Plea For Help

Healing Your Dog

Place your dog in a comfortable position or let it find its own spot in which to lie down.

Sit beside your dog and pray for a circle of gold light to be placed around you both for protection, and for a circle of blue light to be placed around you and your dog for healing. Then say the Lord’s Prayer. (The Gypsy version can be found here.)

Place your hands palms down over your pet. Visualize yellow light, then blue, green, indigo, and violet rays permeating your hands and then passing into your pet’s body.

End by asking for a cloak of spiritual protection to be placed around your pet to protect and keep it from harm.
This can be repeated several times a day.

From: The Good Spell Book

To Heal A Cat Wound

To heal a cat after it’s been in a fight, the Romanies recommend that you first light a blue candle. Place your cat on your lap or let the cat find its own comfortable place to lie. Soothe it with loving strokes until it purrs or appears relaxed and comfortable enough to stay put for five or ten minutes.

Close your eyes and pray for a spirit vet to work through your hands. After a few minutes you should feel heat emanating from your palms. You may then feel your hands being guided to various parts of your cat’s body. Direct them to where they are drawn.

Imagine the colors of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple – streaming into the cat.

Finish by thanking the spirit vet who used your hands to channel healing energy. Then say, Kitten scrap scrabble scrap, before giving your cat a kiss to seal the spell.

Source: The Good Spell Book

River of Dreams

A way to determine whom you will marry is to use a bowl of water and a flat stick. The bowl should be earthenware and should be filled at least half full of water that has been taken from a flowing stream. A flat stick or piece of wood is then laid across the bowl, from one edge to the other. This represents a bridge over a river or stream.

On the night of a Full Moon, place the bowl of water and stick underneath your bed. Just before you sleep, concentrate your thoughts on an actual footbridge over a stream. Tell yourself that you will dream of it that night. Not only will you dreams of the bridge, but you will dream of yourself crossing the bridge and, halfway over, falling off into the water. But you have no fear, someone will come and rescue you.

With these expectations, built up in your mind throughout the day and then reinforced just before you sleep, you should have no trouble actually having that dream. The trick then is to remember when you wake who it was who came to your rescue and pulled you from the water. That person is your future spouse.


Gypsy Prayer To The Virgin


The following short prayer to the Virgin, which I have frequently heard amongst the Gypsies of Hungary and Transylvania, will serve as a specimen of their language.

Gula Devla, da me saschipo. Swuntuna Devla, da me bacht t’aldaschis cari me jav; te ferin man, Devla, sila ta niapaschiata, chungale manuschendar, ke me jav ande drom ca hin man traba; ferin man, Devia; ma mek man Devla, ke manga man tre Devies-key.

Sweet Goddess, give me health. Holy Goddess, give me luck and grace wherever I go; and help me, Goddess, powerful and immaculate, from ugly men, that I may go in the road to the place I purpose: help me, Goddess; forsake me not, Goddess, for I pray for God’s sake.

From: The Zincali by George Barrow

Lord’s Prayer in the Gypsy Dialect

516063ca1edfb8f472924ad0d7ee22bfHere is the Lord’s Prayer in the Gypsy Dialect of Transylvania:

Miro gulo Devel, savo hal oté ando Cheros,
te avel swuntunos tiro nav;
te avel catari tiro tem;
te keren saro so cames oppo puv,
sar ando Cheros.
Dé man sekhonus miro diveskoe manro,
ta ierta mangue saro so na he plaskerava tuke,
sar me ierstavava wafo manuschengue saro so na plaskerelen mangue.
Ma muk te petrow ando chungalo camoben;
tama lel man abri saro doschdar.
Weika tiro sin o tem,
tiri yi potea,
tiri yi proslava akana ta sekovar.


And here is the English Translation:

My sweet God,
who art there in Heaven,
may thy name come hallowed;
may thy kingdom come hither;
may they do all that thou wishest upon earth,
as in Heaven.
Give me to-day my daily bread,
and forgive me all that I cannot pay thee,
as I shall forgive other men all that they do not pay me.
Do not let me fall into evil desire;
but take me out from all wickedness.
For thine is the kingdom,
thine the power,
thine the glory now and ever.


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