Love Potions
Power Oil is generally used to strengthen any spell, whether it is for health, wealth, love, or happiness. A few dabs on clothing helps a person win in a situation where they feel the odds are stacked against them.
The recipe:
- 5 drops frankincense oil
- 2 drops cypress oil
- 3 drops juniper oil
This formula is designed for anointing candles, coins, paper, clothing, or other objects. It is not designed to be worn on the skin. It can be diluted with amount of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil.
Pour red wine into a pot or cauldron and add anise, cloves, rosemary, ground cumin, honey, and orange zest. Add two candied rose geranium leaves. (Substitute candied violets, angelica, or ginger if the geranium isn’t available.)
Stir the pot, let the wine come to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer gently while you focus on your desires. When it starts steaming, turn off the heat and let the potion cool off.
Strain the solids out using a fine sieve. Warm up the wine once more. When the aroma is arousing, pour it into glasses and serve it to the one you love.
Notorious potions are intimate spells for eternal love. We’ll never know if these are the most ancient spells of all but they’re undoubtedly the most widespread. They exist wherever there are women. The basic premise: if someone consumes even as little as a drop of a woman’s menstrual blood, that person will love her passionately forever. It is the ultimate binding spell, the most powerful love charm of all.
These spells can be spontaneous, although traditionally a few drops might be stored in a small perfume bottle or a “poison ring,” thus allowing the elixir to be secretly administered anytime. If menstrual blood was reserved, then the ability to administer this spell could survive even menopause.
- Note: Secrecy may be required for the spell to be administered; it is not required for it to work. If someone wants to love you forever, you may not need to go through all the machinations of these spells.
Menstrual blood is the single most potent magick spell ingredient. In addition to love spells, it’s used in healing, protection, and banishing. A rag soaked with menstrual blood repels the fiercest demons. The ancient Roman equivalent of today’s spiritual supply stores sold used rags, for those without personal access!
Menstrual blood is not the only love-binding substance, however, nor is this type of spell reserved solely for women to cast. Sexual secretions, as well as sweat, hair, and / or nail clippings administered orally should have a similar, if not quite as powerful effect.
Notorious potions have two things in common: the spell’s power is generated by the magickal workings of the human body, and it is administered orally.
The Basic Potion:
The classic potion consists of that single drop of menstrual blood. However, the mode of administration is also important. Allegedly, a cup of good strong coffee is the vehicle of choice. The best alternative is a glass of red wine. Tomato-based sauces are also used, if only because this is an easy camouflage.
Brazilian Variation:
Blend sugar with some menstrual blood clots. Brew it with coffee and serve to the intended recipient.
Hungarian Variation:
You’ll need one Orchis maculata root. In English this plant is known as “gander-goose” or “spotted orchis.” In Romany, its name is the more evocative “devil’s hand.” This potion is considered most potent if the root is gathered on St. George’s Eve or Midsummer’s Eve.
Dry the root, then pound and powder it using a mortar and pestle. Add a little menstrual blood. Camouflage it in your beloved’s favorite food and serve.
Romany Variation:
This one is believed most effective when prepared and consumed on New Year’s Eve. Burn apple seeds. Mix the ashes with menstrual blood and add this concoction to food. Serve to a man to inspire undying passion.
Snail Water Version:
Escargots are perceived as a potent aphrodisiac, presumably you’re serving them as well. Mix menstrual blood with the water in which you have boiled the snails. Serve to your beloved as a true love potion.
Hoodoo Variation:
Put chicory coffee beans in a sealed bag with holes and store them up your vagina for a few hours while you are menstruating, then grind the beans and serve the coffee to the one you desire. Chicory is said to quicken and stir the spirit. Hopefully it doesn’t need to be said, but please do not store anything up your vagina for longer than several hours.
Notorious Potion Do’s And Don’ts
- If you have a disease which is transferred by blood you MUST NOT use menstrual blood to work magick on another.
- If you are storing fresh menstrual blood, you MUST keep it in a fridge.
- You ONLY need to use a drop or two for menstrual blood magick.
- To use menstrual blood in magick is an act of personal power. Never think of menstrual blood as dirty. It is an important part of you.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Mix the following herbs together in a clockwise direction, and place into a container until needed:
- Rosehips
- Hibiscus flower
- Lemon Balm
- Peppermint
- Meadow Sweet
When wanted to drink, take 2 tablespoons and place in teapot with boiling water. Let steep for 5 minutes. Visualize and chant:
Herbal brew of lover’s emotion,
With intent I fortify.
When two people share this potion,
Their lover shall intensify.
Found at: Herbal Riot
Fenugreek earned its magickal reputation as the herb of increase. This potion increases male sexual ability and vigor and may magickally remedy impotence as well.
Place two teaspoons of dried fenugreek in a cup and cover with boiling spring water. Steep for five minutes, then strain. Add lemon and honey to taste.
If the flavor remains too medicinal, try combining with peppermint, also a strong aphrodisiac.
From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
The Oils:
- 4 parts Lavender
- 2 parts Camphor
Color: White
Add to a tub of tepid water–not hot. Bathe in this blend when you wish to cool down.
The proportions here, though for essential oils, are by parts. One part may equal six drops. Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be more than ten total drops of essential oil per half-cup of bath salts. Experiment to find what works best, and please use only genuine essential oils. You should remember, too, the irritating qualities of some essential oils, and use accordingly.
Bath Salts:
To make bath salts add this oil blend to the recipe found in: Bath Salts Basics
From: The Master Grimoire
- Lemon Juice Extract or Essential Oil
- Rosewater or Essential Oil
- Vanilla bean extract or Essential Oil
- Gold glitter or two gold stars
- Almond oil
Prepare a perfumed oil using 2 ounces of almond oil as the base. Add 7 drops of rose water or 7 drops Rose Essential Oil, 3 drops of lemon extract, juice or essential Oil, One vanilla bean or 7 drops vanilla extract or essential oil, gold glitter or two gold stars
Anoint the pulse points before going out or add to bathwater for a magickal love attraction bath.
From: Incense Oils and Brews
To excite passion in another, this is one of the best love potions available:
To a gill of red wine in a saucepan, add a teaspoon of rosemary leaves, a teaspoon of anise seed, a teaspoon of cloves, a teaspoon of clear honey, and a teaspoon of orange rind. Also add a pinch of ground cumin and three green leaves of rose geranium.
Stir the mixture and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow the potion to simmer for two minutes. Then remove it from the heat and allow it to cool until it is not steaming before straining the botanicals out through a fine sieve. Finally return the potion to the heat until vapors begin to arise and it is ready to be served to your intended.
From: SimpleMagic
You’ll need a few large apples, cinnamon, yarrow, spring water, salt, and an enameled or cast-iron saucepan.
Concentrate on your goal while preparing this potion:
- Slice the apples place them into the saucepan, coat with cinnamon, and cover with yarrow.
- Put in enough water to submerge the contents and add a small sprinkling of salt.
- Stir clockwise on low heat, incanting a love charm of your own making.
- Bring to a simmer for about 90 minutes, strain and place into a dark jar.
- Put a few drops into your favorite aftershave or cologne and wear it every 4 days.
- The magic stays after the scent fades.
Source unknown