New Moon
Kadiskos means “small bucket” and is used to hold a portion of your family’s food wealth in offering to Zeus Ktesios (Protector of the Household goods or He who cares for the prosperity of the Household).
A Kathiskos is a jar filled with water and olive oil, along with foods such as rice, pasta, herbs, beans, and fruit. Fruit is usually the third main component, and anything else you add is up to you, since it is very family-based and personal. Choose what you eat the most, or value.
The purpose of a Kathiskos is to keep your food from spoiling or being infested and to attract wealth when it comes to food. It is sealed jar dedicated to Zeus Ktesios, who protects the pantry and familial food-wealth. Typically, it is placed in the pantry on a shrine to Zeus Ktesios, or on your family shrine or altar.
A Kathiskos is a jar filled with water and olive oil, along with foods such as rice, pasta, herbs, beans, and fruit. Fruit is usually the third main component, and anything else you add is up to you, since it is very family-based and personal. Choose what you eat the most, or value.
It is so simple, and you only have to clean it out on Hekates Deipnon and recreate it again on the Noumenia once a month, It also helps build kharis.
From Anticleides:
“It is necessary to make the symbol of Zeus Ktesios (Protector of the Household goods or He who cares for the prosperity of the Household). We take a new Kadiskos with two ears (handles) through which we thread white wool and yellow thread which we take over the right shoulder so that it hangs in front. We put anything we find and ambrosia in it. Ambrosia is pure water and oil and all-fruit. This we put inside.”
Select a clean, new jar with a lid that tightly seals. The jar can be made of any waterproof material – canning jars work well.
Warning: The contents of the jar may ferment or rot and if the jar does not seal tightly, you risk spoiling your other stored food with mold. At the very least, it will smell bad.
Pour a small amount of olive oil into the jar along with bits of food that the family has on hand. This could include a pinch of flour, some small pieces of fruit, rice, lentils, honey, herbs, and/or chocolate.
Fill the jar to the top with water. It is up to you on the type of water used, tap water, spring water, bottled water.
Tightly seal the jar with the lid.
Optional Decorating Ideas:
- Tie white and yellow threads around the lid or handles of the jar.
- Tie a small figurine of Zeus Ktesios around the the lid of the jar.
- Paint a snake on the outside of the jar.
The Kadiskos is personal to your household and variation is to be expected.
On each Noumenia (new moon), a freshly filled Kadiskos is placed in the pantry or where food is stored in your home, but not in a storage closet where garbage or useless things are stored. As an alternative, it can be kept on your family altar.
Each Deipnon, the jar can be emptied and cleaned. The contents can be emptied outside, preferably in your garden or in a composter. A potted plant works well – especially one where herbs or food for the family will be grown. This helps complete a cycle where Zeus Ktesios is offered some of your family’s food in thanks for His protection and the offerings are then used to grow more food for the family to consume.
If this is not something you can do, don’t feel as if you are doing it wrong. Do the best you can, but most importantly, do it consistently. You will get more out of regular worship with a good heart than sporadic worship done “perfectly.”
Also, it’s arguable that ambrosia would be something like mead, not spring water.
Source: Hellenion
The stuff of fairy tales, historically prized by Morocco’s witches, Moon Foam is a legendary power-substance that captures the essence of the New Moon. It can:
- Enforce a husband or lover’s fidelity
- Cure or prevent impotence
- Repair male or female fertility
- Instill mad, crazy passion for whoever uses it
Obtaining Moon Foam entails a complex ritual conducted at a cemetery at night when the moon is new. You will need a basin or pitcher of pure spring water, an oleander branch, and a bottle for the Moon Foam. This is an old old spell, and the ritual seems a little silly to our modern eyes. I have no idea if it will work or not, but here it is, just in case someone wants to try it:
Approach the cemetery gates at the New Moon and undress completely. Fill a basin or pitcher with pure spring water and place it in the light of the barely visible sliver of the new moon.
Mount an oleander branch and gallop around the perimeter of the cemetery counter-clockwise (widdershins) seven times, chanting a special incantation as you circumambulate.
- Note: The original incantation was a well kept secret and has been lost in time. So you will need to find one of your own. I would suggest The Hour of the Dark Moon, or something similar.
Ideally by now your actions have succeeded in attracting the attention of the moon’s guardian spirits. If all goes as it should, following the seventh circle around the cemetery, a lunar spirit will manifest herself to you and request that you reveal your desire. Tell her that you want Moon Foam. She will not be overly willing to give it to you.
You will have to negotiate. Make various offers; see what works. If the negotiations are successful, the moon will literally drop deep down into your water.
