Is the ability to channel Reiki ever lost?

The following question was taken from a lecture given by Hawayo Takata in 1975 which was held at the Trinity Metaphysical Center in Redwood City, CA. Reverend Beth Gray, pastor of the center, presented questions from an audience compiled entirely of Takata’s Reiki students.

Reverend Beth Gray: “If, for some reason one fails to do Reiki for a period of a month or so, does one lose the power?”

Hawayo Takata: “That’s a good question. No. Once you have the contact … through me … and that is everybody who is here. (see note below) Reiki stays with you everlasting. But, it may, it may not, when you are tired, have the full charge come out at one time. You will become quiet, because your battery down here has run down.

So, what do you do to yourself? One, and Two, and Three, and Four (the first four positions of the first Reiki pattern). Your Foundation Treatment (the first four positions) has to be done so that you recharge your own battery. And when that is finished … and then when you try to treat people, your energy goes up, because you are filled, you are not empty.

A lady that was … had no children, learned Reiki and she treated her husband, who was a professor of a university, and in a few months he got well. And they decided that Reiki was wonderful. His vitality was high. He was treating himself. She was treating herself. But actually, she did not have any patient, or did not work on anybody for seven years.

And one morning, when she was going to town, a seven-year-old boy was on his way to school, and when he got at the train station he ran out of the train and then he slipped on the platform. And when he slipped on the platform … this was winter … cold … and he began to have bleeding nose, bleeding nose. And this woman, out of kindness, she said, ‘Oh, how very, very unfortunate that this little youngster got hurt.’ And so she ran to him, and she pinched his nose, and treated the back of the nape of the neck for stopping the bleeding nose.

Just because this was an accident she didn’t have to go through the performance of One, Two, Three, Four, but it was an acute accident … happen now, so she went right to the nose and stopped the bleeding. And she was so happy about this result. So, she stopped on her way to, this place of, to the studio of Reiki Center and she made her report, saying that, ‘I still have Reiki after seven years of no use.’ And so she said, ‘I believe that Reiki is everlasting.’

Reiki is everlasting. There’s only one way you can lose and that is, I have said and I have warned you, that no matter how great you become or what an expert in treating and healing, that you cannot teach unless, you go up to the higher degrees. What you have learned is the First Degree. But, with the First Degree it is good enough to give you protection and also you can help yourself and others.”


At the time of this lecture, Hawayo Takata was the only Reiki Master teaching in the West; hence her response, “Once you have the contact (attunement) … through me…and that is everybody who is here …”

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