emotional winter. By stimulating the sacral chakra, Sunstone brings a flood of light into dark corners of the mind, making it an excellent healing aid for clearing away negative thought patterns. Like the ancient Buddhist proverb says, we are what we think, so if you’re in a grumpy mood, snap out of it with the bright and sunny Sunstone crystal stone, the best antidepressant in the world of gemstones.

Expand the mind to a higher consciousness when you incorporate Sunstone crystal healing properties into your daily wellness routine. Every morning when the sun rises and offers the gift of a new day, let the Sunstone be your daily dose of Vitamin C for the spirit. By bolstering a sense of self worth and confidence, Sunstone is your healing prescription for a case of the blues.

Bring an instant ray of sunshine into your life when you incorporate the Sunstone crystal stone meaning into your daily meditation practice. Step away from the TV remote, Instagram, and anything else that might distract you and enter a sacred space that encourages quiet introspection and solitude. Even better, take your therapeutic session outside and witness the soles of your feet rooting to the energy of the earth. Tell the crystal your intention by declaring out loud a set of empowering mantras that reconnect you with the healing rhythm of nature.

Possessing energy as bright and cheery as its vibrant aesthetic, the Sunstone crystal meaning is linked with the playful whimsy of childhood. While maintaining the daily stress of adulting in the modern world, Sunstone reminds us to keep a healthy balance between career demands and fun in the sun.

First discovered in Norway, the Sunstone crystal is linked with ancient Norse texts that reference the Vikings using it to navigate the seas. Thanks to tiny particles of Hematite, Sunstone gets it distinctive shimmer from light-reflecting properties, which these famous seafarers used to catch rays of light from the sun, the undisputed GPS of Mother Nature.

Call on the Sunstone crystal meaning and learn how to make peace with your past mistakes. After all, it’s our imperfections that help us grow and transform. Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey, hold the Sunstone crystal in your hand and give yourself permission to love yourself unconditionally, letting go of painful memories of the past and moving forward, just like the sun rises and sets in the never-ending cycle of night and day.

When it comes to its vibrant aesthetic, Sunstone is as dazzling as its namesake. It gets its distinctive shimmery finish from aventurescence, which is caused by tiny prisms of red copper or hematite. Always feel the invigorating vibes of cheery Sunstone by wearing it on a necklace. Its intense orange color reflects its link to the Sun, its ruling celestial object, and also its power to brighten up and clear away clouds of pessimism.

As an all-around chakra cleanser, Sunstone is an essential addition to healing grids because it clears and activates all energy pathways, helping increase the power of the other stones. If you lack a sense of sweetness in your life, it’s time to call on Sunstone crystal healing properties to evoke the notion of joie de vivre. Following the spirit of the time-honored proverb, Sunstone crystal healing properties gives you the guidance to turn your face towards the sun, letting the shadows fall behind you. Sunstone is a shining light of optimism, your celestial lighthouse that you can always count on to guide you to safety.

Reflecting the same color as the marigold flower, Sunstone properties give jewelry a warming effect by harnessing the power of the sun and its ability to strengthen the spirits. If you yearn for the healing effects of the sun, heat things up with Sunstone, an easy remedy for seasonal affective disorder and garden-variety depression. Like a fire always burning bright, Sunstone is your spiritual hot chocolate, which is perfect for warming up the chakras and opening up your heart to love and its incredible healing and transformative effects.

The color of the Sun and its life-giving energy, Sunstone symbolizes hopefulness because even the darkest night will give way to a rising sun.

Sunstone Meditation

Sunstone meditation can help you feel the powers of the sun and light. With Sunstone’s light, it can help clear and energize your chakras.

  • Here is the meditation:

Hold a Sunstone in each hand, palms open. Close your eyes and breathe complete breaths. Breathe in and out, slowing your breath. Imagine that you are a bright light, and that your hands, arms, head, and neck glow with the brightness of this light. Envision the light expanding and covering everything abundantly. Feel the warmth of your skin as it glows and spreads the light. Feel the warmness of the light as it heals your mind, body, and spirit.


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