This condition oil allegedly ends familial quarrels and encourages reconciliation. An excellent spell to coincide with a family reunion!
Ingredients needed:
- Brown sugar
- Bee pollen
- Orris root
- Peppermint leaves
- Pink rose petals
- Sweet almond oil and/or Jojoba oil
To create the Peaceful Home Oil, grind together the brown sugar, bee pollen, orris root, and peppermint leaves. (Amounts are not given in the original recipe, but I would consider using equal parts of each.) Place this in a bottle together with pink rose petals. Cover with sweet almond and/or jojoba oils. Allow it to sit overnight.
Soak cotton balls in the oil and tuck them strategically through the room.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Discover the magic of food by utilizing the energy contained within. The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. Your kitchen can be a place of powerful magic, work slowly and deliberately to hone your craft.
With that in mind, here’s a recipe for Blackberry Prosperity Pie
- 4 cups fresh blackberries,
- ½ cup white sugar,
- ready made dessert pastry – one to line pie dish one to cover fruit,
- 2 tbsp milk
- ¼ cup white sugar.
Line a 9 inch pie dish.
Mix 3 ½ cups berries with sugar and flour, spoon mixture into uncooked pastry shell. Spread the remaining ½ cup berries on top of the sweetened berries, and cover with the top pastry. Seal and pinch the edges. Brush the top crust with milk, and sprinkle with ¼ cup sugar.
Bake at 220 C for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature of the oven to 190 C and bake for an additional 20 to 25 minutes. When ready, remove from the oven and serve with fresh whipped cream.
Found at: Witches Lore
This is a potion that totally calms you when you drink it, and puts you in a peaceful and relaxing mood. Best used when fired up over a frustrating situation.
Items you will need:
- Milk
- Brown sugar
- Honey (or banana)
- White sugar
- A pot …
- A stove
- A wooden spoon
- A cup for afterwards
Note: Use whatever milk you like – skim, 1%, 2%, whole, lactose free… Any of those!
Set the pot on the stove and fill it with 1 1/2 cups of milk. (you can use more or less, you’d just have to equal out the ingredients) Turn the stove on LOW. Let the milk start to just slightly bubble a little bit. Then pour 1/3 of a cup of brown sugar into the pot and stir for about 15 seconds.
Now pour 1/4 cup of white sugar in and stir for another 15 seconds. Then pour in some honey (however much you want or think you need) or if you don’t have honey, you can substitute for 1/3 of a banana. (If you use the banana, make sure it’s mushed up and stirable, but still just a little chunky).
Let it sit for about a minute and then turn the stove off and let the potion cool, just as your situation will cool after drinking the potion. After it’s a little cooled off, but still warm, pour it into a cup and say this spell before drinking:
”Calm me down,
safe and sound
Bring me peace,
so my mind’s at ease
As I say
so Mote it Be.”
Before taking a sip, be sure to thank the God and the Goddess. With each swallow, imagine pure peace flowing through your body. (I always keep this stuff with me just in case I get angry and can’t meditate at the time.) Thanks much and Blessed Be!
By: ZeldaGirl64 at Spells Of Magic
Add to your favorite bottle of cologne or perfume the following:
- a few drops of Musk oil
- a pinch of ground Coral
- Cantharides (“spanish fly”)
- Brown Sugar
- Cinnamon
- three Rose petals
Shake well and then place the bottle in front of an image of your desired lover, or your chosen deity of love, for five days and nights. To attract a lover, rub some of the perfume on your forehead, breasts, and feet.
Source unknown