Fill one jar with equal parts of the following herbs and spices:
- Cinnamon [swift results]
- Nutmeg [psychic power]
- Allspice [success]
- Ginger [energy]
- Basil [strength]
- Fennel seeds [creativity]
- Garlic [spiritual purification]
- Marjoram [love and happiness]
- Sage [clear out negativity]
- Cloves [command and compel]
- Mustard seed [faith]
Before you do any magical or psychic work, inhale the scent deeply and then shake the jar gently.
You can use the aromatic properties of spices to enhance your powers mentally.
Fill a jar with equal parts of the following spices. This will make an all purpose mental power scent jar.
- Cinnamon: For dream magick.
- Nutmeg: For good luck.
- Allspice: For healing.
- Ginger: For lunar magick.
- Basil: For protection.
- Fennel seeds: For spiritual healing.
- Garlic powder: For spiritual purification.
- Marjoram: For protection.
Before scrying, readings, or other psychic work, shake the jar gently and then inhale the scent to enhance your mental powers.
You can also make individual spice jars for specific spells and magickal workings. Or the spices can be combined for special purposes. For example, combine Cinnamon, Fennel, and Ginger for New or Full Moon spells for healing dreams.
The jar is best stored in a private place among your other magickal tools. Your jar should not be revealed to others.
It will last about one year, at which time, you should dispose of the spices by burying them before creating a new mental enhancement jar. Bury the spices on your own property if possible, either that or some beautiful wild place.
Wash the jar with lots of soap and water, and allow it to sit in the sunshine for several days. Now it’s ready to be refilled.
Drink this tea an hour before undertaking any form of divination. If you wish, you can continue sipping it throughout the divination process.
- 3 tsp rose petals
- 1 tsp jasmine flowers
- 2 crushed bay leaves
- 1 pinch of nutmeg
- 1 pinch of cinnamon
Note: This blend is for one person and is intended to have half a pint of boiling water poured over it. Allow the infusion to stand for 10 minutes before straining and do not stir, as this bruises the plants. Obviously, you can adjust the amount of water or standing time to your own taste. If you prefer your tea sweet, add a little honey, not sugar, to the strained infusion.
The famous Carmelite Water, first made by 17th century Carmelite nuns was used to treat nervous headache and neuralgia. It combined lemon balm with lemon-peel, nutmeg, coriander and angelica root. Here’s a recipe with a magickal twist:
- 1 bunch of lemon balm leaves
- the rind of one small lemon
- 2 sprigs sweet marjoram (or 1/2 teaspoon of dried)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 cloves
- 1 nutmeg, grated
- 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
- piece of angelica root the length of your little finger
- 1 pint brandy, vodka, or other spirits
On the New Moon, bruise the herbs in a mortar and pestle. Put them in a pint jar and fill with your chosen spirits. Let sit in a warm, dark place for two weeks, shaking daily. Strain, filter, and put up in a pint (8 oz) bottle. The longer you let this sort of tincture sit, the better it will taste. Store in a cool, dark place.
Use to improve the complexion or as a compress in fevers. To make a cologne, use spirits of wine instead of brandy or vodka and add 20% water to the final produce.
From: Alchemy Works
This is a bath to bring peace into your life.
You will need:
- white candle
- 3 eggs
- white towel
- white clothing
- birdseed or bread
And also a Tbsp each of:
- salt
- Florida water
- rose petals
- mint
- parsley
- sage
- bay leaf
- rosemary
- nutmeg
By the light of a white candle add the following to your bath: salt, Florida water, rose petals, mint, parsley, sage, bay leaf, rosemary, nutmeg, and 3 raw eggs.
Note: The eggs are meant to absorb any negativity, stress, or unhappiness. Do not break them open, bathe with them floating in the water, whole.
Bathe with the eggs, being careful not to break them. When you are finished, dry off with a white towel and put on white clothes.
Take the eggs to a wooded area or park and leave them under a tree along with birdseed or bread.
Found at: Spells Of Magic
- 1 pinch Rosemary
- 2 pinches Thyme
- 2 tsp. Black Tea
- 1 pinch Coriander
- 3 fresh Mint leaves (or 1/2 tsp. dried)
- 5 fresh Rosebud petals (or 1 tsp. dried)
- 5 fresh Lemon tree leaves (or 1 tsp. dried Lemon peel)
- 3 pinches Nutmeg 3 pieces Orange peel
Place all ingredients into teapot. Boil 3 cups of water, then add to the teapot.
Strain; sweeten with honey, if desired. Serve hot.
Source unknown
Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in times of stress or illness. Here’s a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of this sign.
- Anise,
- Clove,
- Fig,
- Hyssop,
- Mugwort,
- Myrtle,
- Nutmeg,
- Rosemary,
- Sage.
There’s no sign that hangs on to youth with more fervency and determination than Sagittarius. To keep that youthful appearance and disposition going as you travel the world in search of yet another experience, drink a tea made of Anise, Rosemary, and Vervain. To aid in making your dreams more prophetic than they already are, use Mugwort. Burn clove incense to attract the wealth you’ll need to pay for your travels.
To make another person fall in love with you, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxing moon.
- 1 pinch of rosemary
- 2 teaspoons of black ordinary breakfast tea
- 3 pinches thyme
- 3 pinches nutmeg
- 3 fresh mint leaves
- 6 fresh rose petals
- 6 lemon leaves
- 3 cups pure spring water
- Sugar to taste
- Honey for sweetness
Place all ingredients in an earthenware or copper tea kettle. Boil three cups of pure spring water and add to the kettle. Sweeten with sugar and honey.
While the tea is steeping, recite this magical rhyme:
By the light of the moon I brew this tea
to make (lover’s name) desire me.
Drink some of the tea and say:
Goddess of Love hear now my plea
let (lover’s name) desire me!
On the following Friday, brew another pot of the love potion tea and give some to the person you want to love you. He or she will soon begin to fall in love with you.
- 6 drops of Patchouli oil
- 6 drops of Sandalwood oil
- 6 drops of Rose oil
- 6 drops of Clove oil
- 6 drops of Nutmeg oil
- 6 drops of Olive oil
Wear as a perfume whenever you’ll be in the presence of the person you’re trying to attract. Be careful, this stuff is really potent. And don’t be surprised if you find others eyeing you as well. This is very effective for getting a man’s attention, substitute amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a woman.