
Out With The Old

besom-enchantedworksIf you think deeply about the start of any period of bad luck, you will find that there is some object that you acquired round about then or that you used or wore quite a lot. Maybe it is something that brings back recollections of an unhappy event. It can be an ornament, an item of clothing, a photograph, or even a kitchen utensil.

Place the said object near the back door of the house. Then, using a broom, and starting at the top of the house or in the room furthest from the back door, sweep each room in turn, working in a counter clockwise direction. As you work, visualize darkness being swept away in front of you. The darkness is black heavy clouds of bad luck. It can’t resist your broom. While you sweep, say,

“I banish the dark clouds from my home, bad luck be gone, there is no place here for you. Be gone, be gone, be gone!”

Any dust can be swept on to a shovel and taken with you as you go. Do each room in turn until you reach the back door, then put all the sweepings into a bag outside. Take the object previously mentioned and break or tear it, venting all your anger and frustration. Put the pieces into the bag with the dust. Sprinkle the contents with salt, saying,

“By this salt, cleansing gift of the earth, I render you powerless.”

Now bury the bag. If it is at all possible, bury it at a crossroads or by running water, but if this is not practical bury it in the garden or at the bottom of the rubbish bin. Before covering the bag with earth, or rubbish, sprinkle it with salt, making a pattern of a cross within a circle, saying,

“By this salt, by this sign you are gone from my life.”

Now reversing the order of the rooms, from the back door to the top of the house walk round each room clockwise with a lighted candle, preferably colored pink or gold, and a lighted incense stick perfumed amber or rose (or a scent that you really love). Alternatively if there is a particular perfume (or essential oil) that makes you feel happy, use that. As you walk, say,

“I bring light, joy, luck, and love into every corner of my home and life.”

Visualize each room being filled with bright golden light, every corner bursting with hope and joy. When you have done, return to the room most often used and leave the candle and incense to burn out naturally. Take time to enjoy the new feeling of happiness filling your home.

From: Gypsy Magic
by Patrinella Cooper

Bringing Money Home

a4f26af883967c37ac0464c4fffe0366Here is a spell for bringing money right through your front door:

When the moon is new, sprinkle a $1, $10, $20 or $50 bill with cinnamon and then secretly place it underneath the front doormat inside your home.

It will be charged with positive energy every time someone walks over it. The greater the value of the bill, the larger your returns could be. The money should only be removed when the moon is full; otherwise you will attract unexpected expense to your door.

From: The Good Spell Book

Your Heart’s Desire

your-heart-desireYou have met someone you desire. According to the Romanies this spell will ensure that he or she responds.

First, gather a fresh rose and two red candles, and find out the time of sunrise the next morning. Just before you go to sleep, place a red candle on each side of the rose.

The next morning at sunrise, take the rose outside or sit by an open window facing east, keeping the rose in front of you. Inhale the perfume and say aloud:

This red rose is for true love.
True love come to me.

Now go back indoors and put the rose in its original position. Light the candles, and imagine love burning in the heart of the one you long for. Keep the candles lit day and night until the rose fades. (If they are extinguished, the incantation will be broken.) When the rose is dead, pinch out the candles, and bury the rose.

Source: The Good Spell Book

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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
