
The Detoxification Technique.

The Japanese word doku means “poison” or “toxin” and the word ge means “to bring down.” This technique is used to detoxify a client or yourself.

Here’s how:

  • Place one hand on the tanden and the other behind it on the lower back.
  • Leave your hands there for 13 minutes while simultaneously imagining all the toxins leaving the body of the Reiki receiver.
  • Encourage the person receiving treatment to also imagine all the toxins leaving the body.

You can imagine that the toxins are flowing out through the bottoms of the feet into the care of Mother Earth for purification and recycling.

When complete, give the client a glass of Reiki charged water, and encourage them to drink plenty of water for the next 3 or 4 days to facilitate the detox.

Also suggest an Epsom salts bath to be taken that evening. This will leach the released toxins out of the system, and the person will be physically more comfortable the next day.

You might also mention that a detox may have a physical effect on the body. The person might experience a “healing crisis” as the body adjusts.

If Gedoku-ho is done at the end of a Reiki treatment, or if it is done as a stand alone treatment, remember to sweep and seal the aura, and detach yourself.

If Gedoku-ho is done at the beginning, or middle of the session, you would then continue with the treatment. Always follow your inner guidance and allow yourself to be directed by Spirit.

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

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