- 5 drops of essential oil of Silver Fir
- 5 drops of essential oil of Myrtle
- 5 drops of essential oil of Pine
- 1 shot of Vodka
- 5 drops of Larch Flower Essence Remedy
- Pine scented candles
Add the essential oils to a shot of Vodka. Shake it up to distribute the oils. Throw the now scented Vodka into a bathtub filled with warm water. Add the Larch Flower Essence to the bath. Light the pine scented candles. Soak in the bath and feel your energy returning.
Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in times of stress or illness. Here’s a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of this sign.
- Anise,
- Clove,
- Fig,
- Hyssop,
- Mugwort,
- Myrtle,
- Nutmeg,
- Rosemary,
- Sage.
There’s no sign that hangs on to youth with more fervency and determination than Sagittarius. To keep that youthful appearance and disposition going as you travel the world in search of yet another experience, drink a tea made of Anise, Rosemary, and Vervain. To aid in making your dreams more prophetic than they already are, use Mugwort. Burn clove incense to attract the wealth you’ll need to pay for your travels.
Bathe before meeting a lover, or bath with a friend!
- 3 parts Rose Petals
- 2 parts: Rosemary and Thyme
- 1 part: Myrtle, Jasmine flowers, and Acacia flowers
- 3 drops Musk oil
Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, put them in a large mixing bowl and mix with your hands. Place a handful or so in a large square of muslin or other porous fabric and tie up the ends. Add this to your bath. To save time, make several bath sachets and store them in a jar with a tight lid until needed.
If you prefer showers to a bath, simply tie the herbs in a washcloth and scrub yourself with the mixture after your regular shower and before toweling.
Source: Ancient Wisdom