Daily Archives: January 20, 2018

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. The sun enters Aquarius at slightly different times each year, usually around Jan 21, sometimes the day before or the day after.

  • Symbol: The Water Carrier
  • Element: Air
  • Gemstone: Amethyst
  • Keyword: I Know

Aquarians are believed to be sympathetic, peace-loving, and strong-willed. They are independent, tolerant, broad-minded, intellectual humanitarians. Aquarians are progressive thiners, and are constantly looking ahead. They sometimes give the impression of being detached or aloof, as they can remove their emotions from everyday events.

From 365 Goddess, we have this for today:
  • Themes: Justice; Tradition; Zeal; Femininity
  • Symbols: Fire; Water
  • Number: Nine
  • Presiding Goddess: Oya

About Oya:

A Yoruban mother goddess and spirit of the river Niger. Oya flows with us through the last day of January, strengthening our passion for and appreciation of life. She is wild and irrepressible, like the fire she’s said to have created, yet Oya presides over matters of fairness and custom, using that fire as the light of truth. Artistic depictions of Oya show a nine-headed woman whose bosom speaks of fertile femininity.

To Do Today:

Enjoy a glass of water when you get up to begin generating Oya’s zest for life in your body and soul. This is also very suited to the energies of the day. Aquarius represents the Water Bearer who continually pours inspiring, creative waters from celestial spheres into our lives.

Get out and do something today. Invoke Oya through your pleasure and pure excitement. Dare to dream; then try to make that dream come true somehow.

If there’s some area in your life that needs more equity, try making this Oya charm:

Take any small candle and carve Oya’s name into it. Have a glass of water nearby. Light the candle to invoke the goddess. Hold the water over the candle, saying:

What injustice consumes,
Oya’s waters quell.

Drop a little water on the candle, then trim off the taper, carrying it with you to draw justice to you.

More About the Sun in Aquarius:

The Sun is in Aquarius from approximately January 20 to February 18, depending on the year.

  • Ruler: Uranus
  • Modality: Fixed
  • Season: Winter
  • Metal: Uranium
  • Stone: Amethyst
  • Color: Sky Blue
  • Flowers: Violet; Carnation; Lily
  • Anatomy: Ankles, shins, circulation
  • Attributes: individualistic, assertive, independent, humanitarian, inventive, original, eccentric, opinionated, intellectual, idealistic, cool, friendly, detached

One of the standout characteristics of those born under the Sun Sign of Aquarius is their unwillingness to follow the beaten track. With advancement and progress on their minds, there can be an irreverence to old and outdated ways of thinking and doing things.

Many Aquarians aim to free themselves of personal and social conditioning. Although open to change in theory, Aquarians can be surprisingly stubborn. Their idealism runs strong, but they can be very fixed in their opinions.

Often a bit aloof and even standoffish, Aquarians nonetheless are usually well-liked. They are curious and observant, and tolerant in a broad sense. Prejudice and bias is offensive to the typical Aquarius.

Aquarians are generally very clever, witty, and intellectual. They value progress and frankness. It’s difficult to throw Aquarians for a loop—they’re generally on top of things.

There is a bit of reformer in Aquarius. They’ll try to get you to see through superficiality, and encourage you to be open and forthright. “Be true to yourself” and “Don’t follow the crowd” are mottos we easily associate with this sign.

Aquarians need space and value personal freedom. Any attempt to box them in will likely fail. They’ll happily return the favor; and they will treat people from all walks of life as equals. Equality and fairness are hallmarks of the sign. If you’re quirky and “different”, all the better.

Source: Cafe Astrology

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