This incense blend is a non-combustible powdered incense blend that you will need to burn on a charcoal block. Charcoal blocks can be purchased at most metaphysical stores and also online. You will need a mortar and pestle to grind your ingredients and tin or jar to keep the incense dry and fresh. The recipe is as follows:
- 2 parts frankincense
- 2 parts sandalwood (powdered)
- 1 part cinnamon (powdered)
- 1⁄4 part sweet orange Essential Oil
- 1 part juniper berries (dried or fresh)
- 1⁄2 part lemongrass (dried)
- 1⁄2 part yarrow (dried)
In a mortar and pestle, powder your frankincense as finely as possible. Combine the frankincense with the sandalwood and cinnamon until blended. Set aside. In the mortar and pestle, crush the juniper berries. They will be fairly easy to crush if they are dried. If they are fresh, freeze them for 30 min or more and then crush them–they will crush much easier. Crush your lemongrass and yarrow separately. Combine all ingredients, including sweet orange essential oil, in the mortar and pestle and blend thoroughly. Enjoy!
Source: Druid’s Garden
You’ll need a few large apples, cinnamon, yarrow, spring water, salt, and an enameled or cast-iron saucepan.
Concentrate on your goal while preparing this potion:
- Slice the apples place them into the saucepan, coat with cinnamon, and cover with yarrow.
- Put in enough water to submerge the contents and add a small sprinkling of salt.
- Stir clockwise on low heat, incanting a love charm of your own making.
- Bring to a simmer for about 90 minutes, strain and place into a dark jar.
- Put a few drops into your favorite aftershave or cologne and wear it every 4 days.
- The magic stays after the scent fades.
Source unknown
Add the following ingredients to 1/8 cup of jojoba oil. As you mix the oils, inhale the aroma and visualize the intended purpose for the blend. For best results, use therapeutic grade organic oils instead of synthetics.
- 4 drops Palmarosa
- 1 drop Chamomile
- 1 drop Yarrow
You can wear Cancer oil when the moon is in Cancer, and also when the Sun is in Cancer. If you are a Cancer, wear the blend to increase your personal power.
Note: This post was written by Shirley Twofeathers for Gypsy Magic, and has been moved to its new home here at The Magickal Apothecary. You may repost and share it only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.
This bath will aid in sinus relief and cold symptoms, increase metabolism and ease muscular pain. It is a very rejuvenating bath.
- 1/2 cup yarrow flowers
- 1/2 cup elder flowers
- 1/2 cup mint leaves
- 1/2 cup rose petals
Place in a cheesecloth or nylon bundle and let seep in the bath for a few minutes and enjoy. The bundle can be used to gently scrub the body as well.
Note: You can also prepare a hot infusion of chamomile, yarrow flowers , elder flowers and mint leaves to drink while in the bath.