Eventually the water will contain visible silver foam. Strain it off carefully, like oil from water, or scum from soap. Take it home and reserve for future use.
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
The Goddess Hekate provides protection at night as well as psychic enhancement, so that you can journey safely during dreams. Appeal to Hekate to block nightmares too.
You will need:
- Dried lavender
- Dried mullein
- Essential oil of lavender
- Optional: tuberose absolute
- Black pillowcase
Blend two parts lavender to one part mullein. Sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils over the dried botanicals. Allow this to dry thoroughly and use it to fill the black pillow case.
For optimum results, create and inaugurate the pillow during the Dark Moon (new moon) or on Halloween/Samhain.
Source: Coven Of Hecate
The optimum time to make this oil is 5 days following the new moon. But it can be made any time during the new or crescent moon phase.
- A small item made of gold
- Olive oil
- Small clean container (preferably glass) with a tight fitting lid
- Powdered cinnamon or cinnamon essential oil
- Place the item made of gold into the container
- Add a pinch of cinnamon or a drop of cinnamon essential oil
- Pour enough olive into the container to cover the item and fill the container to the halfway mark.
Cradle the container in your hands and think about how grateful and happy you are for the prosperity that you already have, and for the prosperity that is coming to you.
Then gently breathe this gratitude and happiness into the container, continue to breathe it into the container until it has been filled the rest of the way to the top with loving gratitude.
Put the lid on the container, and tighten it.
Tap the lid with your middle finger once and say:
“Thank you to the Father”
Tap the lid with your middle finger a second time and say:
“Thank you to the Mother”
Tap the lid with your middle finger for a third time and say:
“Thank you to the Living Spirit in all things”
This prosperity oil will gradually increase in potency as the moon waxes toward full, and can be used at any time.
On the full moon:
- Remove the gold item – and gently and lovingly clean it.
- Drop a pinch of powdered ginger into the container.
Cradle the container in your hands and think about how grateful and happy you are for the prosperity that you already have, and for the prosperity that is coming to you.
Put the lid on the container, and tighten it.
Tap the lid with your middle finger once and say
“Thank you to the Father”
Tap the lid with your middle finger a second time and say
“Thank you to the Mother”
Tap the lid with your middle finger for a third time and say
“Thank you to the Living Spirit in all things”
Hints and tips:
If it seems that there is no prosperity in your life to be grateful for, think of something that makes you happy, or someone you love.
A Sacajawea gold dollar is a great item to use – and they can be purchased for $1 at your local bank.
The famous Carmelite Water, first made by 17th century Carmelite nuns was used to treat nervous headache and neuralgia. It combined lemon balm with lemon-peel, nutmeg, coriander and angelica root. Here’s a recipe with a magickal twist:
- 1 bunch of lemon balm leaves
- the rind of one small lemon
- 2 sprigs sweet marjoram (or 1/2 teaspoon of dried)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 cloves
- 1 nutmeg, grated
- 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
- piece of angelica root the length of your little finger
- 1 pint brandy, vodka, or other spirits
On the New Moon, bruise the herbs in a mortar and pestle. Put them in a pint jar and fill with your chosen spirits. Let sit in a warm, dark place for two weeks, shaking daily. Strain, filter, and put up in a pint (8 oz) bottle. The longer you let this sort of tincture sit, the better it will taste. Store in a cool, dark place.
Use to improve the complexion or as a compress in fevers. To make a cologne, use spirits of wine instead of brandy or vodka and add 20% water to the final produce.
From: Alchemy Works
Here we have a tried and true invisibility powder for when you don’t want to be seen. For best results, this powder should be created at night during the Dark Moon.
In a mortar and pestle, grind together:
- 1 part Fern leaf, dried
- 1 part Poppy seeds
- 2 parts Slippery Elm powder
- 1 part Myrrh
- 1 part Marjoram, dried
- 3 parts Dillweed, fresh if possible
Grind all together, mixing well. Add 9 drops almond tincture (almond cooking extract is great.) with enough spring water to make everything barely moist, and mix in well.
Place in a ceramic bowl, spreading as thinly as possible, and dry the mixture over low heat, stirring it occasionally, until it seems lightly browned. Pour back into mortar, and grind again, enchanting:
Things Seen, and Things Not Seen:
Let me walk here in between.
When finely powdered, store in a clear glass container. It will keep its power for years. Sprinkle, just a little bit, on yourself, objects, or in a place to be made invisible.
Spell by: Mara Ravensong Bluewater
Found at: The Gay Mage