You can use the aromatic properties of spices to enhance your powers mentally.

Fill a jar with equal parts of the following spices. This will make an all purpose mental power scent jar.

  • Cinnamon: For dream magick.
  • Nutmeg: For good luck.
  • Allspice: For healing.
  • Ginger: For lunar magick.
  • Basil: For protection.
  • Fennel seeds: For spiritual healing.
  • Garlic powder: For spiritual purification.
  • Marjoram: For protection.

Before scrying, readings, or other psychic work,  shake the jar gently and then inhale the scent to enhance your mental powers.

You can also make individual spice jars for specific spells and magickal workings. Or the spices can be combined for special purposes. For example, combine Cinnamon, Fennel, and Ginger for New or Full Moon spells for healing dreams.

The jar is best stored in a private place among your other magickal tools. Your jar should not be revealed to others.

It will last about one year, at which time, you should dispose of the spices by burying them before creating a new mental enhancement jar. Bury the spices on your own property if possible, either that or some beautiful wild place.

Wash the jar with lots of soap and water, and allow it to sit in the sunshine for several days. Now it’s ready to be refilled.

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