A small cauldron filled with homemade potpourri can be used as a fragrant altar decoration, burned (outdoors) as an offering to the Old Gods during or after a sabbat celebration, or wrapped in decorative paper and ribbons and given to a Craft Sister or Brother as a sabbat gift.
- 45 drops Myrrh Oil
- 1 cup Oak Moss
- 2 cups Dried Heather Flowers
- 2 cups Dried Wisteria
- 1 cup Dried Yellow Tulip Petals
- ½ cup Dried Basil
- ½ cup Dried and Chopped Bay Leaves
Mix the myrrh oil with the oak moss, and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri well and then store in a tightly covered ceramic or glass container.
From: The Wicca Spellbook
Leo Vinci in Incense: Its Ritual Significance, Use and Preparation states that the Egyptian formula for Kyphi was given in the writings of Plutarch and that it contained 16 ingredients. He gives three different formulas for this incense in his book. My own personal formula contains more than 16 ingredients but smells much better than the ones given by Vinci.
Here’s the recipe. Blend together the following ingredients:
- Red sandalwood – 1 part
- Frankincense – 1/2 part
- Myrrh – 1/4 part
- Galangal – 1 part
- Juniper berries – 1/4 part
- Dragon’s blood – 1/4 part
- Calamus root – 1 part
- Bay laurel – 1 part
- Orris root – 1/4 part
- Henna powder – 1/4 part
- Cinnamon – 1/4 part
- Balm of Gilead – 1/4 part
- Styrax bark – 1/4 part
Add oils of amber, honey, acacia, orris, storax, lotus, and musk to personal preference.
Note: Many recipes for Kyphi call for the use of raisins, honey, and wine. These “wet” ingredients enable you to make the incense into a paste that is then formed into balls and left to dry before burning.
From: D J Conway’s Magick of the Gods and Goddesses
Drink this tea an hour before undertaking any form of divination. If you wish, you can continue sipping it throughout the divination process.
- 3 tsp rose petals
- 1 tsp jasmine flowers
- 2 crushed bay leaves
- 1 pinch of nutmeg
- 1 pinch of cinnamon
Note: This blend is for one person and is intended to have half a pint of boiling water poured over it. Allow the infusion to stand for 10 minutes before straining and do not stir, as this bruises the plants. Obviously, you can adjust the amount of water or standing time to your own taste. If you prefer your tea sweet, add a little honey, not sugar, to the strained infusion.
This is a bath to bring peace into your life.
You will need:
- white candle
- 3 eggs
- white towel
- white clothing
- birdseed or bread
And also a Tbsp each of:
- salt
- Florida water
- rose petals
- mint
- parsley
- sage
- bay leaf
- rosemary
- nutmeg
By the light of a white candle add the following to your bath: salt, Florida water, rose petals, mint, parsley, sage, bay leaf, rosemary, nutmeg, and 3 raw eggs.
Note: The eggs are meant to absorb any negativity, stress, or unhappiness. Do not break them open, bathe with them floating in the water, whole.
Bathe with the eggs, being careful not to break them. When you are finished, dry off with a white towel and put on white clothes.
Take the eggs to a wooded area or park and leave them under a tree along with birdseed or bread.
Found at: Spells Of Magic
This oil blend is specifically for healing, vitality, strength, promotions, and all Solar influences. For best results, don’t use synthetics.
- 1 tsp. Cinnamon, ground
- 1 tsp. Juniper berries, mashed
- 1 Bay leaf, crumpled
- a scant pinch genuine Saffron
Gently heat over low flame in 1/4 cup base oil. Visualize your goal as you mix and smell. Strain and use for the above purposes.
From: Mystic Ways Wiki
This incense formula may be used in your rituals to destroy an enemy’s power to harm you. Can also be used as an “Uncrossing Incense”.
- 1 oz powdered Sandalwood
- 1/2 oz powdered Bay leaves
- 1/2 oz powdered Dill seed
- 1 tsp Asafoetida
- 1/4 tsp Saltpeter
- 1 dram Uncrossing Oil
- 2 drams of tincture of Benzoin
Powder all the solid ingredients and mix them well with your mortar and pestle. Mix all the liquid ingredients and dissolve the saltpeter in them. Slowly add the liquid ingredients to your powdered herbs. Spread in a tin pan or plastic container and allow to dry for 30 minutes to an hour.
When dry, simply crumble up and you have your incense. The traditional method of burning this type of incense is by placing it on a hot charcoal in your incense burner.
- 1 cup grated unscented soap
- ¼ cup hot water
- 1 Tbsp. Apricot oil
- 1 Tbsp. Angelica
- ½ Tbsp. crushed Bay
- ½ Tbsp. crushed Basil
- 6 drops Myrrh oil
Place grated soap in a heat-proof non-metallic container and add the hot water and apricot oil. Leave until it is cool enough to handle, and then mix together with your hands. If the soap is floating on the water, add more soap. Leave to sit for 10 minutes, mixing occasionally, until the soap is soft and mushy.
Once the soap, water, and oil are blended completely, add the dry ingredients. Once the mixture is cool, then add the essential oils (essential oils evaporate quickly in heat). Enough essential oils should be added to overcome the original scent of the soap.
Blend thoroughly and then divide the soap mixture into four to six pieces. Squeeze the soaps, removing as much excess water as possible into the shape you desire, and tie in a cheesecloth. Hang in a warm, dry place until the soap is completely hard and dry.
Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in times of stress or illness. Here’s a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of this sign.
- Aloe,
- Bay,
- Cotton,
- Eucalyptus,
- Lavender,
- Norfolk Island Pine,
- Rue.
As the most sensitive and psychic of all signs, Pisces is the one that requires help to ward off the adverse thoughts and intentions of others. Since you have no boundaries to keep you separate from others, you also need protection against negative influences. To that end, use Rue, a powerful herb known to ward off ills of every kind. To stay positive and healthy keep a Lavender plant growing either outside or inside your home.
This botanical powder makes no promises about bringing good fortune but allegedly counteracts bad luck and protects from its effects. Nine, seven, and five are numbers of protection – incorporate these numbers into the quantities of botanicals used.
Blend the following ingredients, grinding them together:
- Nine dried bay leaves crumbled
- Frankincense
- Juniper berries
- Cloves
- Dried dill
- Dried fennel
- Dried tarragon
Make substantial quantities. Carry some with you in a mojo bag, while keeping more within the home as fragrant, protective potpourri.
Found in: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
- 3 cups fresh Juniper Sprigs -with berries
- 2 cups red Rosebuds
- 1 cups Bay Leaves
- 1/4 cup Cinnamon chips
- 2 tablespoons Cloves
- 10 drops Rose Oil
- 3 drops Pine Oil
- 6 drops Cinnamon Oil
- 1 tablespoon Orrisroot chips
- 5 whole dried Rose Blossoms
- 3 three-inch Cinnamon sticks
- 20 assorted Pinecones, painted gold (the gold paint is optional)
Combine the juniper, rosebuds, bay leaves, cinnamon chips, cloves, and cones in a big ceramic bowl. In a separate dish, mix the oils with the orrisroot. Stir this mixture into the first one and put into a closed container to mellow for a few weeks, stirring occasionally. Place the potpourri in a dish and scatter the roses blossoms and cinnamon sticks on top.
~Author Unknown