
To support physical or emotional healing, fill an organza sachet with a rainbow aura quartz, nine apple seeds, and a pinch of angelica root. Tie closed and anoint with essential oil of ylang ylang.

Hold it in both hands and envision/sense/feel the powerfully positive, rainbow-colored energy of the unicorn realm.

Feel that magic is real, miracles happen, and anything is possible, including a swift and complete recovery. Send this sure and solid feeling into the charm.

Source: Tess Whitehurst

In addition to its cleansing abilities, angelica possesses a strong protective aspect. Here’s how to make an Angelica floorwash:

  • Make a strong infusion from dried angelica.
  • Strain out the herbs.

Add the infusion, together with some white or rice vinegar, to a bucket of wash water to cleanse floors and surfaces.


Although the liquid is called floorwash, technically it refers to the final rinse used to clean a floor or other interior surfaces. It should not be removed but allowed to air-dry, so that its power radiates into the surrounding atmosphere. In other words, the floor should be clean before applying the floor wash.

Traditional methods call for you to scrub the floor on your hands and knees. The repetitive motion and low concentration level needed allow for a shift in consciousness to take place. Incorporating a chant as you wash will boost the powers of the wash and help your goal to manifest even faster. Remember to be as specific as possible in the wording of your chant.

Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

The famous Carmelite Water, first made by 17th century Carmelite nuns was used to treat nervous headache and neuralgia. It combined lemon balm with lemon-peel, nutmeg, coriander and angelica root. Here’s a recipe with a magickal twist:

  • 1 bunch of lemon balm leaves
  • the rind of one small lemon
  • 2 sprigs sweet marjoram (or 1/2 teaspoon of dried)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 5 cloves
  • 1 nutmeg, grated
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • piece of angelica root the length of your little finger
  • 1 pint brandy, vodka, or other spirits

On the New Moon, bruise the herbs in a mortar and pestle. Put them in a pint jar and fill with your chosen spirits. Let sit in a warm, dark place for two weeks, shaking daily. Strain, filter, and put up in a pint (8 oz) bottle. The longer you let this sort of tincture sit, the better it will taste. Store in a cool, dark place.

Use to improve the complexion or as a compress in fevers. To make a cologne, use spirits of wine instead of brandy or vodka and add 20% water to the final produce.

From: Alchemy Works

goat's milk homemade soap bath bar

  • 1 cup grated unscented soap
  • ¼ cup hot water
  • 1 Tbsp. Apricot oil
  • 1 Tbsp. Angelica
  • ½ Tbsp. crushed Bay
  • ½ Tbsp. crushed Basil
  • 6 drops Myrrh oil

Place grated soap in a heat-proof non-metallic container and add the hot water and apricot oil. Leave until it is cool enough to handle, and then mix together with your hands. If the soap is floating on the water, add more soap. Leave to sit for 10 minutes, mixing occasionally, until the soap is soft and mushy.

Once the soap, water, and oil are blended completely, add the dry ingredients. Once the mixture is cool, then add the essential oils (essential oils evaporate quickly in heat). Enough essential oils should be added to overcome the original scent of the soap.

Blend thoroughly and then divide the soap mixture into four to six pieces. Squeeze the soaps, removing as much excess water as possible into the shape you desire, and tie in a cheesecloth. Hang in a warm, dry place until the soap is completely hard and dry.

From: The Real Witches’ Kitchen

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