Basic Concepts

A Note About Love Spells

One point needs to be emphasized! You must never try to interfere with another’s free will. We are all individuals, each with our own lives to lead. During your lifetime there may well be times when you feel especially attracted to a particular person and feel strongly tempted to work magick to gain that person’s love. If you go ahead and perform that magick, then what you are doing is akin to rape!

Working magick is making things happen… making things happen. To make someone fall in love with you, then, is to force them to fall in love with you, to go against their free will. How would you feel if you knew you had been forced to love someone you didn’t naturally care for?

So what can you do if you feel strongly about a particular person? The answer is to work on yourself, magickally or however, to make yourself so attractive that the person (or perhaps someone else, someone even better that you hadn’t realized was around) will fall for you naturally.

~Raymond Buckland

The First Step

The first step towards performing any magic, or fortune-telling, is to recognize and harness the Zee. This needs much less effort than you might expect, in fact it takes complete relaxation.


On a village green in Norfolk, there is a bench carved with the words,

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
sometimes I just sits.”

The Gypsy people spend much of their time doing hard physical work, but when given the chance they are very good at both the above-mentioned activities, or should I say inactivities.

You may wonder what this has to do with magic, but it is surprising what great ideas, what insight and inspirations spring from the subconscious when you sit for ten minutes without the distraction of radio or TV.

From: Gypsy Magic

The Zee Energy

Michael Whelan - Paysage et nuages

It is an inspired truth, common among most pantheistic and so-called primitive religions of the world, that there is a great primeval intelligence, an energy that gives life and form to every particle of the universe. The archetype gods and goddesses are all part of this great intelligence, each having dominion over a different aspect of life.

Each star and planet is a sentient being, capable of manifesting in human form if necessary, as is each individual feature of the landscape. Each tree, each plant, even the stones on the ground are all given life and awareness through their roles in this great intelligence, as of course is animal life, from the most minute creature, to man himself.

Because all creation is part of this great god energy, everything is worthy of respect, and because all matter is connected through this energy we can tune into and use it through prayer and magic.

The life force, the first primeval god, has been rediscovered several times in recent years. It has been called by various names: prana, chi, viril, telluric energy, earth energy, the ether, among many others. Just as the blood in our bodies permeates every corpuscle of flesh but is concentrated in the veins, so the god energy is concentrated in ley lines, or the dragon paths of feng shui. These currents of energy are known to most cultures of the world by various names.

The Romany name for the life force energy is “mi douvals zee”. Which means the heart, or life, of God.

From: Gypsy Magic

Recognizing the Power of the Universe


In order to use the great power that permeates every atom of the universe and breathes life into the world around us, we must first learn to recognize it. Too often we take the workings of nature for granted and ignore, or are ignorant of the everyday miracles that enable life to continue on this small planet of ours.

Living and working as we do in the controlled atmosphere of houses, offices, factories or shops, travelling in the comfort of motor vehicles, we lose touch with the rhythm of the seasons and phases of the moon that are so important to us all for food and growth. Even people engaged in agriculture are in a constant battle against nature instead of working with her, especially since intensive livestock rearing and the growing of engineered vegetable crops are now the norm.

Because civilization has moved so far from the natural world, a conscious effort must be made to regain the sense of wonder that comes from observing the vitality in plants and animals, to feel the undercurrents in the air as subtle changes occur throughout the year.

Science has worked hard to uncover the secrets of the universe. Through modern techniques, what once was mysterious has become open, even commonplace. As a result the world has become rather two-dimensional, lacking the hidden depths that the human psyche needs to grow and flourish. For too many people life has lost its purpose; it has no meaning. they work hard, overeat, worry too much about their diet. They may take a holiday once or twice a year, and bring up children, but too often there is an empty space where their souls should be.

They try to fill the gap with frantic activity, sports, hobbies, buying ever more expensive consumer goods, but there is a lack of respect and consideration, first for the environment, and then for each other. This leads to an increasingly selfish, crime-ridden society, and an earth that is slowly dying.

Although scientists would like you to think that they know just about everything there is to know about the workings of nature, the so-called solutions proffered often leave many more questions unanswered. For instance, the theory that the universe started with a ‘big bang’ doesn’t explain where the original matter that exploded into the stars and planets came from in the first place. The mechanics of how a seed grows into a tree, or an egg into a bird can be explained but not how or where the spark of life that provides awareness comes from.

Don’t forget that even something as accepted as Darwin’s theory of evolution is still just a theory and may be disproved by further research. Scientists are constantly reassessing and discarding old truths as new data becomes available. Once you start to question the recognized dogma of our time you will have taken the first step to regaining awareness of the life force that is sometimes called the power of magic.

~from Gypsy Magic
by Patrinella Cooper

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