Monthly Archives: March 2019

Would You Rather Be Rich … Or Right?

Alright, so we all have our pet beliefs about this, that, or the other.

We can get pretty entrenched and defend these beliefs – even in the face of ALL OF REALITY rising up against us and trying to show us most practically that we are making a big mistake here!

So here’s our 60 second exercise.

What do you “believe”, that if you changed your mind on it and accepted the evidence of reality, would really, REALLY help you get rich much, much quicker?

It doesn’t matter what it is or why you are “clinging” to that belief, and I’m not even asking you to change it in any way, I just want you to consider that question honestly.

“There’s a HUGE difference between “the truth” and what people believe.”



A Simple Wealth Breathing Exercise

This is really simple but VERY effective.

For the next 60 seconds, breathe in “wealth”, deeply and slowly, hold your breath for a short time, and when you breathe out, you release “old stale energies” that held you back.

Makes you feel really different, doesn’t it.


Wealth Power Animal Totem

Magic throughout the ages has called on the sheer power and life force of animals; and it is not just the ol’ Native Americans who had an eagle or such for their “power animal” and sported it on their national emblems.

In a moment, sit back and consider what animal might be the perfect “wealth power animal totem” for you personally, and let something come to you.

Take 60 seconds to contemplate this animal, and how its energy can help you RIGHT NOW so that you can connect and act better to gain your wealth, and your own power.


Ten Steps To Wealth

This is a basic visualization exercise which is very neat to do for real when you come down a flight of steps. For now, imagine you’re standing at the top of a flight of steps and for each step, we’ll make a wealth affirmation.

  • 10. I am ready for wealth!

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 9. Wealth is my birthright.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 8. I achieve wealth easily.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 7. Wealth comes to me readily.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 6. I invite wealth to come into all I do.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 5. Wealth is my partner and my friend.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 4. Wealth is joyous and delightful.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 3. Wealth enters into all and every aspect of my life.

Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

  • 2. I am on my way to wealth …

Now take a deep breath and JUMP off the last step and onto the next level:

  • 1. I AM WEALTHY!

Clap your hands and give yourself a round of applause!


So Tell Me What You Want …

One of the many ways we manage to talk ourselves out of desires and achievements is the thought of, “Oh BUT I don’t know how …”

It happened again yesterday with someone who blatantly wanted something BUT (godawful word! should be stricken from the dictionary!) wouldn’t even ADMIT to wanting it – BECAUSE they had no idea how to get it.

So in order to alleviate disappointment, it’s better not to want it at all, right?


If you don’t WANT something, or you don’t ALLOW YOURSELF TO WANT SOMETHING, how the HELL are you ever going to get it?

It’s a structural impossibility!

So to the rescue comes the handy thought that in order to WANT something, you DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW ***HOW*** that could be possibly achieved.

That’s a different topic, a different matter, and has NOTHING to do with the wanting of something.

I want to see the Earth from space, for example.

BUT … I’m too old, not rich enough, it’s impossible!


<kicks the but up the butt, and the but flies out of the window, never to return>


I really do.

And THAT, as they say, is my birthright as a human being – to WANT THINGS, TO WANT EXPERIENCES, TO DESIRE.

Now, it’s YOUR turn.



The Wise Old Aunt …

… well or it could be an old uncle, a grandfather or such, take your pick. For the next sixty seconds, YOU are going to become your own wise old aunt, and YOU will give yourself some good advice.

You know, the kind of thing that you should really be told, and that you should listen to, and you have been wanting to hear that for a while but no-one’s told you.

Put this wise advice in an email to yourself and send it to yourself, so you can receive it, read it, and possibly print it out for future reference.

Do it NOW …


A Simple Blessing

23 is a special number.

Today, you don’t have to do anything at all because today, I will just simply send you a blessing.

I might not know who you are, And I might never meet you, But I know that you come from the Creative Order, And that YOU are endowed with EVERYTHING it takes To be successful and HAPPY in this life.

I wish YOU from the very bottom of my heart, And with all I have to give, That your best dreams WILL come true for you;

That you WILL find that which you are seeking, And that what life will bring for you, Should be even better still than that, and hold along the way, many wonderful surprises.

So shall it be!


Pour Out Those Troubles

We’re going to make a thoughtfield!

In a moment, hold out your hands in front of you, as though you were holding a sphere the size of a small melon.

Into this sphere, I want you to pour all your troubles, all your cares, all your worries and all those things that swirl around in the back of our minds and make our thinking unclear and our motivation murky.

Let them all pour into this amazing container – thoughts, pictures, feelings, people, bills, the past, the future, all of it. It’s quick once it gets going.

When you have poured in all your current cares, take the sphere in both hands, lift it up high over your head and throw it behind you.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the clarity of forward vision that this brings.


These Wealthy Hands …

This is fun, kinaesthetic and brings our whole body to this wealth and happiness party. Even if you’re not feeling on top of the world today, have a go – I promise it will cheer you up.

  • Touch your head with your hands and think or say:
    This is my clever, wealthy head. This is the head of a very rich man!

Continue on and make it up as you touch your self:

  • Acute ears, listening out for opportunity and success!
  • Brilliant eyes that see abundance in all things!
  • A wealthy nose for success!
  • My rich mouth, tasting the very best the world has to offer!
  • My strong shoulders and my powerful arms, ready to embrace my riches!
  • Productive, industrious wealthy hands and fingers!
  • A stomach for ingesting and digesting wealth and prosperity!
  • A rich man’s bottom!
  • Rich, rich legs, walking me towards a fantastic future on abundant feet!

How’s that? You can play this under the shower too and add as many body parts as you desire ☺


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
Ask The Occulatum
Enter your question and receive the wisdom of the Occulatum. You may pose your question in any way that feels appropriate. The answer will come in the form of a small pop up. Try it - your life just might change for the better!

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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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