
Camphor is under the dominion of the moon. The lunar palace of Lady Chang’O is allegedly crafted from cinnamon wood, however both true cinnamon and camphor derive from trees of the Cinnamonium family. Maybe the Moon Lady’s palace was actually built from camphor wood.

Because of this connection, camphor can transmit some of the moon’s protective and luck drawing powers. Here’s how:

Charge spring water with lunar energies by filling a white, blue, or silver container with clear spring water and then leaving it in a windowsill or outdoors on a full moon night. The next day, dissolve a camphor square into the lunar-charged spring water.

Use this water to cleanse appropriate magical tools so that they may be used to fulfill your wishes and be imbued with the power of the moon.


Be careful, camphor can also be toxic.

Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

This liquid is used as a hexing agent. Write your problem on paper and soak the paper in the vinegar. Allow it to dry and then burn it to be rid of the problem.

To make Four Thieves Vinegar, take a bottle of apple cider vinegar and add the following herbs in handfuls.

  • Rosemary
  • Wormwood
  • Rue
  • Camphor (optional)
  • Patchouli

Heat the mixture to almost boiling once a day for four days in a row. Strain and cap it tightly. Store in a dark place.

by Tammy Sullivan

Note: There are a number of different recipes for the Four Thieves Vinegar, and this is just one of them.

The Oils:

  • 4 parts Lavender
  • 2 parts Camphor

Color: White


Add to a tub of tepid water–not hot. Bathe in this blend when you wish to cool down.


The proportions here, though for essential oils, are by parts. One part may equal six drops. Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be more than ten total drops of essential oil per half-cup of bath salts. Experiment to find what works best, and please use only genuine essential oils. You should remember, too, the irritating qualities of some essential oils, and use accordingly.

Bath Salts:

To make bath salts add this oil blend to the recipe found in: Bath Salts Basics

From: The Master Grimoire

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