
Gypsy Iron Protection Spell


This spell can be used to improve the health of an elderly person as well as to keep harm away from someone who is housebound.


Take a horseshoe or an iron nail and bless it by immersing it in salty water. Bury it in the garden of the sick person or in a potted plant. Leave the tip poking out of the earth, to act as a conductor to disperse the energy.

When you bury it, say:

Ill health I do tell,
Run through this iron.
(name of person) is free and well.

Found in: The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Spell To Have An Object Returned


These are easy remedies that will help you to regain an object that someone has failed to return.

Pick a convenient time of day when you will be able to sit undisturbed for five minutes. Use the power of your will to bring the object back to you. If your will is strong, the thief will begin to feel uncomfortable, and will finally bring the missing item to you.

Another method is to place an iron nail on a window-sill. It should be pointed north, south, west, or east, in whichever direction the person who has the object lives. Simply will the object back every time you look at the nail. When the object has been returned the nail should be buried or restored to the tool kit it came from.

Another Romany remedy is to place a rose beside an object similar to the one that is missing. Love, symbolized by the rose, will prick someone’s conscience and the object will be returned. Because you want the person’s conscience to be pricked – be sure the rose is NOT a thornless variety.

From: The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Spell For Good Fortune


To encourage Good fortune, on Midsummer Night’s Eve take an orange, to represent the sun, and a lemon, which symbolizes the moon. Press cloves (representing brown wooden nails) into the skin of the fruit. The cloves purge any misfortune that the first have of the year may have brought and ensure that the second half of the year will be trouble free.

From: The Good Spell Book

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