Sex and Romance
The scent of fresh lilac flowers was once thought to drive away ghosts. It is also very effective at relieving stress, and enhancing a child’s educational aptitude. Like many flowers, lilacs can be utilized in love expansion rituals. The sweet fragrance of these seasonal blooms brims with loving energies.
Lilac essential oil is currently only available in a synthetic version. It is, however, possible to make your own. It can be made by infusing Lilac blossoms in oil.
For this, it is best to choose an oil that has minimal fragrance of its own, as you don’t want it to overpower the lilac scent.
- Fill an airtight jar with dry Lilac flower petals, and then cover with the oil.
- Let the petals steep in the oil for three days, shaking the jar occasionally.
- Keep the jar in the sun in the daytime and in a warm cupboard at night.
- Strain out and discard the petals, using a cheesecloth or a non-metal sieve.
- Retain the oil.
- Refill the jar with more fresh, clean, and dry flower petals and cover them with the reserved oil.
- Allow the petals to steep as before.
- Repeat the straining and refilling until the oil has the desired intensity of fragrance.
Store in a cool dark place and use promptly. Vitamin E can be added as a preservative. Pierce one capsule of Vitamin E and add the contents to every cup of infused oil. Alternatively, 1/4 teaspoon of simple tincture of benzoin may be added per cup of infused oil.
Lilac oil can be used to treat rashes and sunburn, minor injuries and scrapes. It is a great skin tightening agent and toner. And the scent is great for easing anxiety.
Lilac oil reputedly repels vampires and is certainly more fragrant than garlic. If you make your own, the lingering aroma should keep the vampire out of the house as well.
Found at: Encyclopedia of Herbology
- 5 drops Cypress
- 2 drops Cinnamon
- a small piece of dried Orris root
Add the true essential oils and the Orris root to an olive-oil base. Anoint your body to bring a love into your life.
Note: The proportions listed here are the suggested ones. If you wish to deviate from these, simply keep in mind that the first ingredient listed should generally constitute the main scent. Each succeeding ingredient should be added to consecutively smaller amounts.
Found at: Mystic Ways Wiki
The Oils:
- 3 parts Frankincense
- 2 parts Basil
- 2 parts Juniper
- 1/2 part Orange
Color: Red
For use in attuning with the element of Fire, or for rituals involving strength, courage, passion, lust, etc.
The proportions here, though for essential oils, are by parts. One part may equal six drops. Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be more than ten total drops of essential oil per half-cup of bath salts. Experiment to find what works best, and please use only genuine essential oils. You should remember, too, the irritating qualities of some essential oils, and use accordingly.
Bath Salts:
To make bath salts add this oil blend to the recipe found in: Bath Salts Basics
From: The Master Grimoire
- 6 drops of Patchouli oil
- 6 drops of Sandalwood oil
- 6 drops of Rose oil
- 6 drops of Clove oil
- 6 drops of Nutmeg oil
- 6 drops of Olive oil
Wear as a perfume whenever you’ll be in the presence of the person you’re trying to attract. Be careful, this stuff is really potent. And don’t be surprised if you find others eyeing you as well. This is very effective for getting a man’s attention, substitute amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a woman.
Bathe before meeting a lover, or bath with a friend!
- 3 parts Rose Petals
- 2 parts: Rosemary and Thyme
- 1 part: Myrtle, Jasmine flowers, and Acacia flowers
- 3 drops Musk oil
Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, put them in a large mixing bowl and mix with your hands. Place a handful or so in a large square of muslin or other porous fabric and tie up the ends. Add this to your bath. To save time, make several bath sachets and store them in a jar with a tight lid until needed.
If you prefer showers to a bath, simply tie the herbs in a washcloth and scrub yourself with the mixture after your regular shower and before toweling.
Source: Ancient Wisdom