Add the following ingredients to 1/8 cup of sesame oil. Visualize the Goddess as you mix the essential oils and inhale the fragrance. For best results, use therapeutic grade organic oils instead of synthetics.


  • 3 drops Myrrh
  • 2 drops Cypress
  • 1 drop Sandalwood
  • 1 dried Mugwort leaf (optional)

This blend can be worn during the Waning Moon to honor Hekate, Goddess of the Fading Crescent. It can also be worn during rituals and magicks having to do with death, intuitive wisdom, dreams, divination, witchcraft, transition, child birth, and gateways or passages to other realms.

Note: Be cautious in the use of this blend as Mugwort is quite powerful and used in excess can be dangerous. A mint leaf can be used as a substitute for the Mugwort.

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