

This botanical powder makes no promises about bringing good fortune but allegedly counteracts bad luck and protects from its effects. Nine, seven, and five are numbers of protection – incorporate these numbers into the quantities of botanicals used.

Blend the following ingredients, grinding them together:

  • Nine dried bay leaves crumbled
  • Frankincense
  • Juniper berries
  • Cloves
  • Dried dill
  • Dried fennel
  • Dried tarragon

Make substantial quantities. Carry some with you in a mojo bag, while keeping more within the home as fragrant, protective potpourri.

Found in: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells


  • 3 cups fresh Juniper Sprigs -with berries
  • 2 cups red Rosebuds
  • 1 cups Bay Leaves
  • 1/4 cup Cinnamon chips
  • 2 tablespoons Cloves
  • 10 drops Rose Oil
  • 3 drops Pine Oil
  • 6 drops Cinnamon Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Orrisroot chips
  • 5 whole dried Rose Blossoms
  • 3 three-inch Cinnamon sticks
  • 20 assorted Pinecones, painted gold (the gold paint is optional)

Combine the juniper, rosebuds, bay leaves, cinnamon chips, cloves, and cones in a big ceramic bowl. In a separate dish, mix the oils with the orrisroot. Stir this mixture into the first one and put into a closed container to mellow for a few weeks, stirring occasionally. Place the potpourri in a dish and scatter the roses blossoms and cinnamon sticks on top.

~Author Unknown


  • 3 tbsp frankincense
  • 3 drops orange oil
  • 3 tbsp crushed juniper berries
  • 1 – 2  tbsp dried mistletoe leaves

In a small bowl or with mortar and pestle blend frankincense with orange and juniper oils. Add crushed juniper berries and mistletoe, and mix until blended. Burn on a charcoal block. Mistletoe berries are poisonous when ingested, so exercise caution.


5a7867e6ca8e83e6bd851bdf0a1cdd10Soak in this mixture at night to cure you of all ills:

  • 4 parts Rosemary
  • 3 parts Juniper
  • 2 parts Bay
  • 1 part Mugwort

Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, put them in a large mixing bowl and mix with your hands. Place a handful or so in a large square of muslin or other porous fabric and tie up the ends. Add this to your bath. To save time, make several bath sachets and store them in a jar with a tight lid until needed.

If you prefer showers to a bath, simply tie the herbs in a washcloth and scrub yourself with the mixture after your regular shower and before toweling.

Source: Ancient Wisdom

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